The Junk Drawer

Ultimately, yes but not nearly similar. We were supposed to be united under one to stop warring; did we?
After the schism of 1054 (the year of the Crab supernova) it all went downhill. (Crusades followed soon after, calcifying the church of Rome.) 500 years after that … even downhiller.

What fascinated me was the terminology. You put Christian Church in quote marks, and I’m curious what you mean by that.
A guy walks into a new bar and orders a drink. He notices a large 5-gallon glass bottle at the end of the bar and it’s stuffed with $10 bills. He asks the bartender what the story is behind the jar full of money. The bartender fills him in. “Oh that’s for a running bet we have here. If you but $10 in the jar and can complete three tasks, you get all the money.” The fella is intrigued and asks, “So what are the three tasks?” “Sorry pal,” says the bartender, “you have to put the money in before I can tell you what the tasks are.” The guy thinks for a second, shrugs his shoulders and says to himself, it’s only $10, why not give it a try.

So he puts in his $10 and asks the bartender what the three tasks are. “Well the first one is you have to drink a quart of vodka straight down with no tears and you can’t throw up. The second task has to do with Clyde. He’s the alligator in the back. He has a bad tooth and you have to pull it.” The guy begins to cringe in an anticipation of what the third task could possibly be. “Your third task concerns old Sadie. She’s a “lady of the evening” and lives upstairs and is over 90 years old. She hasn’t “been” with anyone for over 50 years so you have to make love to her.”

After careful consideration the guy steels his strength and says, “Ok, give me the vodka.” He grabs the bottle and drinks it down in one continuous gulp after another. As he finishes the bottle he begins to quiver and his eyes get misty, but not a tear falls. After the successful completion of the first task they point him to the back door to take care of Clyde the alligator. When he goes out back they hear an awful commotion, yelling, screaming, bodies thumping the ground, it’s terrible. After a few minutes they’re surprised to see the guy come back through the door. He’s bloody from head to foot with cuts and scratches all over his body and he’s completely exhausted. After a few deep breaths he says, “Ok, now show me where the old prostitute is with the bad tooth.”
After the schism of 1054 (the year of the Crab supernova) it all went downhill. (Crusades followed soon after, calcifying the church of Rome.) 500 years after that … even downhiller.

What fascinated me was the terminology. You put Christian Church in quote marks, and I’m curious what you mean by that.

I'm talking about the scammers like the Mega Church.
I'm talking about the scammers like the Mega Church.
they're all scammers...from the smallest chapel in a tiny village, to the biggest mega church that requires shuttles to get back and forth to your car.
the parishioners are deluded, and the preachers are crooks, control freaks, pedophiles, and worse...
i'm not an atheist, i believe in some kind of guiding intelligence to the universe...but i don't think it wants us to give one red cent to any church anywhere, ever, nor do i believe we should be taking the advice of people who can't seem to keep their hands off of children, or married parishioners...or bothering other people to "save" them...why would any kind of deity create a race of people then tell them they're doomed unless they tell him how much they love him, and promise him unwavering fealty? god is a multidimensional being, not a narcissist named trump
It sounds cool, but the word sonification is a red flag. It is used when nonacoustic data are transduced to sound, so that our auditory cortex can perform its magic.

In this instance, radio information was sonified. It does sound cool.

More radio sonified.

WOW! That was crazy. I recognized the sound of Earth immediately- the worlds, planes, trains mixed in with sounds of war.