Is Biden really that bad?

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I haven't read the details of the latest legislation. I'm accstomed to nothing happening. Nothing good anyway.

that's not really an issue, no one is seriously considering her running, but if she did, she would still give trump a run for his money, because she's not a traitorous thief who tried to set themselves up as dictator and turn America into the third world country they seem so fascinated with...
And yet, “ The traitorous thief” is walking around free as a bird. See this where y’all miss it .. It’s a game that big boys and big girls play at everyone else expense. If Bill, Hillary and another half dozen, (throw Dick and daughter Chaney in it as well as G.Bush ) for entrenching us in Iraq for “country rebuilding”, if they didn’t didn’t go to jail then ain’t no one going to jail, You’re pawns and nothing else.
And yet, “ The traitorous thief” is walking around free as a bird. See this where y’all miss it .. It’s a game that big boys and big girls play at everyone else expense. If Bill, Hillary and another half dozen, (throw Dick and daughter Chaney in it as well as G.Bush ) for entrenching us in Iraq for “country rebuilding”, if they didn’t didn’t go to jail then ain’t no one going to jail, You’re pawns and nothing else.
ok...w/e you say. arguing with people like you is a waste of time, so i'm just not going to bother. w/e you say, that's just fine, and we'll see who is upset come november.
that's not really an issue, no one is seriously considering her running, but if she did, she would still give trump a run for his money, because she's not a traitorous thief who tried to set themselves up as dictator and turn America into the third world country they seem so fascinated with...

You should go hunting with Liz Cheney's father.
that's not really an issue, no one is seriously considering her running, but if she did, she would still give trump a run for his money, because she's not a traitorous thief who tried to set themselves up as dictator and turn America into the third world country they seem so fascinated with...

No one is everyone and nothing is all, therefore there are people including herself with thoughts of running.
But you cheated. Remember?
Trump admitted he lost and knew it, people testified under oath to it and he accidentally admitted it in public a couple of times. That's what all the crimes and domestic terrorism are about, the racist suckers who want and need to believe bullshit are being bitch slapped silly by reality. Sometimes reality is a bitch, as Donald is finding out and his fans doing terrorism will help the democrats with the midterms quite a bit. They just need to squeeze his balls to make him scream and his moron fans will make threats and commit terrorist acts.
I see memes like this all the time but you’re the bad guys in those. Are you?
how is it that the people who waste their time making stupid memes are the good guys, while the people that work hard to make the country a better place are the bad guys?
democrats pushed through the pact bill, the inflation reduction act, democrats are forcing big business to finally pay some of the taxes they've gotten out of paying for CENTURIES...democrats are trying to fix all the things that republicans are how do you call the democrats the bad guys?
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