Is Biden really that bad?

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It was implied that my guns are more important to me than the lives of little children. I could turn in every gun I own, but it wouldn't save the life of anyone other than maybe a home intruder breaking into my house... Because I am not a criminal. Not 1 thing the democrats are suggesting would have stopped any of these school know what would stop school shootings? 1 entrance to the school with a couple armed guards and an metal detector... I think it is retarded that we protect our politicians with highly trained guards and "military style" weapons. We protect armored trucks with lots of guns, we protect courthouses and all kinds of things with guns. But we protect our children with a sign that says no guns allowed. If these signs work so well maybe we should put a sign on the president's back that says don't shoot, instead of hiring secret service men...
But where was it seriously suggested you give up your guns? I hear that talking point a lot but I fail to see it suggested. What I do see suggested is a systematic approach to responsible ownership, right now that is not happening. And yes maybe it has gotten so out of hand re the absence of those controls that armed guards are needed. Make America great again huh :(. Why is it that Canada (and others) is not experiencing the same issues? Could it be a tiered approach to gun ownership helps?
One door in and out is a fire hazard.
Don't forget to armor plate the windows...
Having children think they need armed guards creates a scared adult population.
There shouldn't be a need for a sign at a school saying no guns allowed.

You are aware that no other 1st world country has to have armed guards and metal detectors and fencers in place at schools?

Why is an embryo more important to you than a child?
Ya one door with a 500 kids that’s gonna work out well. The gun toting nut that purchased his AR and 1000 rounds yesterday only has one exit point to cover ……. FFS :(.
It was implied that my guns are more important to me than the lives of little children. I could turn in every gun I own, but it wouldn't save the life of anyone other than maybe a home intruder breaking into my house... Because I am not a criminal. Not 1 thing the democrats are suggesting would have stopped any of these school know what would stop school shootings? 1 entrance to the school with a couple armed guards and an metal detector... I think it is retarded that we protect our politicians with highly trained guards and "military style" weapons. We protect armored trucks with lots of guns, we protect courthouses and all kinds of things with guns. But we protect our children with a sign that says no guns allowed. If these signs work so well maybe we should put a sign on the president's back that says don't shoot, instead of hiring secret service men...

Well, the guy can’t string more than 10 words together without going off on some Alzheimer’s tangent, every military move he’s ever been involved in has failed, he’s hurt the economy with his decisions, he’s got a weird thing for smelling women and children, and to be honest like every other politician he’s out of touch. Been saying this for years now, we can elect officials to hear our concerns but after they table a bill it needs to go to numerous anonymous third parties directly from an anonymous civil correspondent so no bribery takes place, third parties break it down to laymens and all three must comeback with the same analysis. it gets posted online for us to sign into our registered govt accounts, we read and we as a collective determine the outcome with a vote. A true democratic process in a world where technology is available to all. No more back door shady deals, handouts for kickbacks, none of the bullshit that makes the rich richer. Oh and to top it off new legislation that says if your net worth exceeds 2.5 mill you cannot run for elected official.
But where was it seriously suggested you give up your guns? I hear that talking point a lot but I fail to see it suggested. What I do see suggested is a systematic approach to responsible ownership, right now that is not happening. And yes maybe it has gotten so out of hand re the absence of those controls that armed guards are needed. Make America great again huh :(. Why is it that Canada (and others) is not experiencing the same issues? Could it be a tiered approach to gun ownership helps?
When someone implies that my guns are more important to me than children's lives... I feel it is also implied that if I wasn't a horrible gun toting monster I'd be willing to give up my guns for the children... That is exactly what they are implying.... But confiscating my guns won't solve anything... Not will confiscating anyone's guns unless you have a plan to keep these guns out of criminals hands.
When someone implies that my guns are more important to me than children's lives... I feel it is also implied that if I wasn't a horrible gun toting monster I'd be willing to give up my guns for the children... That is exactly what they are implying.... But confiscating my guns won't solve anything... Not will confiscating anyone's guns unless you have a plan to keep these guns out of criminals hands.
Didn’t you say you were leaving?
But where was it seriously suggested you give up your guns? I hear that talking point a lot but I fail to see it suggested. What I do see suggested is a systematic approach to responsible ownership, right now that is not happening. And yes maybe it has gotten so out of hand re the absence of those controls that armed guards are needed. Make America great again huh :(. Why is it that Canada (and others) is not experiencing the same issues? Could it be a tiered approach to gun ownership helps?
First you currently own or have you ever owned a gun? To be honest I can not take any opinions seriously about gun laws from people who don't know anything about guns or gun safety? Politicians should not be passing bills and making laws on topics they know nothing about.
Ya one door with a 500 kids that’s gonna work out well. The gun toting nut that purchased his AR and 1000 rounds yesterday only has one exit point to cover ……. FFS :(.
You could have several exit doors that are locked and can only be opened from the inside... But anyone coming in, has to go through 1 guarded door. It's not rocket science... It can be done.
You know, racists are the only people I ever see make the Republicans freed the slaves and democrats started the klan argument.

Just saying.
Let’s be honest, we all hate everyone a little equally including our own. I think the vast majority of people are shit, the vast majority hear news stories like another murder today and think black, school shooting think white, stabbing think Latino, transport truck roll over think brown, and if your driving and someone does something really stupid you immediately think woman. It’s just how we’re all wired because stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason. People just suck in general
You could have several exit doors that are locked and can only be opened from the inside... But anyone coming in, has to go through 1 guarded door. It's not rocket science... It can be done.
And he could scurry off to the rest room and the same thing happens again
Not a chance
I found a couple of people to talk to here that aren't shit for brains lib tards... And I enjoy conversation with someone who has an open mind and isn't just going to blurt insanities at me because I don't agree with their communist political views.
So pick a side
Are we communist or socialist?
Show your bliss
Dude why is it that you libs always say I love my guns more than little kids? While at the same time you support abortion? You don't get how important the 2nd amendment is. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. There are literally dozens of examples of countries disarming their people and then within years... Rounding up and executing thousand s or millions of it's citizens. And everyone says well that would never happen here.... Well don't you think they said that in those countries too? Anyhow. My wife is from Brazil. Guns are illegal in Brazil. But guess what, her cousins husband still got his hands on a gun and shot her in the head. Taking away law abiding citizens guns doesn't take guns out of criminals hands. We have thousands of illegals coming across the southern border with drugs and all kinds of stuff. You gonna tell me nobody is bringing illegal guns across the border? If you can't pass a law that guarantees criminals don't have guns, then I'm not giving up my guns.
take your paranoid fantasies and stick them up your orifice of choice...i get how important the 2nd amendment is, to insecure, cowardly fucks who are afraid to face the world without a gun in their say i support abortion, but that is an assumption on your have no fucking idea what i support, you haven't asked, and you don't give a fuck...i haven't had to ask what you believe in, as you're happy vomiting your views on everyone and telling them they're stupid if they don't share the same views as you...
not one single fucking immigrant needs to bring a gun with them, and i'd guess most of them don't. they're a lot harder to get in most countries, and cost a lot. most immigrants, legal or otherwise, are saving up to make the trip, not wasting money on shit to make them feel like their dick is bigger....
and you'll do what the fuck everyone else does, and you know ain't no fucking robin hood, willing to live in exile, hunted, to protect your guns...if you are, you're even fucking stupider than i already consider you
It was implied that my guns are more important to me than the lives of little children. I could turn in every gun I own, but it wouldn't save the life of anyone other than maybe a home intruder breaking into my house... Because I am not a criminal. Not 1 thing the democrats are suggesting would have stopped any of these school know what would stop school shootings? 1 entrance to the school with a couple armed guards and an metal detector... I think it is retarded that we protect our politicians with highly trained guards and "military style" weapons. We protect armored trucks with lots of guns, we protect courthouses and all kinds of things with guns. But we protect our children with a sign that says no guns allowed. If these signs work so well maybe we should put a sign on the president's back that says don't shoot, instead of hiring secret service men...
listen to ted cruz and tucker carlson much? you replay their bullshit so well...but it was bullshit when they vomited it up, and it's still bullshit when you regurgitate it, too
It was implied that my guns are more important to me than the lives of little children. I could turn in every gun I own, but it wouldn't save the life of anyone other than maybe a home intruder breaking into my house... Because I am not a criminal. Not 1 thing the democrats are suggesting would have stopped any of these school know what would stop school shootings? 1 entrance to the school with a couple armed guards and an metal detector... I think it is retarded that we protect our politicians with highly trained guards and "military style" weapons. We protect armored trucks with lots of guns, we protect courthouses and all kinds of things with guns. But we protect our children with a sign that says no guns allowed. If these signs work so well maybe we should put a sign on the president's back that says don't shoot, instead of hiring secret service men...
you ignorant ass...the way to stop school shooting is to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable. the only way to do that is with thorough, invasive background checks, real ones, not "does he have a record", but "does he have a record of criminal activity? does he have a history of mental health issues?"....who gives a fuck how long that takes? it takes as long as it takes. i think the 1000% tax on assault weapons is a good starting place, but i'd add a 1000% tax on the ammo for them as well, and any accessories, and any replacement parts as well...anything with over a 5 shot clip is a fucking murder machine...yeah, psychos can carry a lot of 5 round clips, but thats a shit load better than carrying a bag of 50 round clips. and not one single person in this entire country NEEDS a pistol. period. end of the motherfucking story....anything you try to say to prove otherwise will just show what a douchenozzle you are....and will provide you the opportunity to repeat more republican lies and bullshit, which is all you know how to do, so go ahead, i'm waiting
Rationalization of bideninfilation . The leaders( we use to have representatives) of the U.S.A. are destroying the US dollar.
Inflation is a global phenomena, if it were Biden's fault it would only be happening in America and not everywhere. But I don't suppose reason and facts matter much to you. Watch the J6 hearings on Thursday and get informed about the alternatives. Blame high food and gas prices on Putin, he alone is responsible for it, but Joe is making sure he will fucking well pay for it. Joe had Vlad by the nuts during his first SOTU address and Trump tried to blackmail Zelenskiy over aid and Javelins. That is when he wasn't stealing, getting impeached, or trying to overthrow the US constitution and rule of law.
Well, the guy can’t string more than 10 words together without going off on some Alzheimer’s tangent, every military move he’s ever been involved in has failed, he’s hurt the economy with his decisions, he’s got a weird thing for smelling women and children, and to be honest like every other politician he’s out of touch. Been saying this for years now, we can elect officials to hear our concerns but after they table a bill it needs to go to numerous anonymous third parties directly from an anonymous civil correspondent so no bribery takes place, third parties break it down to laymens and all three must comeback with the same analysis. it gets posted online for us to sign into our registered govt accounts, we read and we as a collective determine the outcome with a vote. A true democratic process in a world where technology is available to all. No more back door shady deals, handouts for kickbacks, none of the bullshit that makes the rich richer. Oh and to top it off new legislation that says if your net worth exceeds 2.5 mill you cannot run for elected official.
and how do you suggest this occur? do you have a viable plan? or are you just another fucking armchair genius who can point out every problem on the planet, but never has one suggestion about how to fucking fix a fucking thing? you're just going to direct your local representative how to vote? think they'll give one flying fuck what you tell them? do you even know who your local representative is? how they have voted while in the office you elected them to? if so, you are the rare specimen indeed....
When someone implies that my guns are more important to me than children's lives... I feel it is also implied that if I wasn't a horrible gun toting monster I'd be willing to give up my guns for the children... That is exactly what they are implying.... But confiscating my guns won't solve anything... Not will confiscating anyone's guns unless you have a plan to keep these guns out of criminals hands.
no, it wasn't implied, i just fucking out and out said it....every word of it, you're a horrible gun toting monster who could care less if children get murdered, as long as it doesn't infringe upon your right to compensate for feelings of inadequacy as a man....
do i need to make it any clearer?
know how to keep guns out of the hands of criminals? shut down ALL person to person sales. make registration MANDATORY, you get caught with an unregistered weapon, it's an automatic ten year sentence. outlaw bumpstocks and anything like them, outlaw any clips over 5 rounds, and no ammo sales for calibers you don't own a registered weapon in....on top of a 1000% tax and much much stricter and more rigorous background checks, that will be much more expensive, and you will pay for them...
that would be a bare minimum starting point for anyone who gives a flying motherfuck about the lives of children...
oh yeah, and get rid of the ridiculous constitutional carry bullshit, if you want to carry concealed, you need a permit, that will be a lot harder to get, if you want to carry openly, you get a trip to the psychologist's office to discuss your stability issues
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