Well-Known Member

Russian Snow bagseed, tried two a while ago for this same issue, rough germination and pure white true leaves that will not grow. Should be on the second set of true leaves by now, probably tossing because I did this for 3 weeks for them to never grow and die.
Here is the last time I did this but feed high EC and thought that was more so the reason for this. Bag seed, from weed about 3-5 months old when given to me, then seeds sat for about 6-10 months. So they aren’t too old but old enough for issues.

That one took 3 weeks to stay the same and die.
What is new, one of these have a much longer tap root. They looked more developed this time (last time I fiddled and pulled shells off, was failing to adhere to all steps to the planting method. I love the towel method I use much more anyway. With healthy seeds, they never fail.
With questionable bad seed in terms of development, genes and age of seed, it only succeeds when the seeds where right in all those categories. Had people thank me for a bag because they were loaded with healthy seeds that grew.
These were just space fillers, and to be gotten rid of my seed inventory. Was already ok with tossing a few but not all 4. Any ways, starting a few more journals, planted two more paid seeds. Quick One and Cheesilicious, look out for updates!