Is Biden really that bad?

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You used the vid to bash the States/Biden. You have a far worse homeless problem in your own country. I just find it ironic is all.
This is interesting. No, Australia's is better than Americas by far we just count it better and have a definition.

"Homelessness then, in Australia, is more than lacking a roof over your head, it is also the absence of those features associated with “home”: permanence, security, and the freedom to come and go.

If the world were to accept Australia’s definition and include everyone with inadequate shelter, the number would exceed 1.6 billion – roughly 20 percent of the population. Also excluded from official figures are the world’s 65 million displaced refugees in temporary accommodation. "

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No, but sadly we still have a huge issue. Still way better than Australia’s.
Thats no good and its awesome your helping lead the world.

Thanks to Housing First, Finland has all but eradicated “rough sleeping,” and at the end of 2015, there were less than 7,000 homeless from a population of more than five million. Countries that have followed Finland’s lead include Denmark, Canada, and, albeit in a much more limited capacity, Australia.

Whats Housing first?
A home without preconditions
So the housing first principle means that you give a homeless person a home, a flat, or a rental flat with a contract, without preconditions. You are not required to solve your problems or get sober, for example, to get a permanent home.19 Aug 2020.

In Australia you will have pre conditions for Public housing. Rents a % of income (welfare or job $) and if you destroy the place you get kicked out- well your meant to. Bit of a waiting list to.
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Thats no good and its awesome your helping lead the world.

Thanks to Housing First, Finland has all but eradicated “rough sleeping,” and at the end of 2015, there were less than 7,000 homeless from a population of more than five million. Countries that have followed Finland’s lead include Denmark, Canada, and, albeit in a much more limited capacity, Australia.
Pot calling the kettle black?
We're ALL fucked up, one way or the other, even Aussies.

Pot calling the kettle black?
We're ALL fucked up, one way or the other, even Aussies.

And that’s my point, thanks Jim! It’s impossible for any of us to throw the “stone”, we all live in the glass house. Seems some still try though. I do have to say, after reading the poll regarding 30% of the US still believe the election was stolen, I worry 30% is bat shit crazy :(. The Democratic Party needs to get way more vocal IMO about this huge lie and not hold back.
so you take economic and political advice from someone who's profession is taking serial brain damage? do you take advice from George Foreman too? maybe Herschel Walker?

Oh man, I'm glad you quoted that. I saw the story about him going broke a day or two after that got posted and didn't feel like going back. It really was funny though, kind of made the afternoon.

Dudes a jenius, capital J.
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