January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

All republican politicians who promulgated the big lie after Jan 6th need to be held to the same standards as Trump and asked for the proof of the lies they continued to spread after the insurrection. Did they know it was a lie and if they did when? If they didn't know it was a lie, what was their excuse for being so fucking stupid? Apparently it was discussed among republican members of congress, just like the WH, they knew it was a lie and spoke of it in private as such, while supporting it in public, breaking their oaths of office. They refused to allow him to be impeached or a real case made against him, but the case they made was more than sufficient for a conviction by the senate. In failing their oaths during the impeachment trial, the republican senators gave support to the big lie and ongoing wire fraud.

Most republicans house members and senators are traitors to the constitution and rule of law, there is no getting around the facts. They threw their country under the bus so many times for Trump the people lost count, they were completely in the power of a psychopathic moron. They allowed this to happen over the years by driving out the moderates and good people and replacing them with white trash and the scum of the earth. Trump completed the expulsions of the RINOs by repulsion and attracting more violent lunatics and bigots, until only the dregs were left. That is who controls the republican party now, the lunatics, fanatics, fascists and morons of America.

Republicans jockey to be Trump's top defender during Jan. 6 hearings
49,741 views Jun 14, 2022 Over the past week, some of Donald's Trump's fiercest acolytes on Capitol Hill have been jockeying to prove their loyalty to the former President by waging a full-scale attack against the select committee, using news conferences, social media posts and conservative-friendly cable news appearances to blame Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the security failures on January 6, 2021, and accuse Democrats of a political witch hunt designed to damage Trump.

George Conway: Trump Does Everything You Tell Your Children They Shouldn't Do
241,624 views Jun 14, 2022 Following revelations from the second hearing of the January 6 Committee, attorney George Conway joins Morning Joe to discuss testimony from former AG Bill Barr, Bill Stepien and Jared Kushner and how he says Trump corrupts those around him.

Joe On Second Jan. 6 Hearing: The People Testifying Were Closest To Trump
53,422 views Jun 14, 2022 Former Attorney General William Barr expressed concern over Trump’s mental state to House Jan. 6 committee investigators. The Morning Joe panel discusses Barr's remarks.
Because one does not get a chance of posting enough from The Epoch Times.
Text Exchange Appears to Show Fox News’ Sean Hannity Suggesting Trump Pardon Hunter Biden: Jan. 6 Hearing
Text message exchanges that were shown during a hearing by the House select committee investigating the Capitol breach appeared to suggest that Fox News host Sean Hannity had recommended that former President Donald Trump grant Hunter Biden a presidential pardon.

The Jan. 6 committee released the messages between two individuals—Hannity and then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany—as part of its first televised hearing on June 16.

Because one does not get a chance of posting enough from The Epoch Times.
Text Exchange Appears to Show Fox News’ Sean Hannity Suggesting Trump Pardon Hunter Biden: Jan. 6 Hearing
Text message exchanges that were shown during a hearing by the House select committee investigating the Capitol breach appeared to suggest that Fox News host Sean Hannity had recommended that former President Donald Trump grant Hunter Biden a presidential pardon.

The Jan. 6 committee released the messages between two individuals—Hannity and then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany—as part of its first televised hearing on June 16.

In one message exchange between Hannity and McEnany, the TV host appears to update and inform McEnany about a conversation he allegedly had with Trump following the breach of the Capitol.

Hannity appeared to have advised the president not to associate himself with “crazy people,” to which McEnany replied, “Yes 100%.”

The TV host also tells McEnany that Trump “was intrigued by the pardon idea!! (Hunter).” The “Hunter” that Hannity allegedly referred to is Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son.

The Epoch Times has been unable to verify if the text message exchange was referring to Hunter Biden and has contacted Fox News for comment.

Elsewhere in the exchange of messages, Hannity also appeared to have advised the former president that there should be “no more stolen election talk,” adding, “Yes, impeachment and 25th amendment are real, and many people will quit.”

Hannity said that Trump had apparently been “resistant but listened [to] Pence (former Vice President Mike Pence) thoughts, to make it right” and that he “seemed to like attending inauguration talk.”

“Love that. Thank you. That is the playbook. I will help reinforce. Thank you for your help. You are doing a great service for your country,” McEnany replied.

Trump was first impeached on Dec. 18, 2019, for “abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.” House lawmakers alleged that Trump had abused the power of his office by pressuring Ukraine to investigate his main Democratic political rival, Joe Biden, and his son, Hunter Biden, and that the then-president obstructed justice when Democrats launched an investigation into the matter.

Trump has vehemently denied both allegations.

He was impeached a second time on Jan. 13, 2021, for “incitement of insurrection” over the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol but again vehemently denies those claims.

In his last Facebook post, Trump called on the protesters at the Capitol to “go home peacefully,” telling them: “We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt.”

While it is unclear why Trump would consider granting Hunter Biden—who is still under investigation by the Justice Department regarding his overseas business dealings—a pardon, a number of reports previously stated that Trump was considering doing so.

Trump has called the House Jan. 6 Committee hearings a “smoke and mirrors show” that distracts Americans from real current issues like sky-high inflation and supply shortages that have worsened in recent months under the Biden administration.
That's one bunch we should deport to China and let the CCP "reeducate" them...
Uh, you realize his position here? Mods do check out what goes on in their domain for the hint of a nut case. You seem very, immature. I would lie about my age also if I were you.

I've got zero respect for any of you parrots on here. Been lurking this forum for quite a while over the years, and watching your round the clock circle jerk each other.

It's quite fitting the forum admin is in on it frankly. You guys are unhinged nut jobs bent on blaming the other party for EVERYTHING to the point it's not even worth debating with you.

Trump in prison yet btw? Damn those Russian judges
I've got zero respect for any of you parrots on here. Been lurking this forum for quite a while over the years, and watching your round the clock circle jerk each other.

It's quite fitting the forum admin is in on it frankly. You guys are unhinged nut jobs bent on blaming the other party for EVERYTHING to the point it's not even worth debating with you.

Trump in prison yet btw? Damn those Russian judges
Trump dug the grave of Dixie and the good ole boys jumped in to be buried wrapped in the stars and bars. The solid south ain't so solid any more and might be quite shaky after November. Those who spouted and swallowed the big lie are looking like bigger fools very day, he played the yokels and bumpkins for suckers. Easy to fuck over bigots, they are natural born suckers with easy to push buttons, con artist exploit character flaws like greed, hatred and bigotry to get fools to give them money while they fuck themselves.
Your own news network is even admitting he's more popular since Jan. 6th https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/11/politics/donald-trump-january-6-democrats-moderate/index.html
So what's yer point, Donald is innocent and all this is Trumped up!
All the news media including the international sources are fake news?
Donald was an honest man with an upstanding character?
Donald was a patriot who put his country first and is a good Christian man?
Was he the "best" president America ever had?
Was he more popular than Jesus and if so, where are Jesus's ratings?
Speaking of Jesus, what kinda gun do you think he would own?
Trump dug the grave of Dixie and the good ole boys jumped in to be buried wrapped in the stars and bars. The solid south ain't so solid any more and might be quite shaky after November. Those who spouted and swallowed the big lie are looking like bigger fools very day, he played the yokels and bumpkins for suckers. Easy to fuck over bigots, they are natural born suckers with easy to push buttons, con artist exploit character flaws like greed, hatred and bigotry to get fools to give them money while they fuck themselves.

He actually made most of his money through construction through a lot of his life. Construction and real estate.

But sure, whatever you said about him being a con artist and all that.

Like I said earlier, you parrots knew nothing about the guy until major news networks launched the greatest smear campaign man has ever seen on one person. Nixon had it 20x easier than Trump has had it. It's easily the greatest campaign on any one person in history.
He actually made most of his money through construction through a lot of his life. Construction and real estate.

But sure, whatever you said about him being a con artist and all that.

Like I said earlier, you parrots knew nothing about the guy until major news networks launched the greatest smear campaign man has ever seen on one person. Nixon had it 20x easier than Trump has had it. It's easily the greatest campaign on any one person in history.
The only question I have is: Are you really that brain washed and fucking stupid, or just mealy mouthed and at civil war?