What did you accomplish today?

Looks like a sweet spot too! Enjoy!!
The boat is actually a jet (60 Merc) river boat for trout fishing, I took it on the lake to play with out having to fight a current at the same time. When they are running 8 generators here they are releasing over 6000 CF per second - the river rises upwards of 6 to 10ft at times & you gotta know what you're doing!
The boat is actually a jet (60 Merc) river boat for trout fishing, I took it on the lake to play with out having to fight a current at the same time. When they are running 8 generators here they are releasing over 6000 CF per second - the river rises upwards of 6 to 10ft at times & you gotta know what you're doing!
That is awesome that it's a jet motor. I know I chewed up many a prop in our rivers. But the rivers were my favorite place to go as they are private, and usually the water a lot calmer. Plus I use to grow on the river banks in some of the best soil imaginable. The rivers here are a little dangerous too, for different reasons, like logs floating just under the surface. And this summer the water level is really low here! Yep, that is a sweet setup you have there!!
Bought a new oscillating fan for the livingroom, it helps some. 87 degrees outside at the moment.
Bought a new ocillating fan for the plants, but it feels so nice I can't put it down there.
They just run quiet on med speed and move lots of air for it's size, I sleep like a rock with that running.

Bought a new ocillating fan for the plants, but it feels so nice I can't put it down there.
They just run quiet on med speed and move lots of air for it's size, I sleep like a rock with that running.


After riding ships for over 14 years I have to have a fan that makes noise - no TV, Radio etc, just the white noise of a fan.
In the middle of the night if the old girl goes quiet that's when you're scrambling to get dressed & find your boots cause something very bad is happening.