Thoughts on adjusting indoor growing to the current market

It's completely out of my realm as a grower but I have to wonder from a common sense point of view if nobody is doing it, is there a demand for it? Not being argumentative, just trying to ask the question. I don't know what's popular on the market so I really can't say other than what I read on here and all anybody talks about is color and terps but they seem to lack punch. A sativa run that long would most likely have plenty of punch and a very unique high compared to most of today's hybrids. As a consumer if we could buy retail here in VA I'd be interested in trying something like that for sure just because I don't have the patience to grow it or the space really in my tent. Looking at different opportunities like that is going to be the difference being just another pound of flower everybody has seen and something special though so if it's not cost prohibitive to produce it might be worth it. Hope a lay person's opinion helps as far as a non commercial grower.
I’m hardly commercial lol, just a guy who has to sell weed to be able to afford to grow and smoke it. Mfs killing me with these $100 ounces of undeniably decent outdoor though. Even if you’ve got the best of what everyone else has it’s still what everyone else has so why not change up
I keep hearing about these 500 hundred dollar pounds and stuff out in OK and CA and it makes me want to weep. People work way too hard and put way too much of their lives on hold to grow this crop to sell weed for that cheap. Hell as a home grower I haven't taken a vacation or a day off in 5 years because I always have something going, so I can imagine what it's like when it becomes a career. It seems like legalization has become a double edged sword in many states with the prices bottoming out in some areas and in others big business keeping it up too high for medical patients to be able to afford it. Hopefully you hit on a good combination of demand and turnaround for you.
I’m hardly commercial lol, just a guy who has to sell weed to be able to afford to grow and smoke it. Mfs killing me with these $100 ounces of undeniably decent outdoor though. Even if you’ve got the best of what everyone else has it’s still what everyone else has so why not change up
I'm in Oakland / San Francisco area and $100 zip is like a new standard. You can get better but not at that price. Im just trying to get high enough to not care as much. @_@

I keep hearing about these 500 hundred dollar pounds and stuff out in OK and CA and it makes me want to weep. People work way too hard and put way too much of their lives on hold to grow this crop to sell weed for that cheap. Hell as a home grower I haven't taken a vacation or a day off in 5 years because I always have something going, so I can imagine what it's like when it becomes a career. It seems like legalization has become a double edged sword in many states with the prices bottoming out in some areas and in others big business keeping it up too high for medical patients to be able to afford it. Hopefully you hit on a good combination of demand and turnaround for you.
I usually see $800 - $1,200 depending on if you get the homie hookup or not. :bigjoint:
I keep hearing about these 500 hundred dollar pounds and stuff out in OK and CA and it makes me want to weep. People work way too hard and put way too much of their lives on hold to grow this crop to sell weed for that cheap. Hell as a home grower I haven't taken a vacation or a day off in 5 years because I always have something going, so I can imagine what it's like when it becomes a career. It seems like legalization has become a double edged sword in many states with the prices bottoming out in some areas and in others big business keeping it up too high for medical patients to be able to afford it. Hopefully you hit on a good combination of demand and turnaround for you.
Yes..and thats for can find ounces of wax for 100....ridiculous
I can't think of anything you can do to adapt until federal decriminalization -- at which point you can sell across state lines to other legal states. But you'd need to be commercial to take advantage of that most likely. They'll want to see your license and CoA/lab tests.

Life is good still in the illegal/medical states. I don't grow a lot, maybe 6 pounds per year but I can always sell my excess easily through a few contacts. Still getting $250-$300/zip which isn't too bad for some secondary income.

As far as Sativas go, we're going to be seeing less and less of the Indica/Sativa duality as the science is moving towards chemovars rather than cultivars. There are Sativa cultivars with similar chemical profiles to Indicas and vice versa which from a medical standpoint, could make Sativas not even worth growing except for cultivator use.

You have to remember, the average person who walks into a dispensary is a moron. They don't hang out on cannabis forums, read white papers on cannabis or watch grow videos. Imagine you back in high school buying dime bags and the extent of your knowledge was not to smoke seeds and stems. These days it's the same except now there are numbers on all of the labels and that's all the average user cares about. If they see a strain that's $30 for 1/8th of 25% vs. $45 for 1/8th of 19%, which do you think they'll buy? The latter could be straight fire rip your head off herb and the former grown outdoor and sprayed with all kinds of "organic" shit and sat in a warehouse for 3 months and the customer will say that one's better -- just based on the numbers.
I can't think of anything you can do to adapt until federal decriminalization -- at which point you can sell across state lines to other legal states. But you'd need to be commercial to take advantage of that most likely. They'll want to see your license and CoA/lab tests.

Life is good still in the illegal/medical states. I don't grow a lot, maybe 6 pounds per year but I can always sell my excess easily through a few contacts. Still getting $250-$300/zip which isn't too bad for some secondary income.

As far as Sativas go, we're going to be seeing less and less of the Indica/Sativa duality as the science is moving towards chemovars rather than cultivars. There are Sativa cultivars with similar chemical profiles to Indicas and vice versa which from a medical standpoint, could make Sativas not even worth growing except for cultivator use.

You have to remember, the average person who walks into a dispensary is a moron. They don't hang out on cannabis forums, read white papers on cannabis or watch grow videos. Imagine you back in high school buying dime bags and the extent of your knowledge was not to smoke seeds and stems. These days it's the same except now there are numbers on all of the labels and that's all the average user cares about. If they see a strain that's $30 for 1/8th of 25% vs. $45 for 1/8th of 19%, which do you think they'll buy? The latter could be straight fire rip your head off herb and the former grown outdoor and sprayed with all kinds of "organic" shit and sat in a warehouse for 3 months and the customer will say that one's better -- just based on the numbers.

It's not true that the average person that walks into a dispensary is a moron. Many are older people that were smokers in their youth that went on to college and have successful careers. They didn't smoke because it was illegal. Now that it is legal in many states they're going to the dispensaries and purchasing products. Many others are people that have grown and decided they didn't want to hassle with growing since it's become so cheap in dispensaries in many of the legal states.

You don't have to hang out on cannabis sites to know about or how to grow cannabis. Many dispensary customers are adults that have their lives in order and prefer to just go down to the shop when they need to buy a bag of weed. They have no desire to turn it into a hobby and don't give a damn about any high THC "Fire". They are perfectly satisfied with the offerings that they get at the dispensaries. Many of the most knowledgeable people regarding cannabis are not hanging out on cannabis forums. Watching youtube grow videos does not make you some kind of expert on cannabis. Most of those grow videos are made by individuals without any education past high school and quite often the information they provide is incorrect. Youtube is the worst place to get cannabis related information.

What I've observed here in Oregon is that many grew their 4 plants for a couple years and then decided they didn't want to bother with it and are extremely satisfied with the variety, quality, and price of the product they are getting at the dispensaries.
What’s odd about dispos in SoCal is the quality is poor and the price is the same as it’s always been but with a 28% tax. It’s also hard to even get an OZ. Most places only have a few “bulk” options. Anything that is decent gets split into 3/8. Im not sure where all the good weed went. I know most OG growers shut down a while back.
What’s odd about dispos in SoCal is the quality is poor and the price is the same as it’s always been but with a 28% tax. It’s also hard to even get an OZ. Most places only have a few “bulk” options. Anything that is decent gets split into 3/8. Im not sure where all the good weed went. I know most OG growers shut down a while back.

SoCal here as well (southern SoCal) - if you're paying 28% you need to find a dispensary that covers the excise tax; the chain (seven stores - never thought I'd live long enough to see such a thing) I frequent only charges about 16% - but there are others that charge as high as 28%. Not sure if you're familiar with 710 Labs, but I'm on their 'factory-direct' list and they charge about 33.83%; granted, the prices are lower - and you'll still save money over the dispensary (about $30 an ounce, up to $30 on a gram of 5/6 star water hash or hash rosin), unless they have a sale (20% off this brand on Sunday, 18% off on Tuesdays - there is never a reason to pay full price).
Currently this chain has over 20 ounce options, ranging from $99-$159 (no comment on quality). An ounce from 710 Labs (and they only offer 1/2 ounces) is a bit over $400 if I order direct; yes - it's pricey, that's why I have all these thread up re: pending grow. That said, presentation/bag appeal/etc. are hands-down better than the aforementioned $159 ounces. It'd be nice if it was less, but $50/eight is what I paid in NorCal in the late 90s, so at least I'm not paying more? (for some reason I find this fact fascinating).
It's not true that the average person that walks into a dispensary is a moron. Many are older people that were smokers in their youth that went on to college and have successful careers. They didn't smoke because it was illegal. Now that it is legal in many states they're going to the dispensaries and purchasing products. Many others are people that have grown and decided they didn't want to hassle with growing since it's become so cheap in dispensaries in many of the legal states.

You don't have to hang out on cannabis sites to know about or how to grow cannabis. Many dispensary customers are adults that have their lives in order and prefer to just go down to the shop when they need to buy a bag of weed. They have no desire to turn it into a hobby and don't give a damn about any high THC "Fire". They are perfectly satisfied with the offerings that they get at the dispensaries. Many of the most knowledgeable people regarding cannabis are not hanging out on cannabis forums. Watching youtube grow videos does not make you some kind of expert on cannabis. Most of those grow videos are made by individuals without any education past high school and quite often the information they provide is incorrect. Youtube is the worst place to get cannabis related information.

What I've observed here in Oregon is that many grew their 4 plants for a couple years and then decided they didn't want to bother with it and are extremely satisfied with the variety, quality, and price of the product they are getting at the dispensaries.

nailed it!
my suggestion is find ways to win by being more energy efficient, get your hands on the most energy efficient lights, most energy efficient dehu, mini split, etc reduce hydro costs. maby start doing much much smaller plants like get a couple flood tables and fill them up with 8" tall clones and flip them to 12/12 when they reach 8" tall to shorten your turn around time between harvests. the only way to beat $100 ounces is to reduce costs by being more energy efficient. maby target specific known heavy hitting strains 30+% thc etc since it seems dispos all post the % these days. maby go after true sub 8 week strains rather than long flowering sativas that would also save on hydro costs. maby do some cost comparisons on different nutrient lines find out which one is the best bang for your buck so to speak
There is weed and then there is haze. Id say if you find some good pheno of neville's haze work you can make more with sativas long flowering. Way more. Look at the piff scene. What do you charge for something that flowers longer and is much harder to find? There is lots of sativa that wont get you that dollar. Tons of weak ass sativa work put there. Is why everyone thinks sativas are weak lol. Far from the truth. Nevil would have told you otherwise.
Honestly, I've been thinking about doing the same thing. I grew some 14-16 week sativas years ago. They were fantastic, a little "airy" but covered in sweet little sativa trichomes full of oil, and in the end, the plants yielded well with proper training. After that run I started growing Ebb and Flow SOG with short veg clones, so pure sativas didn't usually make the cut. I am working on building out my next grow now and I'm thinking some sativas will be coming back. I've always got access to decent smoke these days living in OR so going a little longer between harvests won't hurt anything. If I do have extra to share I guarantee people will be excited to see something that is actually different and that gets you ripped!