January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Never forget Biden abandoned a $1 billion embassy, a $300 million refitted air base, & somewhere between $60-80 billion in military equipment and infrastructure.
That sum was nearly double all the current military assistance sent to Ukraine

"The left rails about imperialism, neo-colonialism, and military expenditure. Biden, without warning, simply yanked all U.S. troops from Afghanistan. He abandoned a $1 billion new embassy, a $300 million refitted U.S. air base, and $80 billion worth of sophisticated arms and equipment."

Not competent enough to copy and past the whole paragraph? Please explain these three points you brought up. How did he abandon these three things.
Go ahead and read above and weep. you cannot deny the truth, It is what Germany did to it's civilians. Study history!
And that can be recycled. Have you not heard about global warming? Even the GOP has turned the leaf on that one. Well, that is except for the Magma bunch. Also you missed the nuclear, wind power and solar cell electricity generation. While the greatest amount of power is generated by carbon sources yet we need to move away from it. Generating electricity in a power plant and then sending it to and using it in a car is more efficient that burning the fuel in a car stuck in traffic.
Go ahead and read above and weep. you cannot deny the truth, It is what Germany did to it's civilians. Study history!
You've gone so tribal you should have a bone in yer nose and be carrying a spear... Drink Koolaid much? Man ya gotta stop listening to Tucker and Hannity and start watching the news part of Foxnews, spun as it is, those guys are rotting yer brain with bullshit.
And that can be recycled. Have you not heard about global warming? Even the GOP has turned the leaf on that one. Well, that is except for the Magma bunch. Also you missed the nuclear, wind power and solar cell electricity generation. While the greatest amount of power is generated by carbon sources yet we need to move away from it. Generating electricity in a power plant and then sending it to and using it in a car is more efficient that burning the fuel in a car stuck in traffic.
Yes I have heard of global warming hoax. hoax.jpg

So if you support it, just call your energy supplier and cut the cord. Get you some solar panels and get it done already. Ohh it will be made in China? And wait to see if you ever recoup your money, but wait...you want someone else to pay for it.:D