January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
As a true lefty you just lumped all of the news media in one ball. I did not mention any of the other outlets you fantasize in your head that you have. Your sitting there trying to make it look like you have me all figured out..lmao. Go ahead and hurt the tiny brain matter you have left. Trump is burned in your mind and I think he must burn your ass a lot. May not be Trump, maybe Disantis.
The whole republican party is a domestic terrorist organization or closely affiliated with them and they try to protect them too. No American patriot could vote for a republican, even for dog catcher, it's not just Trump, but a whole cast of clowns in congress and the senate, they even went to bed with the Russians and there were 3 potential Russian spies in that crazy WH meeting with Trump on Dec 18th, Rudy (Ukraine), Flynn (who a federal judge called a traitor from the bench) and the Overstock guy with the Russian spy girl friend who was funneling Russian money to the GOP through the NRA. Trump still has his head shoved up Putin's ass, but I suppose you have other priorities.


Active Member
You can't just forget about Joe's involvement in it. You need to read the article and understand its implications.


Well-Known Member
Yes my number one after my own personal priorities is to get Trump elected. He was the best we have ever had, Carter was better than Biden.
Then you are about to drink from a bitter cup, because when Donald's usefulness to the democrats has ended, he will be indicted and the hits will keep coming. There are going to be a Helluva lot of republicans going down with him too, not just the suckers who sacked the capitol either. Get ready for the ride down, Donald will need even more money BTW, so stand with yer man. You might have some emotional difficulties in the next few months and shed a few tears, but look around, the rats are already jumping off the Trumptanic, but the lower decks will go down with the ship.


Active Member
Never forget Biden abandoned a $1 billion embassy, a $300 million refitted air base, & somewhere between $60-80 billion in military equipment and infrastructure.
That sum was nearly double all the current military assistance sent to Ukraine


Active Member
That I have never heard of him saying that, but it still does not change my mind of him. He is as boring as the ketchup horsehead democrap.