turkeywattle mitch is just a blatant and proud obstructionist, with 19th century values, and not one fucking breath of compassion for the poor in his entire disgusting body...what is it that is keeping these evil old motherfuckers alive? you would think living with that much hate in your heart would rot it from the inside out.
and as far as manchin goes, why aren't some democrats actively supporting ANYONE who is running against him? why aren't some of the pacs advertising the shit out of his democratic rivals? and running ads against him? they don't even have to be shitty mean ads, just tell the truth, many in Va. already know he's bat shit crazy, the Va. coal miner's union tried to get him to support the infrastructure bill and he just fucking ignored them, they can't be happy about that treatment, exploit the fuck out of that, and kick his fucking conflict of interest having ass the fuck off of the energy committee.