Is Biden really that bad?

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Where are the #DarkBrandon memes? They are 6 years behind actual culture but your handlers have spoken.
It is a good reminder that such assholes exist, makes ya not only want to vote, but the volunteer and give money as well. Kinda like fruitcake abortion laws and Trump, motivation for patriots to get to the polls in the midterms. They actually serve an unintended useful purpose waving the stars and bars around along with swastikas. They convince nobody with a brain and repel anybody with values and common sense.

With abortion they are way behind the social curve and driven by religious extremists. Now there is a certain amount of inertia among their base and the republicans can't change course on abortion, but can lie and dissemble.
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It is good to be reminder that such assholes exist, makes ya not only want to vote, but the volunteer and give money as well. Kinda like fruitcake abortion laws and Trump, motivation for patriots to get to the polls in the midterms. They actually serve an unintended useful purpose waving the stars and bars around along with swastikas. They convince nobody with a brain and repel anybody with values and common sense.

With abortion they are way behind the social curve and driven by religious extremists. Now there is a certain amount of inertia among their base and the republicans can't change course on abortion, but can lie and dissemble.
Kill babies huh? Figures.
It is good to be reminder that such assholes exist, makes ya not only want to vote, but the volunteer and give money as well. Kinda like fruitcake abortion laws and Trump, motivation for patriots to get to the polls in the midterms. They actually serve an unintended useful purpose waving the stars and bars around along with swastikas. They convince nobody with a brain and repel anybody with values and common sense.

With abortion they are way behind the social curve and driven by religious extremists. Now there is a certain amount of inertia among their base and the republicans can't change course on abortion, but can lie and dissemble.

The abortion thing might have worked if they left things alone. As it stands they just passed taxes on the middle class during inflation and recession. Good luck with that at the polls.
The failed vaccine mandate.
It's over 90 days until election day, the economy is improving and it's what it's like on election day that counts. The recent wins by the democrats will be kicking in by then too, improving things for tens of millions of Americans. Trump is yet to be spooked by indictments in Georgia and announce his run for 2020 (again) and how he was robbed. Meanwhile Mitch would blow Garland if he would indict Trump tomorrow and get him out of the way, they need to spin real hard this time around. A Trump TV trial in Georgia with 3 ring circus is not what Mitch or the GOP in Georgia need, but they might get it before the election, or at least indictments for Trump. However Georgia is only the first of many indictments for Donald, the hits will keep coming and Donald will keep freaking out. Once he's indicted the judge owns his ass and will muzzle him, so he's still useful running around like Chuckie with a knife inside the GOP. ;-)

Timing is everything and about all the democrats can realistically control, while staying inside the limits of the constitution and law.
Kill babies huh? Figures.
You mean the "unborn", well it's none of my business and it's not yours either, it's between a woman and her doctor. You have something against basic human rights and self determination? Want to impose your "moral" code on others, or is it just an instrument (and a bad one) in the culture war? How about helping living children? Free prenatal care and free birthing? How come you people care so much about the "unborn" and then not only don't give a fuck after they are born, but also actively try to murder them by cutting off vital social support?

Jesus hated hypocrites most of all, he knew Greek and used the term a lot, hypocrite that describes you and those like you who were ok with babies in cages and who took food from the mouths of babies and support for their mothers. Where are the laws holding men accountable and financially responsible for their offspring? Why just pick on the girls?

So trying moral horseshit isn't gonna work fake Christian.
Free prenatal care and free birthing?

When you use the word "free" you really mean other people will be forced to pay for decisions some people made and if they don't pay up you're okay with using guns against them right?

If not, what do you mean ?
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