January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

i don't believe that, and won't until i see trump's fat orange ass in a court room...
i DO want them to leave trump free till he fucks up the republican'a chances in 24, but i do NOT want the fucker to go free...and if Garland refuses to prosecute trump, what chances of him prosecuting anyone else?....i think he's a useless piece of shit who never should have been anything but a judge....you do know he and clarence thomas clerked together during the nixon era....i'm starting to think he may be a sleeper for the republicans.
Trump will barely make it through 2022 without an indictment, he will not be around in 2024, they stretched it out as long as they can and lot's of people are freaking out over the delay already. Besides, it's driving Mitch nuts and he can't say a word about it unless he wants to commit political suicide for the republicans in the senate.

They could indict Trump, but that risks having to muzzle him too early, once indicted and muzzled, he will be jailed until trial if he fucks up. He could delay the beginning of the trial and will, having him produce his own self pardon would be delightful! I think the action will start in Georgia, dunno when though, but spooking Donald before the election might fall to the J6 panel.
Someone is in deep shit, heads will roll and there will be indictments over this, it is unacceptable and I wouldn't blame Joe for decapitating the entire organization. However there will be a very intense investigation, the world is gonna fall on someone who sucked Trump's asshole a bit too hard and anybody else connected to this bullshit.

Secret Service cannot recover texts; no new details for Jan. 6 committee

The U.S. Secret Service has determined it has no new texts to provide Congress relevant to its Jan. 6 investigation, and that any other texts its agents exchanged around the time of the 2021 attack on the Capitol were purged, according to a senior official briefed on the matter.

Also, the National Archives on Tuesday sought more information on “the potential unauthorized deletion” of agency text messages. The U.S. government’s chief record-keeper asked the Secret Service to report back to the Archives within 30 days about the deletion of any records, including describing what was purged and the circumstances of how the documentation was lost.

The law enforcement agency, whose agents have been embroiled in the Jan. 6 investigation because of their role shadowing and planning President Donald Trump’s movements that day, is expected to share this conclusion with the Jan. 6 committee in response to its Friday subpoena for texts and other records.
If you want justice over J6 elect democrats, if they win the house and a few more in the senate, they will drill down into the smallest details of these crimes and so will the DOJ. If the democrats win, I would expect an independent special counsel will take over the job of hounding these assholes to the grave, including the republican politicians and leave Garland to other business. That is why there is no independent special council yet, it would have great latitude and can go after congress people and senators with public hearings, it would be a living Hell for the GOP. If they lose in November, Garland will go after Trump and the fake electors etc, while an independent special council looked into congressional involvement with public hearings, remember Ken Starr?

Trump On Track To Be Indicted In 2022, Says DOJ Vet Amidst 'Fire Hose' Of New Evidence
16,320 views Jul 19, 2022 Justice Department veteran Neal Katyal says Donald Trump's culpability for the January 6th insurrection "will hold up in court if it comes to a Federal indictment, as I believe it should.” Katyal, Pres. Obama's Acting Solicitor General, assesses new evidence in this interview with MSNBC's Ari Melber.
every ss in trumps entourage should be indicted, their immediate superiors should be indicted, and the head of the agency should be shitcanned so hard he goes through the bottom of the dumpster...
anyone more loyal to trump than they are to the constitution has to fucking go...probably to prison
every ss in trumps entourage should be indicted, their immediate superiors should be indicted, and the head of the agency should be shitcanned so hard he goes through the bottom of the dumpster...
anyone more loyal to trump than they are to the constitution has to fucking go...probably to prison
My guess is the head of the secret service was told he wouldn't make it to pension day (July) unless he promoted Ornado to management in the SS after he left his political job. I figure he was behind this bullshit and will end up in prison for it, the deletions were done in mid January, before Joe took over. Whoever was in on it is in deep shit, not just their jobs either, this was evidence in the most serious crime in American history. We will have the complete picture of who ordered the technicians to do it, I have a feeling those texts must exist on server backups somewhere. It won't make any difference in the end to Trumps conviction, it just means all the agents involved that day will now have to testify, including upper management and the retiring head of the agency.
they should all be fired, immediately, and removed from any way to destroy more records.
they should also be held for contempt of congress, they could end up sharing a cell block with bannon
It appears the head of the SS was a Trump appointee, just saw a segment on the last word MSNBC. Schiff seems confident they will get most of it one way or another. Their IG and the national archives are also involved and the FBI should be taking notice too. The heat will be white hot on any involved in any way, plus Joe's new guy will be coming to head the agency and he will take care of any details they missed! I figure someone is going to prison over this, perhaps several people. Donald will end up giving the federal government and American body politic a real enema and should remove a lot of shit.
they should all be fired, immediately, and removed from any way to destroy more records.
they should also be held for contempt of congress, they could end up sharing a cell block with bannon
If the democrats win in November they will appoint an independent special counsel to go after the congress people and senators involved with public hearings, like Ken Starr did. Only this time there will be a fucking mountain of shit they can dig into and plenty of evidence of treason and other crimes. Many republicans could lose more than their elections, we have a record of who voted for this bullshit in the AFTERMATH of the attack! An independent counsel could go after them all and if they didn't indict them, they would scare the shit out of them and cost them fortunes in lawyer's fees. Politics my ass, these fucks are traitors who were conducting civil war on the USA and attempting to anoint a tyrant. This was the most serious crime in American history and they were involved in the conspiracy right up to their eyeballs.
It must be sinking in at the secret service that they are civil servants and have no magical political protection like politicians. This is the most serious crime in US history and they deleted the texts around it and are guilty of the destruction of evidence which carries very serious prison time. These guys will do far more time than most of those who sacked the capitol. This is absolutely stunning and inexcusable, anybody involved should go to prison.

Well guys, I hope Donald was worth destroying your lives over, I'm sure he will be grateful for your extreme efforts, personal sacrifices and all the prison time you will serve for him, suckers.

It must be sinking in at the secret service that they are civil servants and have no magical political protection like politicians. This is the most serious crime in US history and they deleted the texts around it and are guilty of the destruction of evidence which carries very serious prison time. These guys will do far more time than most of those who sacked the capitol. This is absolutely stunning and inexcusable, anybody involved should go to prison.

Well guys, I hope Donald was worth destroying your lives over, I'm sure he will be grateful for your extreme efforts, personal sacrifices and all the prison time you will serve for him, suckers.

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it's time to clean house...shit can Murray, shit can all department heads, shit can every agent that was assigned to trump, and indict all of them for contempt of congress and hindering an investigation. give them the maximum sentences, and be VERY fucking selective of the replacements you hire
it's time to clean house...shit can Murray, shit can all department heads, shit can every agent that was assigned to trump, and indict all of them for contempt of congress and hindering an investigation. give them the maximum sentences, and be VERY fucking selective of the replacements you hire
We will see what the investigations and possible criminal charges bring, they know who the assholes are among them and won't cover for them. The new guy Joe appoints will probably be a SS insider, Joe probably knows most of the senior management personally and they will clean out the bad apples that the investigations and IG miss. They are in the deepest shit imaginable for a civil servant, they also committed federal crimes. Bennie Thompson is also head of the homeland security oversight committee too and if anything needed oversight it is this shit! Destruction of evidence involving the most serious crime in American history won't go over well. It is not hyperbole to term this as the most serious crime in American history either, because it would have ended American history as a constitutional democracy.
SO SICK of everything about that creature, that ego-golem…but yeah, it’s not suddenly going to be ‘morning in America’ again just because we remove him from circulation. He didn’t think all this up, and he didnt bring it with him: checkout the Libertarian Party platform the year David Koch ran for President as the LP candidate…you’ll be…surprised how much of it’s been accomplished already