for those of you who measure your runoff EC hydro coco


Well-Known Member
my bio shows my setup so i can just ask to refer to that for that info.

many here say not to worry what goes out just the inflow but im curious if anyone here grows hydro coco and measures there runoff to see whats normal (higher than inflow EC) and what to suggest if the inflow is 1.15 EC mS/cm and the runoff is EC .45 mS/cm and EC .56 mS/cm from two different older plants. just found out the 5 gal is in trade gallons so i water with .19 gallons instead of a quart and look for 6 fl oz of runoff to indicate 20%. just bought a great watering can that evenly waters the media but much quicker than before. i follow dr mj cocos advice from their site and listened to a two hr podcast with him himself but this doesnt come up, just that it indicates salt build up in the rootzone. this post is intended for others who follow this philosophy and perhaps have personal expirience in this media setup as according to that source mj coco, this is not a good sign but is self correcting in 4 feedings which im far past and its dropping even lower. not much of a indication that more nutes are needed, its already pretty high. please let me know what you think. 1.15 EC mS/cm = 1,150ppm on a 500 scale. so .45 EC = 450ppm on a 500 scale . things out of the ordinary: i misread the meter and fed 2.6EC mS/cm and then corrected new solution to 1.15 EC mS/cm but was watering a 3.5 gal with 2 gal of water (quickly learned that only need 5% by volume of gallons of the pot and watered accordingly) and week or two later, the ec is dropping a lot but when watering heavy with two gallons it was catching up but never was at or higher than inflow EC and now questionably low and cant for the life of me figure out why most people get normal readings. buffered the coco. the solution PH 6.2 or just under
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Yes I keep tabs on my run off but I don't understand your ec figures of 0.45/.56?

Ec is 0.8/1.8/2.8 etc you don't get 1.15ec it would be 1.1 or 1.5?
You need to check which scale you are reading?
Yes I keep tabs on my run off but I don't understand your ec figures of 0.45/.56?

Ec is 0.8/1.8/2.8 etc you don't get 1.15ec it would be 1.1 or 1.5?
You need to check which scale you are reading?
its in millisiemens/cm i did incorrectly read it in the past but i know im reading it right currently, and EC 1.15 is 1,150ppm and the run of is .46 and .56 which is 460ppm and 560ppm so saying 1.15 is because my meter reads down to that decimal its a hanna growline EC meter and its on a mS/cm scale that reads EC not the ppm and ppm scale, just straight up EC mS/cm. harder to type out than to understand, im new to it but i know how to read it, was embarrasing to find out i didnt when i realised weeks ago that i didnt. edit: i meant ppm on a 500 scale as some go by that
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I have 3 plants going in 3.5G buckets hempy style and just red my runoff lastnight because 2 are showing some weird signs of issues and the runoff was super low were as the perfect plant is ready pretty high runoff. All 3 are in same medium and getting same feeding everytime so it’s odd. I don’t read the runoff unless I see issues arising and normally they all run smooth. I read over at cannabis for coco that you want the runoff to stay within 300ppm of the input feed. Up to 300ppm higher
I have 3 plants going in 3.5G buckets hempy style and just red my runoff lastnight because 2 are showing some weird signs of issues and the runoff was super low were as the perfect plant is ready pretty high runoff. All 3 are in same medium and getting same feeding everytime so it’s odd. I don’t read the runoff unless I see issues arising and normally they all run smooth. I read over at cannabis for coco that you want the runoff to stay within 300ppm of the input feed. Up to 300ppm higher
yes exactly, to add, that dr mjcoco says with seedlings and eary early veg that some lower leaf issues are common but thats the coco constantly stealing some calmag even after buffering just not as much and reading the runoff can indicate issues long before visual signs so im eager to find answers on this. yep should be higher and not hard to solve if its too high, but too low? hmm lol
What meter are you using where 1.15 Ec = 1150 ppm's?
It's either 575 ppm's or 805 ppm's depending on what conversion your meter is.
No idea what the .46 and .56 means.
measuring with hanna growline EC/tds meter on the mS/cm scale but not too long ago i misread it by setting it to ppm 500 scale and treating that as if it was mS/cm but was still under the impression its read like .4 = 400ppm. because in a 500 scale, thats still double and equals i guess in my novice words a 1000 scale way of looking at it. the original calculations of 500 scale just confuse me and think of it this way as yall see. sorry not a math guy but was hoping i knew all i needed to know with the meters lol i think so
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its in millisiemens/cm i did incorrectly read it in the past but i know im reading it right currently, and EC 1.15 is 1,150ppm and the run of is .46 and .56 which is 460ppm and 560ppm so saying 1.15 is because my meter reads down to that decimal its a hanna growline EC meter and its on a mS/cm scale that reads EC not the ppm and ppm scale, just straight up EC mS/cm. harder to type out than to understand, im new to it but i know how to read it, was embarrasing to find out i didnt when i realised weeks ago that i didnt.
I'm too stoned to get my head around the figures, try ec it's a universal scale which keeps everyone on the same page.
I'm too stoned to get my head around the figures, try ec it's a universal scale which keeps everyone on the same page.
the inflow is EC 1.1 mS/cm and the runoff EC is EC .4 mS/cm. that was just an elaborate way of saying its the same thing mine just reads a finer reading, if mines fansy cool i didnt know that i thought all should lmao.
the inflow is EC 1.1 mS/cm and the runoff EC is EC .4 mS/cm. that was just an elaborate way of saying its the same thing mine just reads a finer reading, if mines fansy cool i didnt know that i thought all should lmao.
Ahhh right o that's better lol
That imo is too low I'd increase the nutrient ec until you get your ec run off up nearer 1.0ec.
Don't just give 1 big increase go 0.3 at time then give it 2/3 days at that if it's still excessively low increase it again until you get within range of the inflow.

I'm going on the presumption that you're temps and humidity are good or close enough.
Ahhh right o that's better lol
That imo is too low I'd increase the nutrient ec until you get your ec run off up nearer 1.0ec.
Don't just give 1 big increase go 0.3 at time then give it 2/3 days at that if it's still excessively low increase it again until you get within range of the inflow.

I'm going on the presumption that you're temps and humidity are good or close enough.
yeah sorry i thought i made it clear but see now was vague i edited the main post to be percise, yea the tent runs in a cool area 50% RH and between canopy and lights is 68F to 70F i have yet to see what it is at night i thinks its the same, its consistent in the area its set up at and have a fan blowing up at the light (heat stress) but just like everything else, nothing stands out causing this. i hardly give it anything just enough to stay 90-100% saturated and enough to flush out salts but 1.1EC mS/cm alot of people here said was awfully high already but just right for my mfg recommendations
If your running leds. Daytime temps 68-70 is to cold
was going to get a bigger light like 500w led for the whole space and if that didnt raise the temp the the minimum 72F i was going to opt for a space heater on a timer next to intake area or short interval cycles within the tent, but looking for a safer option. fan that blows at light turns off when lights off
was going to get a bigger light like 500w led for the whole space and if that didnt raise the temp the the minimum 72F i was going to opt for a space heater on a timer next to intake area or short interval cycles within the tent, but looking for a safer option. fan that blows at light turns off when lights off
Switch outlets. Run your fan 100% of the time. Aim your fans down word keeping the heat down works too. These are all problems I wish I had atm lmao. I just hit triple digits in my 4x4. Because it’s in garage. Nothing happened on the outside. Idk if it messed with on the inside. Sucks.
Switch outlets. Run your fan 100% of the time. Aim your fans down word keeping the heat down works too. These are all problems I wish I had atm lmao. I just hit triple digits in my 4x4. Because it’s in garage. Nothing happened on the outside. Idk if it messed with on the inside. Sucks.
more fans coming, needs to stay this way as new growth was having heat stress on one plant because its 250w so its a little hot, one more could cover the whole 6x3.5 area and the plant is holding a grudge since it was cramped in a 2x2 and tested the bigger light in there for couple days but has been bouncing back since moving to new area and aiming fan upwards from a source i follow that has expirience in 2x2s and dead air in general. but this cool running veg area too cold for it to run all the time until i figure out heat unless u think 68F or 65F at lowest is t too bad for night temps i read its ok but not optimal just nothing below 60F and below 50F they die which i havent been dealing with
What's your set up are you using hid or led?

Heat stress with 72f ambient doesn't seem right... if you're getting heat stress your temps could or should be higher?
What's your set up are you using hid or led?

Heat stress with 72f ambient doesn't seem right... if you're getting heat stress your temps could or should be higher?
LED 250w and its pretty hot like you cannot touch it unless the fan blows at it and even then it kinda burns your hand a little, so without the fan its pretty hot stagnant air of canopy and the tips of leaves on new growth was curling upwards and drying out but once i updated things to have fan blow at light the new growth is thriving. raised lights 5 inches too because too much more stress and she might die, but i think il be able trim the dying leaves soon and it will replace itself with new growth thats coming in nicely but im almost sure its heat stress, i havent been able to lower lights to mfg recommendations with out issues yet, i learned this tip about fan blowing up at light from someone growing in smaller spaces so i applied that and it seemed to put things on track with the suffering mother plant, maybe the fan will allow me lower the light but no expirience with leds, the expirience i do have was with a little bit of HPS and CFL and sunlight. will post thread looking into this when i dare to lower lights soon
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When I measure my run off EC. I'm always aiming to get the EC at what it went in at. For example if it goes in at 1.2 then I want it to come out at 1.2. 1.3 or 1.4 is also fine, But if it goes too high I like to give them a flush with weaker strength nutrients
When I measure my run off EC. I'm always aiming to get the EC at what it went in at. For example if it goes in at 1.2 then I want it to come out at 1.2. 1.3 or 1.4 is also fine, But if it goes too high I like to give them a flush with weaker strength nutrients
what about if its down EC .6 mS/cm? i cannot see anywhere that others have this issue lol