Monkey Pox

I got bit by a BR when I was a teen. It did alot more than leave a welt. Required medical and i still have the scar from the hole it left in my forearm.

If it's that and they can still lance, it may save his face.:dermatology pro tip: any new shit more than two weeks, you go to the doctor.
huge outdoor festival in the Nevada desert.
Think of maga Woodstock with a bit of Thunderdome tossed in.
Of drugs and orgies along with lots of art. I have heard it has changed quite a bit throughout the years. At first it was super cult family weird underground fun and then word got out and more and more people started to show up and it got like gentrified or something. I can’t just see it now. People walking around with oozing puss sores and like passing it on to others…. like come on man, don’t you love me , even with money pox man. Don’t be like that. Hee hee. People walking around like zombies for real.
Up to 30% of patients with monkey pox have eye lesions from painful, swollen eyelids to permanent scarring of the cornea & permanent blindness in 10%
A women that works in a Illinois day care center has tested positive for MP, just wait and see what happens when school starts.
It doesn't matter what they think. Herd mentality. Run! It's Monkey Pox! It's been around for 70 years but now it's a pandemic! It only took 70 years for it to be declared a global emergency.

Next up Leprosy! It's a pandemic! Run for the hills!

An interesting fact is that there are over 200,000 people infected with leprosy around the world and only 16,000 infected with Monkey Pox. The difference? Everyone's heard about leprosy but not many have heard about Monkey Pox and the images of nasty blisters on the skin elicit fear among many. So it was a good disease to go to for instilling fear into the naive in society.

Covid was an actual pandemic. Monkey Pox is not.
Another difference is that Hansen’s disease is not very transmissible. It was feared because it disfigured.
Now there are therapies for Hansen’s.
i do...that's conspiracy theory horseshit, i expect better.
it doesn't actually matter whether or not monkey pox reaches pandemic levels, or even epidemic levels, bad thinking is still bad thinking
I remember growing up and chicken pox mentality. It was like you just had to get chicken pox and they suggested to get it before your late teens. It took me a while to get chicken pox. I was worried I would never get it. I got exposed while working at an adult mens mentally challenged housing center. The men were mentally handicapped and some even had to wear helmets because they would try to hit their heads on the wall. I worked in the kitchen preparing their meals in big metal ovens. It was terrifying if I had to walk near some of them because they looked at me so weird and sometimes tried to attack me. I had to run as fast as I could to get into the kitchen area and lock the door. I burned myself really bad on the oven one day and came down with chicken pox after working there 2 weeks. I never went back.
mP was found in the waste water in San Diego.
we need more robots in the healthcare field for room care . Healthcare workers shouldn’t have to Be exposed to this ever growing list of new diseases. Telehealth is where it’s at and hospitals need to train robots to place IVs and clean patients asses. Nurses should be able to control the robots movements from their work stations .