January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

I see MSNBC has been replaying the last hearing all weekend and the spacing between the hearings allows their impact to sink in and talking heads time to talk and experts time to opine. During the off days they or the highlights are repeated constantly on the TV news channels, except I imagine fox, which probably didn't repeat it like they do with some other "themes". I mean there are brown women and children coming across the border for a better life and to these people, that is a far more serious issue than sedition, treason or the end of democracy, since they also had a hand it it all. They are an instrument of the republican party and not a news organization, that is just a cover and way to finance their true purpose which is creating or amplifying social division and propaganda for profit.

Another purpose of foxnews is to keep taxes for the rich low by supporting republicans who they work with as a team to create false issues, culture wars and social division. They do this so that the majority of white Americans can fuck themselves with fear and hate. It's not a difference of opinion, it's bullshit, destructive and hides out behind the first amendment with a public broadcast license, or got around it. Freedom of the press means the press, let him run a newspaper, broadcasts through the air or wires are the FCCs business. Phones, radio and TV were regulated by the federal government, it's constitutional and common sense. Foxnews is no different than RT and that is gone now.
I just had a thought, the DOJ investigations into Trump's inner circle and the politicians involved have been delayed until the J6 panel releases it's public report, or an interim one. The criminal indictments for Trump were delayed in NY and slow walked in Georgia, treason comes first! Two key GOP witnesses in Georgia will be testifying to the J6 panel and the tape will be played of trump asking for votes. They could not have criminal trials for trump and his family in states or even with the DOJ on going, while they were gathering evidence to present to the public.

Once they indict them, the prosecutors only speak in court, not to the press. This way we will know what happened before the trials and the attempts to publicly spin it between indictment and trial, while prosecutors are forced to remain silent. This gives the DOJ tremendous political cover and it gets all the evidence and juicier details into the public domain before the election and during election season too. No pause in indictments for election season this fall with the DOJ, not on this one, Donald ain't running anyway, but some republican congress people and senators are...
I just had a thought, the DOJ investigations into Trump's inner circle and the politicians involved have been delayed until the J6 panel releases it's public report, or an interim one. The criminal indictments for Trump were delayed in NY and slow walked in Georgia, treason comes first! Two key GOP witnesses in Georgia will be testifying to the J6 panel and the tape will be played of trump asking for votes. They could not have criminal trials for trump and his family in states or even with the DOJ on going, while they were gathering evidence to present to the public.

Once they indict them, the prosecutors only speak in court, not to the press. This way we will know what happened before the trials and the attempts to publicly spin it between indictment and trial, while prosecutors are forced to remain silent. This gives the DOJ tremendous political cover and it gets all the evidence and juicier details into the public domain before the election and during election season too. No pause in indictments for election season this fall with the DOJ, not on this one, Donald ain't running anyway, but some republican congress people and senators are...

Finally your life will be complete.

January 6 Committee Hearings: Brad Raffensperger
24,655 views Jun 19, 2022 Symone Sanders hosts a political panel on the January 6 Committee hearings, Georgia Secretary of state Brad Raffensperger’s testimony on Tuesday, and the politics of fighting inflation.

Who is on John Eastman's pardon list & why did Sen. Grassley say he, not Pence, would preside on 1/6
61,461 views Jun 19, 2022 The January 6 select committee public hearings have been providing lots of information and answers demonstrating former President Donald Trump's criminal responsibility for the insurrection. But there are still many unanswered questions.

This video takes up two of those questions:
1. Trump's treasonous lawyer John Eastman said he wanted his name to be included on the "pardon list" that was being discussed. Here is some of what we need to know about that pardon list.

2. Why did Senator Charles Grassley say he "did not expect Mike Pence to preside" over the count of the electoral collage votes on January 6. Here is what we need to know about this bizarre and troubling announcement by Grassley.

Glenn Kirschner: "Trump is On The Hook For Treason!" New Evidence Will Come Out in Tuesday's Hearing
73,157 views Jun 19, 2022 Glenn L. Kirschner is an American attorney and former U.S. Army prosecutor who is NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst.

Glenn Kirschner: "Trump is On The Hook For Treason!" New Evidence Will Come Out in Tuesday's Hearing
Finally your life will be complete.
No, it's just one more fight in the struggle for liberal democracy and besides, it's always a good day when justice is done and evil punished. Donald finally having justice meted out to him is not a bad thing and he won't be alone either. Besides those who sacked the capitol, I figure over a thousand republicans will go down with Trump before the dust settles. Now before ya whine remember, judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence, if there is no case and no evidence the judge won't even hear it. If it wasn't that way, Trump would have had Biden and Hilary in prison along with Obama and tens of thousands of others who pissed him off.

you're a literal danger to society with this shit, I have more trust in Muslim terrorists than I do with you in terms of being biased.

Also thehill is nothing But a literal magazine of "fck Trump"

Try quoting some relevant actual legit places.
There are many examples when Trump came out and said it. Like the time he said "good people on both sides".

So, yeah, supporting Trump is a racist act. I understand that you don't get it but that's kind of what we are fighting against. Ignorant racist assholes who don't see themselves for what they are. I'm willing to bet that people who picnicked at lynchings didn't see themselves as racist either. It's a matter of ignorance and the strange ability the radical right have to compartmentalize contradictory thoughts.
I can understand why your are so bitter. Trump is got raked over the coals today. So, you come here to vent. It would be better for your mental health to admit you are wrong and begin the healing process. I'm saying this for your own good.
Fuck that! Let that cancerous seed grow in his mind till it takes over his whole being. Let it drive him to the edge and maybe he’ll put an end to his sorry existence with one of his many freedom guns (hopefully soon before his salty tears render them useless). Sorry but I’m getting really tired of these brain dead fucks :(. I think I need a vacation :(.
Fuck that! Let that cancerous seed grow in his mind till it takes over his whole being. Let it drive him to the edge and maybe he’ll put an end to his sorry existence with one of his many freedom guns (hopefully soon before his salty tears render them useless). Sorry but I’m getting really tired of these brain dead fucks :(. I think I need a vacation :(.
it is time to quit coddling these people. they're supporting criminals and seditionists. they deserve the same fate as those they are supporting...failure, exposure, trials, prison sentences...the loss of future voting privileges. each and every person convicted of participating at the insurrection should have their "right" to vote stripped from them, and any politician who is found to have been involved can never run for any, ANY public office again, anywhere in the country. their participation is clear proof that they are incompetent to pick elected officials, or be elected officials, ever.
No, it's just one more fight in the struggle for liberal democracy and besides, it's always a good day when justice is done and evil punished. Donald finally having justice meted out to him is not a bad thing and he won't be alone either. Besides those who sacked the capitol, I figure over a thousand republicans will go down with Trump before the dust settles. Now before ya whine remember, judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence, if there is no case and no evidence the judge won't even hear it. If it wasn't that way, Trump would have had Biden and Hilary in prison along with Obama and tens of thousands of others who pissed him off.

Hillary, now that brings back memories.

Do you enjoy killing navy seals by chance? Or do you just like hearing about it?
it is time to quit coddling these people. they're supporting criminals and seditionists. they deserve the same fate as those they are supporting...failure, exposure, trials, prison sentences...the loss of future voting privileges. each and every person convicted of participating at the insurrection should have their "right" to vote stripped from them, and any politician who is found to have been involved can never run for any, ANY public office again, anywhere in the country. their participation is clear proof that they are incompetent to pick elected officials, or be elected officials, ever.

While I didnt support Jan 6th, the fact you keep voting in the same damn useless politicians that couldn't tell you how much a gallon of milk is at the store is beyond concerning.

You demoRATS are completely convinced your angels here to help out poor little stupid bobby bubba republicans, talk about ignorance lmao.

A coffee table could do a better job than biden
While I didnt support Jan 6th, the fact you keep voting in the same damn useless politicians that couldn't tell you how much a gallon of milk is at the store is beyond concerning.

You demoRATS are completely convinced your angels here to help out poor little stupid bobby bubba republicans, talk about ignorance lmao.

A coffee table could do a better job than biden
Screen Shot 2022-06-20 at 11.14.31 AM.png

God your posts are vapid.
Hillary, now that brings back memories.

Do you enjoy killing navy seals by chance? Or do you just like hearing about it?
There were 9 partisan hearings about Hilary and nothing was found, it was all bullshit made up for idiots like you. So you would have some straws to grasp at while Trump flushed you down history's toilet. The lies didn't even need to be good or even believable, just something to hold onto, racism and tribalism did the rest.

Of course most white people in the south have always been mealy mouthed liars, fake Christians, or morons who have no clue as to what Christianity is about, or how Christians behave. No Christian could vote for Trump and no Christian could own a gun, it's really that simple to tell the sheep from the goats. If Jesus thought abortion was an important issue, you would think the Bible would have mentioned it? I guess Jesus didn't care about the unborn enough to even bother mentioning it. So being anti abortion doesn't make you a Christian since the bible never mentioned it. Being a bigot and racist means you are NOT a Christian, lie to yourself and lie to others, but don't try that shit with the Lord!