What did you accomplish today?

It was a monthly, the city is working on figuring it out. I found out awhile ago that my line is a 3/4, not 1 inch and that could be where the problem is. No fee for the meter, they got some kind of grant to pay for them.
Sounds like some kind of error!!

Here, an average annual water bill runs about $300 for a family of 4.

That's a nice thing about living in the country...My own well and septic so NO monthly fees, except for maintenance (and electricity to run the water pump).....maintenance in 19 years has totaled about $500. BUT a new septic system is 10k last I knew...Probably 15k now!

The contractor who was here yesterday was shocked when he saw my well setup. It's a driven well about 100' deep, but they must have hit a major water vein as I have an overflow that pumps out about 10 gallons per minute, year round, just by gravity. I have always wanted to do something with it, like a fountain or small pond. If only I had an excavator!!