
US invade Canada? You want discuss the US invading a country that borders it at least twice, a country allied with at least two perhaps more nuclear armed countries? You guys are getting crazier. Might as well discuss Canada pushing against its US borders..
No answer huh? You mean the US can overwhelm Canada so it is unthinkable and at the beginning of the war Russia was thought to have Ukraine under its heel in three days. It is not a hard question. It is not one of could Canada defend itself. It is would it be acceptable for the US to pull off a move like that if it is acceptable for Russia to pull off the move?
How much should Ukraine give up for peace? What is to stop the US from invading Canada as Russia has done to Ukraine?
Canada? we can get to them anytime, i'm thinking about invading Australia...once we get rid of all those people descended from criminals and debtors, and spray for weird spiders, we could turn it into Australifornia, and they already nearly exterminated the indigenous people for us, and shoved them onto "reserves"...like you put animals in....
Sensible discussion.
The pressure on America to back off it's proxy war will only get stronger. From Business and countries. We are already seeing international business that were persuaded/forced to stop doing business in Russia getting around the sanctions. Macdonald's is a classic in point. The question is will Biden and America care? Wars are good for incumbent Presidents and they are very profitable for America.
there is NO real pressure for America, or Europe, or NATO to back off of anything...who is this supposed pressure coming from?
what businesses that left russia are flooding back to reopen? a real link please? because mcdonalds isnt back in operations in russia, russia seized the property, and one of putin's oligarchs is running it with no involvement from mcdonalds..https://www.voanews.com/a/rebranded-mcdonalds-restaurants-reopen-in-russia-/6614268.html
what Biden and America care about are Ukrainians dying because putin is prosecuting an illegal, immoral war in a country he makes no secret of wanting back under the control of the dead empire he once served, and now wants to resurrect...
what we care about is removing a long term threat to world peace and security...
what you seem to care about is posturing and condemning America, which is doing nothing worthy of that condemnation...
the day Ukraine decides to quit fighting and surrender to russia, then that is what will happen, they don't have to run a fucking thing by us for approval. we would be hugely disappointed, but that's all we would be...
but until that day, we will continue to arm and offer aid to the Ukrainians so that they can defend their home against a murderous horde of thieving lying rapists.
Canada? we can get to them anytime, i'm thinking about invading Australia...once we get rid of all those people descended from criminals and debtors, and spray for weird spiders, we could turn it into Australifornia, and they already nearly exterminated the indigenous people for us, and shoved them onto "reserves"...like you put animals in....
But with Canada you can jump over the border in the morning, have lunch here and be back home for dinner.
there is NO real pressure for America, or Europe, or NATO to back off of anything...who is this supposed pressure coming from?
what businesses that left russia are flooding back to reopen? a real link please? because mcdonalds isnt back in operations in russia, russia seized the property, and one of putin's oligarchs is running it with no involvement from mcdonalds..https://www.voanews.com/a/rebranded-mcdonalds-restaurants-reopen-in-russia-/6614268.html
what Biden and America care about are Ukrainians dying because putin is prosecuting an illegal, immoral war in a country he makes no secret of wanting back under the control of the dead empire he once served, and now wants to resurrect...
what we care about is removing a long term threat to world peace and security...
what you seem to care about is posturing and condemning America, which is doing nothing worthy of that condemnation...
the day Ukraine decides to quit fighting and surrender to russia, then that is what will happen, they don't have to run a fucking thing by us for approval. we would be hugely disappointed, but that's all we would be...
but until that day, we will continue to arm and offer aid to the Ukrainians so that they can defend their home against a murderous horde of thieving lying rapists.
You are going to love this.

European leaders still can’t shake the urge to appease Russia
It felt like a historic occasion when the leaders of Europe’s largest states, Germany, Italy and France, finally visited Kyiv on Thursday. Air raid sirens howled as their night train pulled into the Ukrainian capital. French President Emmanuel Macron spoke of “a message of European unity”. But behind the warm words, there was also plenty of cold calculation as Europe’s leaders push to end the war as soon as possible.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, none of the European Union heavyweights had seen fit to visit Ukraine. Macron, who boasted that he has spent “at least a hundred hours” on the phone with Vladimir Putin, declared that he would travel to Kyiv only if he felt it was “useful”. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke dismissively of not wanting to “join the queue of people who do a quick in-and-out for a photo opportunity”.

But the Thursday visit didn’t turn out to be particularly “useful” to Ukraine, which has been pleading desperately for more weapons; nor was it much more than a photo op. Apart from six additional howitzers from France, all the European leaders offered was support for Ukraine’s bid to become a member of the E.U. at some point in the future.

An ally lol

A country In the top 3 most corrupt is considered allies huh. Are they a NATO ally too?
wrong again...

Ukraine ranks number 32 in the world...russia ranks at 29...so not only are they not in the top three, they're not in the top ten, or top 20...and in fact rank better than russia

please quit coming to gun fights with a plastic spork...if you're going to run your mouth, at least fucking look up some facts first
Don't I? You must be new to the thread.
Let me clarify my thoughts for you.
I don't agree with Russia invading Ukraine.
I can understand their reasoning and the people of Ukraine elected Zelenskyy for better relations with Russia. He ran on that campaign.
I don't agree with America getting involved nor Europe. Its just one of the many disputes in a history of disputes in the area and there will always be disputes in the area. Much like Africa. Getting involved with these disputes always means a much longer war with more people killed and bigger economic stresses and refugees than would otherwise be avoided.
Russia is being treated by the international community very different from when America invades a sovereign country.
This war needs to be over ASAP.

I dont agree that an elected official should disband many/all political parties nor control the media.
that's the old world...welcome to the new world order. we help democracies stay democracies, especially when a fascist state attacks them unprovoked. the very day Ukraine wants the war to end is the day it will end...America in no way will coerce them to continue.
it is 100% up to them. until they decide to surrender, we should and will arm and assist them in any way possible to defend their homes, their lives, and their choices.
saying that that is prolonging the war is true...so motherfucking what? the alternative is to allow a murderous state to consume a peaceful smaller state for their personal profit. that is fucking unacceptable, and fuck anyone who suggests it. it is an affront to humanity, and a threat to world security, and it would be insane to allow it to happen unopposed.
You seem to be supporting one atm as Ukraine is not only banning political parties but will only have a state run media- which Zelenski started doing before the war if you recall.

The world knows it is. Which is a good start as we may have years to go.
the war in Ukraine has been going on at a low level since russia invaded and stole crimea in 2014....a nation at war has to take harsh measures to keep apologists and subversives from destroying the efforts of its people to regain their freedom. the ONLY test of Ukraine and Zelensky's true designs will become apparent only after russia is beaten and life in Ukraine can approach something like normal, so until a level of normalcy is achieved, war time measures are the norm, and deservedly so.
the war in Ukraine has been going on at a low level since russia invaded and stole crimea in 2014....a nation at war has to take harsh measures to keep apologists and subversives from destroying the efforts of its people to regain their freedom. the ONLY test of Ukraine and Zelensky's true designs will become apparent only after russia is beaten and life in Ukraine can approach something like normal, so until a level of normalcy is achieved, war time measures are the norm, and deservedly so.
Lucky would have made a deal with Hitler, it was the rest of Europe's fault for WWII.
Why did it get so bad that Russia invaded?
it didn't get so bad...
russia just invaded...unprovoked, no matter what excuse the russian mind crimes ministry tries to push.
putin wanted to be an emperor. putin wanted unrestricted access to the black sea. putin wanted Ukraine's oil and gas reserves for his own.
that's all the reason putin needed to invade. all shitty bad criminal reasons...but he's a shitty bad criminal person...
I'm not sure how you think invading a country and controlling large parts of the 2nd largest country in Europe so quickly is unsuccessful. I haven't looked at a current map but has Russia landlocked Ukraine yet? Im guessing thats the objective?
controlling a country so quickly? does time travel much faster in Australia? does being upside down make the clocks run backwards?
they rolled into Ukraine like a gang posse, and were immediately handed their asses for their hubris and ineptitude.
they lost more men in 90 days in Ukraine than they lost in 20 years in Afghanistan, they lost more equipment in Ukraine than they have ever lost anywhere before...the only reason they're still able to fight is they have spent decades of time and generations of labor stockpiling weapons (which is exactly what peaceful neighbors do....)
their objective isn't to landlock Ukraine, that's just a result of their objective, which is to steal Ukraine's Black Sea ports for themselves, and to then steal Ukraine's oil and gas reserves for themselves...everything else is an excuse. this isn't about security, and it never has been, it's about thieves trying to steal, and murderers murderering, and rapists raping...
History of the human race aint it? Have you had a look at the huge list of Invaded countries America has in its very short history?
So nearly landlocked. Look how small Vietnam and Afghanistan are in comparison. War isn't a video game
misdirection...yeah, but what about them doing that?....
this is about russia and Ukraine...
They HAVE invaded ukraine.
Of cause prolonging the war is bad. More deaths, more maimed, more destruction, more debt, more refugees, more orphans, more destruction, famine for Europe.
so the Ukrainians lay down their arms and pull down their pants so russia can fuck them up the ass more easily and not perhaps kill a few more of them while they're getting fucked?
do you have the faintest fucking idea how fucking offensive that very idea is?
how much it will encourage russia to carry on with it's campaigns against weaker neighbors? whose next? Moldova? Poland? Finland?...
you're the worst kind of apologist...one convinced in their moral superiority and unconcerned that others will have to die for you to maintain that superiority.
Putin and many Russians are not happy at the demise of the Soviet Union. Otherwise Russia is just an Italy sized economy that is based on oil and N gas, if it did not have nukes they would be nothing. That and veto power in the UN. Just think of it, who in their right mind would want to invade Russia? Everybody was fine with buying its raw materials. What is the gain in taking Russia?