January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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DOJ Reveals Investigations, Prosecutions In Request For January 6th Interview Transcripts
97,752 views Jun 17, 2022 An MSNBC panel discusses a Department of Justice letter to the January 6th Committee requested the full transcripts of all of the over-1000 interviews the committee has conducted in the course of its investigation, and why the committee hasn't already been sharing these materials.
The J6 committee does not want to give the information before they get the most of what they want out of the witnesses. They want to not spook them with thoughts of being prosecuted. Once they do get to that point you will see the information given up.


Well-Known Member
fuck his smile, i'll take him off of my shit list when he starts announcing indictments, till then, he's a fucking time wasting pussy
Did you notice that all the conservative legal brains, their go to conservative lawyers, all want these guys fucked? They are constantly on TV screaming for their heads, including Trump's. Almost all the witnesses in the hearings have been republicans/conservatives.

George Conway: Trump Jan. 6 involvement ‘reeks’ of criminality
48,647 views Jun 17, 2022 Conservative attorney George Conway explains why Trump had criminal intent and is in "more legal trouble" after the third hearing of the January 6 committee

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The J6 committee does not want to give the information before they get the most of what they want out of the witnesses. They want to not spook them with thoughts of being prosecuted. Once they do get to that point you will see the information given up.
what does it matter anymore? is the mountain of evidence they have already uncovered not sufficient to bury trump and his accomplices? they should turn their information over to the DOJ and let Merrick finally do something for fucks sake.
yeah, i know, they're going to time it all like a superbowl half time show, they want the maximum effect before the elections....all they're accomplishing is letting the guilty build alibis, collude with each other, spread false narratives, and letting the public forget about it...strike while the iron is hot, while this is still in everyone's mind, before trump can do further incalculable damage to the country with another run for an office he shouldn't be allowed to befoul with his presence. destroy the far right elements of the republican party, prosecute them all for whatever you can make stick, and drag every crumb of dirt you can find about them into the light in the process...but no, while the country lies in a hospital bed with a ventilator keeping it going, the DOJ allows the republican party to stand on the ventilator hose, slowly choking the life out of the entire nation...


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Mike Pence Was 40 Feet From The Jan. 6 Mob | T****'s Lawyers Knew Overturning Election Was A Crime
954,095 views Jun 17, 2022 John Eastman and the rest of the lawyers advising the former president knew that his plan to overturn the election was a crime, and today's Jan. 6th Committee hearing revealed that the insurrectionist mob got alarmingly close to getting their hands on VP

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
He doesn't need to repeat himself, he already said Trump is on the radar and he might be dealing with a republican congress in the near future with Gym Jordon badgering him in shirt sleeves once a week, between impeaching Biden once a week too. It's like Ukraine, there are more morons than good guys and they might overwhelm the defenses of democracy in November. So he better have his ducks lined up, because independent judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence. The republicans will appoint a special prosecutor to go over everything with a microscope, Durham on steroids.
all the more reason to do shit NOW...why wait till the entire congress is up his ass constantly? get the shit done while it CAN get done...but no, lets wait till the obstructionist republicans can continually meddle in any way they can think of, screwing the whole process....that sounds like a much better idea :dunce:


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Bernstein: Trump is ‘first seditious President of the United States’
4,499 views Jun 17, 2022 Legendary journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein react to day three of the House select committee’s hearings on the January 6 insurrection and its focus on Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.


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I started this video where Glenn talks about pocket pardons and who has them, looks like Eastman was the Patsy!

Glenn Kirschner on Possible Trump Pardons for Eastman, Ivanka & Jared - “This is Pardon-Gate!"
5,636 views Premiered 2 hours ago Glenn L. Kirschner is an American attorney and former U.S. Army prosecutor who is NBC News/MSNBC legal analyst. Glenn Kirschner on Possible Trump Pardons for Eastman, Ivanka & Jared - “This is Pardon-Gate!"


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Another bigtime conservative election lawyer. Lot's of people are going to jail and Trump will make history by going there himself. If it takes too much time or is too much trouble, then the law, or the country is not worth the effort. There is absolutely nothing in the law that protects Trump from the sentence of a judge, if he is convicted by a jury in Washington DC. Nobody will pardon him either, or commute his sentence and it won't be house arrest, he has a large well armed fanatical terrorist following, so it will need to be a secure facility.

Ben Ginsberg: Trump’s Pressure On Pence More ‘Unprecedented’ Than ‘What We Saw In Watergate’
12,755 views Jun 17, 2022 Ben Ginsberg, a longtime Republican elections lawyer who testified to the January 6 Committee and played a key role in the 2000 Florida recount, joins Andrea Mitchell with his reaction to the January 6 Committee hearings. Ginsberg calls the pressure and threats against former Vice President Mike Pence by former President Donald Trump “totally unprecedented, even more so than what we saw in Watergate.”


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Watch how conservative cable news reacted to January 6 hearings
55,952 views Jun 17, 2022 From Fox News to Newsmax to OAN, conservative cable news hosts and their guests have continued to dismiss the January 6 committee hearings as political theater put on by Democrats.


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YouTube removes video from Jan 6 panel including Trump’s election misinformation
YouTube confirmed on Friday that it had removed a video uploaded by the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot for violating the platform’s election integrity policy.

“Our election integrity policy prohibits content advancing false claims that widespread fraud, errors or glitches changed the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, if it does not provide sufficient context. We enforce our policies equally for everyone, and have removed the video uploaded by the January 6th Committee channel,” Ivy Choi, a YouTube spokesperson, said in a statement.

The video in question was a clip of a hearing that the committee conducted and posted to the video platform on Tuesday, The New York Times reported.

Part of the video showed the former president baselessly claiming on Fox Business that “We had glitches where they moved thousands of votes from my account to Biden’s account,” according to the newspaper. The clip also reportedly included some testimony from former Attorney General William Barr.

Though the committee has also shown testimony from Barr in which he dismissed former President Trump’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election, calling them “crazy stuff” and “bulls—,” that perspective was not featured in the video YouTube removed, the Times noted.

In the public hearings this month, the panel is making a case to the public that the Capitol riot resulted from a Trump-led effort to overturn the results of the 2020 election. The committee has held three hearings so far.

Trump, speaking at a Faith and Freedom event in Nashville, Tenn., on Friday, railed against the committee and its hearings.


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Trump criticizes Pence after Jan. 6 hearing: ‘Human conveyor belt’
Former President Trump criticized former Vice President Mike Pence, calling him a “human conveyor belt” for not supporting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results following the House Jan. 6 select committee’s Thursday hearing.

Mike Pence had a chance to be great. He had a chance to be frankly historic. But just like [former Attorney General] Bill Barr and the rest of these weak people, Mike, and I say it sadly ‘cause I like him, but Mike did not have the courage to act,” Trump said while giving remarks at a Faith and Freedom event in Nashville, Tenn.

“The election was perfect. And the Democrats are sitting back, saying ‘No way we’re going to impeach this guy.’ Nah, it’s terrible,” he continued. “But Mike was afraid of whatever he was afraid of. But, as you heard a year and a half ago, Mike Pence had absolutely no choice but to be a human conveyor belt – he was a human conveyor belt – even if the votes were fraudulent. They said he had to send the votes – couldn’t do anything.”

Trump has repeatedly made unsupported claims that the 2020 presidential election was tainted by widespread voter fraud. He’s also called the election “rigged.” However, federal and state elections officials have not found substantial evidence of widespread election fraud.

In addition, dozens legal challenges brought by the former president’s legal team to overturn the 2020 election results were largely unsuccessful.

The former president’s remarks came after the House panel held their third public June hearing, which focused on the relation between Pence and Trump. The hearing examined alleged efforts to pressure the former vice president to overturn the 2020 election results.


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Trump says he would look ‘very, very seriously’ at pardons for Jan 6 defendants if reelected
Former President Trump said on Friday that he would look “very, very seriously” at pardoning those charged in connection with storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, if he ran for and became president again.

Speaking during a Faith and Freedom event in Nashville, Tenn., Trump said the defendants charged in the Capitol riot were “having their lives totally destroyed and being treated worse than terrorists and murderers,” claiming that most had been “charged with parading through the Capitol.”

“And if I become president, someday if I decide to do it, I will be looking at them very, very seriously for pardons. Very, very seriously,” he added.

Trump has not yet announced whether he will run for president again in 2024, though he has at times teased the possibility that he will.

The former president has previously said that if he ran for president again and won, he would “treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly,” including potentially giving pardons to defendants charged in the riot.

One of his close allies, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), signaled after Trump made those earlier comments that he thought the idea of offering pardons to Capitol riot defendants was “inappropriate,” leading the former president to call the South Carolina Republican a “RINO,” or “Republican in name only.”

The former president’s Friday remarks come amid a slate of public hearings this month from the the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot.

During its latest hearing on Thursday, the panel showed evidence that conservative lawyer John Eastman, who advised Trump on a plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election, sought a pardon from the White House following the Jan. 6 attack.

Maybe the GOP could make that a plank in their election bid?


Well-Known Member
Trump says he would look ‘very, very seriously’ at pardons for Jan 6 defendants if reelected
Former President Trump said on Friday that he would look “very, very seriously” at pardoning those charged in connection with storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, if he ran for and became president again.

Speaking during a Faith and Freedom event in Nashville, Tenn., Trump said the defendants charged in the Capitol riot were “having their lives totally destroyed and being treated worse than terrorists and murderers,” claiming that most had been “charged with parading through the Capitol.”

“And if I become president, someday if I decide to do it, I will be looking at them very, very seriously for pardons. Very, very seriously,” he added.

Trump has not yet announced whether he will run for president again in 2024, though he has at times teased the possibility that he will.

The former president has previously said that if he ran for president again and won, he would “treat those people from Jan. 6 fairly,” including potentially giving pardons to defendants charged in the riot.

One of his close allies, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), signaled after Trump made those earlier comments that he thought the idea of offering pardons to Capitol riot defendants was “inappropriate,” leading the former president to call the South Carolina Republican a “RINO,” or “Republican in name only.”

The former president’s Friday remarks come amid a slate of public hearings this month from the the House select committee investigating the Capitol riot.

During its latest hearing on Thursday, the panel showed evidence that conservative lawyer John Eastman, who advised Trump on a plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election, sought a pardon from the White House following the Jan. 6 attack.

Maybe the GOP could make that a plank in their election bid?
We will hear more about Pardons to Ivanka, Jared, Rudy and others in the future, at least that is the opinion of some lawyers based on what has transpired thus far. There will be a lot of suckers like Eastman who won't have one and who will take the fall along with Trump, his self pardon will be worthless.