Why does this keep happening with this bagseed? (maybe thats why!)


Well-Known Member

Russian Snow bagseed, tried two a while ago for this same issue, rough germination and pure white true leaves that will not grow. Should be on the second set of true leaves by now, probably tossing because I did this for 3 weeks for them to never grow and die.

Here is the last time I did this but feed high EC and thought that was more so the reason for this. Bag seed, from weed about 3-5 months old when given to me, then seeds sat for about 6-10 months. So they aren’t too old but old enough for issues.
That one took 3 weeks to stay the same and die.

What is new, one of these have a much longer tap root. They looked more developed this time (last time I fiddled and pulled shells off, was failing to adhere to all steps to the planting method. I love the towel method I use much more anyway. With healthy seeds, they never fail.

With questionable bad seed in terms of development, genes and age of seed, it only succeeds when the seeds where right in all those categories. Had people thank me for a bag because they were loaded with healthy seeds that grew.

These were just space fillers, and to be gotten rid of my seed inventory. Was already ok with tossing a few but not all 4. Any ways, starting a few more journals, planted two more paid seeds. Quick One and Cheesilicious, look out for updates!
Get your seed planted before it completely sprouts.
That was last times method, to plant a few inches deep and let it sprout the rest of the way but was wondering what to do if it doesn’t pull its own shell off (just pull it off) and then you get stunted growth if it was too soon. Just hectic so I went back to my true method. They were planted as soon as the shell popped off and cotelydons open like usual like my paid seed here

The Russian Snow also by germinating rough, meant that the seed hardly pops open for the root, almost cuts the 1/4 inch root in half right at the seem of the seed. It will eventually turn out like the pic above but the rest had short tap roots too like last time that just quit growing. Maybe that method might work best for this case if those true leaves need light asap and does best germinating and sprouting itself but huh, idk. Healthy seeds do not do this.
a few inches is too deep imo. The older the seed the less initial energy it will have to reach surface. Especially if its used up in a napkin.Sow seeds directly at a depth twice the size of seed . I use a pencil alot and bury the eraser flush for my depth. No issues.

And to me that would be so shallow, I would be suprised it did not need assistance pulling its shell off which if it is too early, you will not know as the shell is not see through, this happens. Starch look.
coco is dry because I learned at that time to keep wet and started doing that. So not mind it please lol.
That was a paid for seed too, almost lost it. If to plant that shallow, I for sure would probably lose paid seeds. Or is it supposed to push apart with cotyledons and finish the process that way?
Or your seed age is off

I was thinking that originally, and development, because it was from a batch of weed that only had 5 or 6 seeds through out that batch or two batches. I get success off street bagseed my guess at that time they were harvested and sold fresh and planted right away v.s close to a year when seeds lose their vigor anyway sometimes or often.
When the Cotelydons are starchy looking, see through white/yellow ish color, and white true leaves, usually they do not grow. True leaves are usually same color as Cotelydons and would make sense if you should not pull off the shell with the seed straight into media method.

Otherwise, starchy undeveloped cotelydon = yellow or white true leaves, with yellow being possible success and white being a done deal, never seen one survive. Almost did, but high EC or destiny killed it.

If no progress in a week, pulling them out. My first few threads were just this, asking if they have a chance and people said start new seeds. I chose that route, leaving one plant a chance to make it through the gladiator games for 7 days, lol.
week two, but with daily feed though with high EC

Week 3 same thing but true leaves turning green

later that week, cotelydons fell off but true leaves looked promising


Then days later, sheivled up and died. Do not want to waste 3-4 weeks again.

Yes weird but it looks like the true leaves emerged green not sure

If you mean the Mother Of Berries that did pull through, it was close to white but still on the yellow side then quickly turned green and started daily feed which helped it continue to grow but for sure had white in it, which never turns green and that is if it kept growing, hence why it had bleached tips until leaves died.

Yellow is ok, quickly turns green. the whiter the deader. The recent pics posted, shows they can bounce back but who knows why it then died.

Has a short window of time but the purp banana cream is an example of what I expect though the veg room needs heat for best growth and better lighting for veg. Heck I think you might be the person that said better lights give better veg growth lol.
What is the EC you are starting them in?

The last seedlings you see on this thread that failed/barely pulled through, I misread EC meter at the time and was .9 EC in the feed and the coco/perlite. This time I got things down, and got my media at .2 EC and the feed 1.8 ml/gal each flora of flora trio at .4EC. Daily feed.
Professionally grown and distributed seeds should always grow, even when old. The breeder would have put care into making sure the seeds are fully mature before harvesting. After harvest, seeds are usually cured for around a month before they are ready to germinate. Bag seeds are random, they grow whenever the plant is stressed enough to begin growing pollen sacks. Perhaps you’ve had bad luck with immature seeds