
How will Russia respond to the Lithuania-Kaliningrad blockade? | Vaidotas Beniušis
42,052 views Jun 23, 2022 "There is an increased level of concern here. But on the other hand, there is no no panic ... Lithuania is a member of NATO Alliance." Baltic News Service Lithuania editor Vaidotas Beniušis says Russia has only limited room to manoeuvre after Lithuania blocked rail traffic to Kaliningrad.
We all need to pray - becasue World War Three (WWIII) is going to start meaing thet nexy thing is the A-BomB -we all need to pray for huminity. to be truthfull WWIII has already started !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Help Us
God help them more, because they will be whacked by multiple warheads from multiple systems from multiple nations. A single American nuclear ICBM submarine can reduce the Russian population by 90%, that's just one sub, they don't know where ours are, but we know where all theirs are and shadow them with attack subs. We have had the world's oceans wired for sound with undersea cables and hydrophones since the sixties. The Russians know all this and that it would be suicide to use nukes, Moscow would be turned into glass that would glow in the dark for a century.
We all need to pray - becasue World War Three (WWIII) is going to start meaing thet nexy thing is the A-BomB -we all need to pray for huminity. to be truthfull WWIII has already started !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Help Us
i am not a religious entity...all praying does is waste time you could actually be doing something that could have a real result...but you do you.
as far as WW3 starting? i hope so, i'm so motherfucking tired of russia and their shit, i would really welcome an opportunity to destroy them as a nation, break the whole diseased country up into rump states, after NATO confiscates their stockpile of nuclear weapons...

How's it feel to be a dumb balding know it all fat demoRAT?
did you read the story you posted? or did you just see a headline that seemed to reinforce your fantasies and went with it sight unseen?
your own story there is saying that the rubles current condition is artificially inflated, and when they can no longer maintain it, (which won't be very long) it will crash so hard it it will be cheaper to wipe your ass with rubles than toilet paper...
you're a fish that jumps into the barrel on it's own, and waves and yells "shoot me"....
I think it would be a good idea for the Ukrainians to partner with the Poles to rapidly develop long range simple cheap suicide drones. These would adapted from existing airframe designs and mass produced using modern materials and largely unrestricted parts from abroad and use cheap Chinese gasoline engines. They would carry say a 100 pound warhead, about the same weight as a 155mm artillery shell, but with a lot more explosives and a lot less steel They would have a 300Km range at least, would use $100 flight control computers, be somewhat shielded from jamming and could hit their target within 2 meters most of the time. They could use commercial GPS to terrain follow to an extent using GPS and multiple waypoints. I think they could get the cost with volume down to $5 or $10 K a unit for materials and components, most are mass produced for hobbyists. Compared to the cost of a precision artillery or rocket round, this is dirt cheap and they can be made by the thousands for not too much cash by a country like Ukraine with the help of an ally like Poland. Some American or private cash could finance it, compared to the cost of a Javelin or an Excalibur round it is dirt cheap.
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How's it feel to be a dumb balding know it all fat demoRAT?
"But Russia's unusually aggressive measures to keep money from leaving the country..."
"Western sanctions and a wave of businesses leaving the country have led to a drop in imports."
"Russia's central bank has also propped up the ruble with strict capital controls that make it harder to convert it to other currencies. "
"Meanwhile, Russian exporters are required to convert half of their excess revenues into rubles, creating demand for the currency."

So the ruble is worth more as you can not use it to buy things from outside of Russia. Kind of defeats the advantage of a higher ruble when you can not spend it outside of the country.