
just came out from where? i don't see that on the news...and i use 9 different news services, all top rated for fairness and accuracy, because i don't like being lied to...
i'll believe you about the Steele dossier if you can provide ONE REPUTABLE link...just fucking one from AP, Reuters, Aljazeera, NPR, WSJ, WA-PO.....a source where people are checked, and crossed checked? anything peer reviewed?....i'm waiting
That's why you are ignorant . Yes the FBI was actively covering up the hunter laptop story.
I remember when Russia Russia was harped on continuously and it is a fraud fraud Hunters laptop kept being Russian disi formation. Well the Russia collusion narrative fell apart as a frame up by the intelligence services and Democrat party and the laptop was hyped by the fbi as Russian disk formation now we all know it's true , to I clide rhe videos of child molesting by Hunter on the laptop. We have known for a long time what was up. Do you k ow what they do to child molesters in prison? The problem is they get pro.oted to higher positions in government so they can be easily controlled.
Mo epstien did not kill himself and no Trump was not his friend. He was banned from all Trump properties.
Maxwells-epstiens client list needs to be released. The reason it is not is because of who is on that list
that sounds like horseshit straight from the horses ass...why don't you go back and provide some corroborating proof for the last dozen ridiculous statements you've already made? it sure seems like you can't do that, and are trying to provide a distraction to hide the fact you can't find any proof for any of the dumbass things you've already parroted back from the republican/fascist party playbook...
There is so much hard proof of the statements I said and it is so readily available in the news you should already know it if you were not ignorant
That's why you are ignorant . Yes the FBI was actively covering up the hunter laptop story.
I remember when Russia Russia was harped on continuously and it is a fraud fraud Hunters laptop kept being Russian disi formation. Well the Russia collusion narrative fell apart as a frame up by the intelligence services and Democrat party and the laptop was hyped by the fbi as Russian disk formation now we all know it's true , to I clide rhe videos of child molesting by Hunter on the laptop. We have known for a long time what was up. Do you k ow what they do to child molesters in prison? The problem is they get pro.oted to higher positions in government so they can be easily controlled.
Mo epstien did not kill himself and no Trump was not his friend. He was banned from all Trump properties.
Maxwells-epstiens client list needs to be released. The reason it is not is because of who is on that list
I don't have to link them, ignorance is a choice in your case.
wow, not only are you stupid, you're lazy too...
i've read everything you've read, and more, and the only time it hasn't been from reputable, reliable sources, has been when i'm looking into some horseshit stupid claim or statement from someone like you, who throws the word ignorant around without truly understanding what it means apparently.
your refusal to back up your statements makes your statements bullshit. that's how it works...i can say your mama is a dirty whore, but unless i can back it up, it means nothing...you saying anything about hunter's laptop, or trump's economy, or Bidens performance is just your horsehsit stupid opinion, without facts to back it up...which you consistently are unable to supply...you're full of shit. proof, or you're a liar, an idiot, or both...i'm voting for both
That's why you are ignorant . Yes the FBI was actively covering up the hunter laptop story.
I remember when Russia Russia was harped on continuously and it is a fraud fraud Hunters laptop kept being Russian disi formation. Well the Russia collusion narrative fell apart as a frame up by the intelligence services and Democrat party and the laptop was hyped by the fbi as Russian disk formation now we all know it's true , to I clide rhe videos of child molesting by Hunter on the laptop. We have known for a long time what was up. Do you k ow what they do to child molesters in prison? The problem is they get pro.oted to higher positions in government so they can be easily controlled.
Mo epstien did not kill himself and no Trump was not his friend. He was banned from all Trump properties.
Maxwells-epstiens client list needs to be released. The reason it is not is because of who is on that list
And how is Hunter of interest in terms of running a country? And in a war thread?