Well, the guy can’t string more than 10 words together without going off on some Alzheimer’s tangent, every military move he’s ever been involved in has failed, he’s hurt the economy with his decisions, he’s got a weird thing for smelling women and children, and to be honest like every other politician he’s out of touch. Been saying this for years now, we can elect officials to hear our concerns but after they table a bill it needs to go to numerous anonymous third parties directly from an anonymous civil correspondent so no bribery takes place, third parties break it down to laymens and all three must comeback with the same analysis. it gets posted online for us to sign into our registered govt accounts, we read and we as a collective determine the outcome with a vote. A true democratic process in a world where technology is available to all. No more back door shady deals, handouts for kickbacks, none of the bullshit that makes the rich richer. Oh and to top it off new legislation that says if your net worth exceeds 2.5 mill you cannot run for elected official.