Maybe they should start comparing Trump to that top cop in Uvalde Texas who dithered for far too long too, call it incompetence and stupidity.
The line of executive succession was in the capitol building, as well as the congress, the entire elected federal government. Trump contrived to leave it defenseless, impeded efforts to defend the capitol and set an armed mob lead by organized terrorists groups with a plan to overthrow the government and a command from Trump to hang Mike Pence. Trump attacked the entire federal government in an attempted auto coup that could have murdered most of the elected representatives and held others hostage. He wanted to lead personally it like Napoleon, right into to sitting congress at the head of his mob of morons and enforce his will with violence. When he couldn't do that he settled for watching it on TV and when the expected counter protesters never showed up, he couldn't declare marshal law, because he couldn't count on the military, or DOJ.
I don't think he will get away with that, a lot of republicans didn't like the idea of being murdered in the capitol either, Mitch among them. I certainly don't think Joe will let him walk either, but will use him until the midterm election and play him like a fucking fish in the meantime. Everything was delayed, not just the DOJ investigations, the J6 panel was also timed for the maximum impact on the midterms. In the end the public are the jury on this and much more and the democrats must make the best case possible at the best time possible, the public has the same attention span as the news cycle. They must do this while staying inside the lanes of the law and constitution while dealing with organized criminals and millions of people at civil war with America.