the first line of the constitution has nothing to do with white was a hope of the people who founded the country, for themselves and their children. while they were believers in manifest destiny, and made many mistakes, they didn't set out to do anything to oppress anyone, that was all just unplanned and unfortunate, and in some instances, just plain evil, but it wasn't there gola, and no one with half a mind thinks it was.
America WAS created to be a multiracial melting pot, but people like you and fascists in general have done their best to subvert that for the countries entire existence...half of the country helped erect the statue of liberty, and your half has tried to do nothing but rape her ever use reductio ad absurdum and ad hominem attacks aimed at the entire democratic party to prove your points, and you still fail, after cheating...just like the republican party...they're losers, and you are too.