The republican party is fucked no matter what scum rises to the top and rest assured only scum will float to the top of that cesspit. The base drive it and they are the dregs at the bottom of the stinking ferment of domestic terrorism, lunacy, lies and treason. They are not an option for an American patriot, even if they were running for local dog catcher. The German insult schweinhund fits them, pig dogs, run with the pigs and they get the stink on themselves too. Or, if they do the Devil's work long enough, they become indistinguishable from him.
To be or vote for a republican is to support, or be ok with treason, sedition and corruption, not to mention bigotry and Trump. It means favoring reduced human rights for women and being associated with domestic terrorism while being duped by a propaganda network. It means a severely flawed character and being driven by a greater cause than your country and misusing the government and law to cause harm to innocent American citizens because of bigotry.