I'm describing the current reality, America will be a minority non white nation by 2045 and by then most white people will be pretty liberal about visible minorities. All those multiracial and gay couples you see in TV commercials are having a pernicious effect on the younger generations of whites and local cultural influences have less of an influence on them too. Every election cycle about 4% of the voting population turns over, as old people die and new ones start voting.Get a passport sometime - when you say WE - you are only talking about WHITE COUNTRIES
the non-White world has totally rejected pretty much everything you stand for
they are not practicing MULTI-RACIALISM - the non-White world has rejected it and embraces ethno-nationalism
AGAIN - you live in a cartoon FAIRY TALE & you should stop demanding everyone else join u in it
America will be a minority non white nation by 2045 and by then most white people will be pretty liberal about visible minorities.
The fact is left and right are economic ideologies and your big concern is racism and white supremacy, you don't really give a shit about abortion.Non-Whites are abandoning leftism in DROVES - it SHOULD be embarrassing to you all but you are just acting like it isn't happening.
Regardless of the fact that non-Whites are not in favor of ABORTION LGBT and other White liberal projects, the fact is they have countries to themselves while white kids can't even have a school ANYWHERE on the planet because of anti-whites like YOURSELF that demand 3rd world conquest of Europe & America because you saw a movie once about white people long ago doing bad things.
Other countries have issues with bigotry and racism too
We are all gonna end up a nice shade of brown one day, relax, you'll be dead anyway. The UN charter doesn't apply, these are policies created by elected officials in liberal democratic countries. The only constant is constant change, we've gone global and once we deal with Putin, it will be even more so, China will be in Vlad's backyard before too long.Europe & America are set to be non-White in a few decades due to liberal open border and forced integration policies (genocide as defined by law along with about 4 other human rights violations)
One of the problems leftists are going to find themselves in is the fact they have been OPENLY admitting guilt to numerous human rights violations - including DENIAL OF SELF DETERMINATION & several on this clause alone
This is precisely why the SMARTER anti-whites are keeping their mouths shut & facepalming while their allies are incriminating all of them
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We can only improve ourselves morally, not others, applies to individuals and countries too. European countries got a temporary technological edge and it went to some people's heads, before the 1700's the two largest manufacturing economies were China and India in that order.Yes - in fact NON-WHITE countries are FARRRRR more RACIST and SEXIST than white countries.
BUT - your brainwashers will NEVER DISCUSS THAT ON NATIONAL TV - it's all about blaming WHITES and ONLY Whites for things NON-WHITES are FARRRRRRRR more guilty of
and YOUR only justification for it is to mention a movie you saw as a child about white people doing slaveries and conquests, and cuz u aint never seent a movie about non-Whites doing it - it means they are just blameless little angels!
Im sorry - but your 2nd grade education on world history doesn't justify the largest program of genocide in human history - believe it or not
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as far as you saying that non-White countries are "undeveloped".... ummmmmm White supremacist much?
lock him upNow time put to rest that bullshit website touted by Action Jackass ….
View attachment 5182838
The official Donald J. Trump Presidential Library is probably a bit different than his supporters would expect. The Office of Donald J. Trump website,which was created by Trump’s team, describes him as “dethroning political dynasties, defeating the Washington establishment, and becoming the first true outsider elected as president of the United States.”
However, the Archive’s Trump Presidential Library is mainlya staid repository of archived websites and social media of the 45th U.S. president’s administration. “Following his father’s footsteps, Trump began a notable career as a real estate developer and businessman,” it says.
But flowery language aside, there is one big difference between the two sites. Trump’s personal site doesn’t mention his unprecedented status as a twice-impeached president. The Library website does not leave out this detail. It lists the charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine impeachment. It also notes the charge of “having incited an insurrection against the government of the United States” in Trump’s second impeachment, with an accompanying statement saying that Trump was not convicted either time.
It’s unclear whether Trump is aware of or approves of the Trump Presidential Library. There was no reply to an email request by HuffPost for comment from Trump’s team.
Since the 1980s, presidential records have been considered by law to be the government’s property and held by the Archives in Washington, D.C., once the president leaves office or until a library can be constructed.
Archives “establishes an initial web presence that it controls and manages for each Presidential Library as soon as possible after a president leaves office,” according to the Archives’ Public and Media Communications staff in an email to HuffPost.
Notably, it contains a link to the @POTUS45 official presidential Twitter account. Trump’s personal account on the social media platform, which was banned by Twitter in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capital, was not listed.
“A number of Trump administration officials, including President Trump, used personal accounts when conducting government business. The National Archives will make the social media content from those designated accounts publicly available as soon as possible,” according to the site.
The Trump Presidential Library site went up the day after he left office on Jan. 21, 2021, without input from Trump or his staff. “No, the website was independently established by NARA as part of carrying out our mission and we do not seek input or approval from a former president as part of this process,” the agency told HuffPost Tuesday.
* insert laughter![]()
Funny part is I know you can’t and youll blind just spam up more racist gibberish , I’ll say it again. Stfu and talk about the topic vs ur topic that has nothing to do with this You moron.Get a passport sometime - when you say WE - you are only talking about WHITE COUNTRIES
the non-White world has totally rejected pretty much everything you stand for
they are not practicing MULTI-RACIALISM - the non-White world has rejected it and embraces ethno-nationalism
AGAIN - you live in a cartoon FAIRY TALE & you should stop demanding everyone else join u in it
Having moved among smarter and better-educated people, that has not been my experience. If we add successful to the list, sociopaths, generally Republicans, concentrate toward the top of the corporate pyramid. The academic pyramid is more left-leaning but smaller.We can only improve ourselves morally, not others, applies to individuals and countries too. European countries got a temporary technological edge and it went to some people's heads, before the 1700's the two largest manufacturing economies were China and India in that order.
White people will need to compete in the meritocracy of education where the brightest win on a level playing field. That is why so many white people are afraid of competing and letting the best person win, it's mostly the bottom feeders though, the stupid and character flawed who feel the fear the most. Smarter and better educated white people tend to be liberal, unless they have flawed characters, they don't fear the competition and know their kids can keep up in school.
The main problem with racism though is it makes people stupider than they would otherwise be, turns them into suckers and losers who act against their own self interest. All ya got to do to own them is blow Dixie on the ole dog whistle and they would vote for the scum of the earth and did!
Yes - in fact NON-WHITE countries are FARRRRR more RACIST and SEXIST than white countries.
BUT - your brainwashers will NEVER DISCUSS THAT ON NATIONAL TV - it's all about blaming WHITES and ONLY Whites for things NON-WHITES are FARRRRRRRR more guilty of
and YOUR only justification for it is to mention a movie you saw as a child about white people doing slaveries and conquests, and cuz u aint never seent a movie about non-Whites doing it - it means they are just blameless little angels!
Im sorry - but your 2nd grade education on world history doesn't justify the largest program of genocide in human history - believe it or not
View attachment 5182891View attachment 5182892
as far as you saying that non-White countries are "undeveloped".... ummmmmm White supremacist much?
ever since he saw black kids in the showers in Junior High....You seem to be more concerned with color than seems reasonable
He does not care that once you remove the outer two or so millimeters, we are all pretty much the same color.You seem to be more concerned with color than seems reasonable
He does not care that once you remove the outer two or so millimeters, we are all pretty much the same color.
His evil twin is running in PA on the GQP ticket."You're going to give yourself skin-failure!" -Dr. Nick Rivera
Trump is rushing to hire seasoned lawyers. But he keeps hearing 'No.'
One lawyer told a story from early in Trump's presidency about members of his legal team urging him against tweeting about the Mueller probe, only to find he had tweeted about it before they got to the end of the West Wing driveway. Several people said that Trump was nearly impossible to represent and that it would be unclear whether they would ever get paid.
Trump is rushing to hire seasoned lawyers. But he keeps hearing 'No.'
Former president Donald Trump and close aides have spent the eight days since the FBI...www.sfgate.com
Okay, *SOMEBODY* forgot to scoop the cat box….I hate to ruin it for you guys.... BUT
TRUMP, JORDAN, CRUZ, BANNON, GAETZ, STONE are all gatekeepers for the left
People like them are the ONLY thing keeping leftism on life support right now
That's precisely why your brainwashers are NOT going to lock them up
If you get any shallower you’ll desiccate - GO TEAM!The future of American politics in a nutshell
Today leftists just want their fake opposition GEORGE BUSHIES and CHENEYS back at the forefront of the GOP
In a matter of time leftists will just want their fake opposition DONALD TRUMP back at the forefront of the GOP rather than the "evil raysists" that will be leading it
Meanwhile as non-Whites gradually take over the DNC - they will gradually abandon white liberal causes like abortion, fracking. LGBT. women's rights, environment and focus on nothing but pretending they are being oppressed in White countries & demanding compensation. Once they feel that white traitors are no longer necessary - the few white liberals that remain in the DNC will be kicked to the curb - and white liberals will only exist in the museum of natural history.
Trump will have been the last call to resolve it all peacefully.... but white liberals will be too naive to notice it.
You can say this is a PREDICTION but it isn't, all of this is INEVITABLE to anyone that has been paying attention.