Is Biden really that bad?

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Yeah, kicking Putin’s ass, oh and why are you for war? They didn’t want to help Zelenski other then asking him to cut and run. Then Zelenski gave them the finger. Joe wanted no part and of it, and now because of waning media support Zelenski will eventually be made to sign away Ukraine or his support will end. This winter, the Europeans will cave. End of story. But that’s not the problem China is.
You change topics more than you change your panties. Jeebuz :rolleyes:
LOL! No one is walking over me. Only in your tiny head it may seem that way. I only post in these threads to laugh my ass off at magats and their thought processes. Please continue :rolleyes:
Now that’s something we can both agree on! See you’re improving!
“More then Joe changes his diaper”, would have worked better, don’t you think? You need help seriously, they have a vaccine for your issue.
Changing topics again to Joe and his diapers? Why the fuck would I care if the man wets his bed? You do tho :rolleyes:

Someone post the pic of trump shitting his pants at the golf course. Old men do stuff like that :blsmoke:
You mean like hiring a guy that was slipping the Russian military data on American citizens to attack the 2016 election? Or trying to shake down a vulnerable ally so that they could manufacture political dirt on someone Trump was scared shitless to run against? How about string up his cult to the point that they attacked our capital?

lol for real man, are you an actual human that believes the nonsense you spam, because you are indistinguishable from a paid Trump troll at this point.

Here we go with the acting like the DoJ is Democrats.
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