
The Ukrainians might withdraw from the east, if it means getting surrounded, but it is a target rich environment, if the point is to destroy the Russians. Attacking in the south might be more profitable and a drive through Kherson toward Crimea would see the Russians rushing from one end of the country to the other. First though, defend where they are attacking and in urban warfare, if you can, get in close to their infantry so they can't use artillery. The Ukrainian foreign legion are doing a lot of the urban warfare combat in the east, they are experienced former NATO troops with urban warfare experience and training. The Russians are losing so many people they are throwing untrained reserves into the fight or are trying to, I figure their replacements will be useless in combat except as cannon fodder. Un trained and inexperienced people operating junk will drive up their causality rate even higher.

The Brits just announced they are training 10,000 Ukrainian troops in the UK for 120 days and probably training them in the use of advanced weapons too. Ten fresh regiments hitting the field with a punch drunk and exhausted Russia reeling around, might just finish the fuckers off! Ten NATO regiments with NATO weapons and training, but speaking Ukrainian, could hit the Russians like a ton of bricks in about four months time.

Train, pay (while training) and equip them, the Ukrainians have plenty of manpower to send. If the other Europeans trained troops like this, say Holland trained a couple of thousand and Belgium a few more thousand... Take on the responsibility for housing, feeding, training and equipping these troops and remove the burden from Ukraine, the NATO training is standardized as are the weapons.

Ukraine is training and equipping troops too, as replacements for battle losses, these would most likely be new regiments or battalions and would be fresh troops injected into the fight. Other NATO allies could do something similar to the UK, only each battalion trained would also be equipped with western weapons.

So much for Russian nuclear threats to the UK...

I do think this is an important development and if the idea spreads, it could have a big impact on the battlefield. I dunno what kind of shape the Russians in Ukraine will be in, in four months, but I suspect they will be in a lot more trouble than they are now. 10,000 trained troops hitting the Russians when they are weakened and depleted could break them, because by then they will have a lot of untrained and ill equipped reservists using mostly junk for equipment. If other NATO allies start training and equipping troops too the numbers could escalate quickly. The Ukrainians have plenty of unemployed manpower and volunteer waiting lists for the army, they won't be sending any draftees who will run away.

Boris doing Churchill!

Boris Johnson offers training to thousands of Ukrainian troops
PM meets Zelensky in Kyiv to offer support

Boris Johnson has travelled to Kyiv for a surprise visit in a bid to “change the equation” of the Russian invasion with a major British-led training operation.
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Ukrainian troops will arrive in Britain soon for training with the British military, the UK Government has confirmed.
Minister James Heappey said the UK would step up its support for Ukraine’s military, he told LBC Radio today:

“There’s 120 armoured vehicles that are in the process of being made ready. The Ukrainian troops that will operate them will arrive in the UK in the next few days to learn how to drive and command those vehicles.”

Host Nick Ferrari asked:

“That’s tremendous, so we’re going to be training Ukrainian blokes and women on our kit here in the UK?”

Heappey responded: “Yes.”

Mr Heappey also said in an interview with the BBC:

“There are more shoulder-launched anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles that we are sending as well as loitering precision munitions, and as you heard the Prime Minister say at the weekend, we’re also sending an anti-ship capability as well.”

Britain has been training Ukrainian troops for some time already, since 2015. Operation Orbital is the code-name for a British military operation to train and support the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It was launched in response to the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea.
Good luck with the EU trying to weasel a peace agreement to screw Ukraine for gas and oil, freeze in the dark fuckers or get on board! Boris is doing Churchill here, he sees his moment! Uncle Sam will let the fuckers freeze in the dark until they find their spines too.

It's the proper response to Russian threats to nuke them out of existence...
If they really want energy security, then gather the oil companies and Ukrainians to rapidly develop their oil and gas reserves where feasible to do so while tapping into the existing pipelines. Offer them insurance for war damages, build fake decoy drilling rigs and install enough AA missile defenses. The Russians are low on precision weapons and hitting a pipeline buried under 2 meters of earth is harder than hitting a rail line. There are oil and gas fields in western Ukraine along the Polish and Ukrainian borders they can start with. Help the Ukrainians to defeat the Russians and energy security with an EU member state could be theirs. Start now and cap the wells until they can use them east of Kyiv and be ready to go as soon as the Russians are driven far enough back. Do all the other logistical preparation with equipment made in the meantime.

This war is about oil and money, the Russian nationalism and empire are a nice cover and might mean something to some of them. Russia keep Ukraine and Belarus from developing their oil and gas resources, because it would cut them out of their European markets and loosen their grip on Germany's balls. Russia gets enough revenue from Europe to maintain the war and it was mostly this money that developed Russia over the past 30 years. A liberated Belarus and Ukraine could supply Europe's energy and petrochemical needs with little difficulty. The market for oil and gas will dry up over the next couple of decades, Europe will go EV for cars in the next decade and gasoline demand will drop year by year, so they had better sell it while they can and reap the rewards.
Another war Vlad? You are kinda busy in Ukraine right now and if I was betting I'd say after you get your ass whipped there, but are still pinned there, there will be trouble and revolution in Belarus. However if you want another war to destroy any residual military power you might have, Uncle Sam has vast numbers of weapons stockpiles, many due to be replaced by newer systems. They have oil too as I recall

More oil and gas, more threats from Vlad, they can't get their oil and gas out, mostly because of Russia, again it would cut into Russia's markets. So defeating the Russians could lead to collapse of oil prices eventually, bringing more energy supplies online as demand decreases because of the increasing number of EVs.

Kazakhstan has the largest proven oil reserves in the Caspian Sea region. Kazakhstan's crude and condensate output in 2019 was 1.965 million bpd. It increased by 4.8% in 2018 and reached 1.814 million bpd. In 2017, Kazakhstan produced 1.73 million bpd of crude oil.

Energy Resource Guide - Oil and Gas - Kazakhstan
So the way I have it figured, the US and UK along with Poland and others are gonna make sure Germany, France and Italy are gonna freeze in the dark unless they get on board and stop fucking around with Putin. Now that the Russians are playing with the gas valve to Europe, it time to get serious. Hungary will have it's gas supply cut by Ukraine, give us your old soviet tanks or freeze assholes!

It kinda looks like this is how it is squaring away in Europe as the various interests align, they know all about Ukraine's energy potential of that I am certain. I know of no other replacement for their supply that could be so quickly implemented using existing pipelines for transport. There is oil and gas in the extreme west of Ukraine far from the fighting that could be developed immediately and there are plenty of places east of Kyiv removed far enough from the fighting where they can drill and cap gas wells for now.
So the way I have it figured, the US and UK along with Poland and others are gonna make sure Germany, France and Italy are gonna freeze in the dark
Do you actually listen to 1/2 the things you say? Don't you think that the UK and Poland would prefer to side with Europe rather than to keep on siding with America's proxy war? They are part of it you know..
What do you want America to do? Start bombing or start sanctioning Germany and France and the rest of Europe? Thats doesnt sound like the smartest thing to do. We are already seeing American business opening back up in Russia, even Mcdonalds has re structured.
Do you actually listen to 1/2 the things you say? Don't you think that the UK and Poland would prefer to side with Europe rather than to keep on siding with America's proxy war? They are part of it you know..
What do you want America to do? Start bombing or start sanctioning Germany and France and the rest of Europe? Thats doesnt sound like the smartest thing to do.
Read the news, Russia cut gas supplies to Germany and the UK are training 10K Ukrainian troops and equipping them with armored vehicles. The plan is still to slowly strange Russia on the battlefield, no sudden moves to spook or nuke. This is geopolitical realpolitik, there is a brighter future with Russia vanquished. The map is gonna change in central Europe and Belarus will be the next domino to fall, Uncle Sam is keeping his distance and wants it to be primarily a European thing. Already America's attention has shifted to south east Asia and China where defensive arrangements are ongoing. How are those nuclear subs from Uncle Sam working out? That's part of the big picture too, China and Russia are adversaries of liberal democracy, it's about that now, not capitalism vs socialism, that has been settled temporarily, at least until technology forces the issue and work becomes a privilege.
Belarus would be mad to attack Ukraine, if the army did, it probably means they will stage a coup with the Ukrainians!
The Ukrainians haven't lost many generals if any, because of the way their army is organized, generals don't need to go near the fighting, sergeants and lieutenants do that stuff in NATO armies.

If Belarus attacked Ukraine Poland would be on them like stink on shit! They might move into Ukraine to confront them, if required or just supply the Ukrainians with more weapons. Belarus would collapse politically and a new regime would take over with a different attitude.

Update from Ukraine | Belarus is Ready for attack. Did we lost 50 Generals?
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Belarus would be mad to attack Ukraine, if the army did, it probably means they will stage a coup with the Ukrainians!
The Ukrainians haven't lost many generals if any, because of the way their army is organized, generals don't need to go near the fighting, sergeants and lieutenants do that stuff in NATO armies.

If Belarus attacked Ukraine Poland would be on them like stink on shit! They might move into Ukraine to confront them, if required or just supply the Ukrainians with more weapons. Belarus would collapse politically and a new regime would take over with a different attitude.

Update from Ukraine | Belarus is Ready for attack. Did we lost 50 Generals?
russia is full of shit, they spout so much disinformation that it's impossible to tell if a single word they say is true, without outside confirmation...but i'll kiss your rosey ass in the middle of main street if they killed any UA generals, or even if they destroyed any new armaments in the same strike...and i'll give you half an hour to draw a crowd first
How are those nuclear subs from Uncle Sam working out?
The nuclear subs that are already late? Overpriced and will be an 80 years old design if and when we do get a fleet of them? What a horrible deal that was/is/will be for Australia. Strike fighter all over again. Good chance they wont even materialise. 2040 is a long way away
Also who wants them at a port near them? Going to be a tough sell. Every place that has been suggested has had a large vocal local backlash.

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Hear ex-CIA director's prediction about who will win in Ukraine
481,487 views Jun 19, 2022 David Petraeus, retired US Army general and former CIA Director, discusses where the war in Ukraine stands now and who will win.
The nuclear subs that are already late? Overpriced and will be an 80 years old design if and when we do get a fleet of them? What a horrible deal that was/is/will be for Australia. Strike fighter all over again.

Better than the French ones apparently, hey we got screwed by the UK on subs too so don't feel so bad.
Better than the French ones apparently, hey we got screwed by the UK on subs too so don't feel so bad.
French ones are way better. Much more modern and up to date. Also a better fit as their are french ports in the region. Have a listen to our ex PM chatting about them.

I don't feel bad at all. I don't want Australia to have nuclear subs at all. They cannot even have nuclear weapons so they are kind of noisy, hot and pointless. Was just a solely political deal for Slo Mo and Biden to announce.
We should be manufacturing hundreds of underwater drones and ordered some of the German hydrogen subs. The 212A. Saved a heap of money and had a better force.
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russia is full of shit, they spout so much disinformation that it's impossible to tell if a single word they say is true, without outside confirmation...but i'll kiss your rosey ass in the middle of main street if they killed any UA generals, or even if they destroyed any new armaments in the same strike...and i'll give you half an hour to draw a crowd first
Their precision weapons have an error radius measured in hundreds of meters, they can't even use their GOPS system to navigate fighter planes and depend on cellphones and western GPS units taped in the cockpits. They don't need big conferences, they can teleconference securely using starlink internet connections anyway and would never gather that many officers in one place under Russian drone surveillance anyway.

Belarus attacking would be fatal to Lukashenko, he's just holding on with Russian security forces in the country to keep a lid on. The railways are being sabotaged and those Belarussians fighting in Ukraine would be heading home with extra weapons in a hurry. I'm pretty sure there have been secret talks between the Ukrainians and certain elements in their army already, it would be suicide for them with the Ukrainians waiting for them in ambush with Javelins and NLAWs. War in Belarus would end up being to our advantage and Ukraine would not fuck around at all, if attacked by Belarus.