
So I use to get a good migraine about once a month....Now after Covid I have been getting them multiple times a week, and my sleep has been terrible. A quick internet search tells me this is a thing....Wonderful.

Symptoms of Post-COVID Headache
“Most of the time, post-COVID headaches are described as migraine-like headaches,” says Dr. Chiang. “The headache can present like a migraine attack.” People with post-COVID headache typically experience a throbbing pain on one side of their head. Alongside this pain, some people have sensitivity to light and noise and sometimes to touch or smell.

Dr. Chiang says there are many ways people experience and describe post-COVID headache. “For some patients, they experience a headache after COVID infection that is described as a mild, dull headache that goes away,” she says. Other patients experience a “debilitating, worst headache of their life, and it’s…a daily persistent headache that lasts for a long time.”
The soonest they an get me in for my 2nd booster is June 30 lol...the more rural states have much less vaccine for this current wave than they did in the past. I'll just hide until then.
It’s very important to keep wearing your mask, after getting the booster. The booster isn’t fully kicked in for 2 weeks after getting it. Governor Newsom just tested positive for Covid. He got his booster May 18th. He must have been sloppy not wearing a mask and obviously the booster hadn’t kicked in yet. Now he is taking the covid pills called Paxlovid. Very unfortunate.

i feel fine today after 24 hour receiving my shot. Last night I woke up a little achy so took some Tylenol and that helped. That was easy.
It’s very important to keep wearing your mask, after getting the booster. The booster isn’t fully kicked in for 2 weeks after getting it. Governor Newsom just tested positive for Covid. He got his booster May 18th. He must have been sloppy not wearing a mask and obviously the booster hadn’t kicked in yet. Now he is taking the covid pills called Paxlovid. Very unfortunate.

i feel fine today after 24 hour receiving my shot. Last night I woke up a little achy so took some Tylenol and that helped. That was easy.

I had my 2nd booster 3+ weeks before getting Covid, and still got it. My first 3 shots were Pfizer and I did Moderna for the 4th. And then I asked my doctor for it and he put me on Pfizers 5 day Paxlovid, and I don't know if I would take it again...I got much sicker after taking the Paxlovid...and my blood oxygen dropped to 85.

Who knows, maybe I would have died or gotten even sicker without it, but I really wasn't bad at all the first week...sore throat and some head congestion, but after the Paxlovid is when I really got sick, so it didn't seem to help me. Although I have heard many people say they were sicker the 2nd week, so who knows.
I had my 2nd booster 3+ weeks before getting Covid, and still got it. My first 3 shots were Pfizer and I did Moderna for the 4th. And then I asked my doctor for it and he put me on Pfizers 5 day Paxlovid, and I don't know if I would take it again...I got much sicker after taking the Paxlovid...and my blood oxygen dropped to 85.

Who knows, maybe I would have died or gotten even sicker without it, but I really wasn't bad at all the first week...sore throat and some head congestion, but after the Paxlovid is when I really got sick, so it didn't seem to help me. Although I have heard many people say they were sicker the 2nd week, so who knows.
The vaccine stops you from dying it doesn't prevent the disease. Further as the disease mutates it will stop less dying but there should be a vaccine for the Omicron variants soon. Sorry about the headaches, that has to suck. I'd still try Tryptans and possibly CGRP inhibitors.
I had my 2nd booster 3+ weeks before getting Covid, and still got it. My first 3 shots were Pfizer and I did Moderna for the 4th. And then I asked my doctor for it and he put me on Pfizers 5 day Paxlovid, and I don't know if I would take it again...I got much sicker after taking the Paxlovid...and my blood oxygen dropped to 85.

Who knows, maybe I would have died or gotten even sicker without it, but I really wasn't bad at all the first week...sore throat and some head congestion, but after the Paxlovid is when I really got sick, so it didn't seem to help me. Although I have heard many people say they were sicker the 2nd week, so who knows.
Wow, that’s horrible. I was reading a bit about that Paxlovid pill and it sounds very strong . It shouldn’t be taken with certain meds and is a blood thinner. When I read Governor Newsom was taking it I wonder why. Is he not a healthy man? I don’t know if Would take it if I did get Covid . It is supposed to be for people with serious health problems, not healthy people, I thought.
Sorry to hear about your health issue and all the stuff you are going through. How do you think you got the Covid?
Wow, that’s horrible. I was reading a bit about that Paxlovid pill and it sounds very strong . It shouldn’t be taken with certain meds and is a blood thinner. When I read Governor Newsom was taking it I wonder why. Is he not a healthy man? I don’t know if Would take it if I did get Covid . It is supposed to be for people with serious health problems, not healthy people, I thought.
Sorry to hear about your health issue and all the stuff you are going through. How do you think you got the Covid?

Paxlovid is for people age 60 and above, or those more likely to get a serious case of Covid because of a long list of medical conditions...even being an ex smoker qualifies a person for it.

I got Covid on a cruise to Bermuda, or in Bermuda, even though I wore an N95 as much as possible. I went with a group of 6 and 3 of us were infected. All with boosters, although I was the only one with double boosters.

The CDC was right....Avoid cruise ships at this time!!
I don’t have any desire myself. Covid or not. Especially after finding out I get motion sickness . That is one of the worst feelings ever.
Most all of the bigger cruise ships have "Active Fin Stabilization" which counteracts the effects of a swell. Not to mention the ships are so enormous it would take nothing short of 20' seas for you to even feel it.
I don’t have any desire myself. Covid or not. Especially after finding out I get motion sickness . That is one of the worst feelings ever.
Same here, cruise ships held zero interest for me. I also get motion sick and still became a pilot. You get used to the motion and stop barfing. During aerobatics I lost 2 sectionals before I started bringing plastic bags LOL. If you aren't flying the plane or driving the ship my guess is you could take Dramamine.
Most all of the bigger cruise ships have "Active Fin Stabilization" which counteracts the effects of a swell. Not to mention the ships are so enormous it would take nothing short of 20' seas for you to even feel it.
I am claustrophobic. The idea of getting stuck out there with some crazy asshole …. Not my scene. I have known so many cruise ship fanatics telling me how wonderful and inexpensive it is for a nice long vacation. Just like .no fucking way. Not even free tix would entice me. Not to mention the Pylori bacteria bubbling on the buffet.
...barfing. During aerobatics...
Reminded me of a guy I knew way way back when. My very first ride in a single engine was an aerobatic plane of his. I thought "heck yeah, I can handle this", He was kind in his maneuvers and landed immediately when I said we had to, but boy, was I sick as hell for a couple of days. I was sorry I didn't keep track of him, he was a good guy. Sold me an old sports car cheap that turned out to be worth a ton down the road. Just now looked him up, he passed away some years back. RIP, Jim.

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I am super claustrophobic too, and I hate crowds. I would never get an interior room without windows on a cruise ship, but a balcony room is awesome. Like being on the beach. And unless you get caught in a bad storm, you can't even tell you're on a ship. I never wanted to go on one either but after being talked into and going, I absolutely loved it. The ONLY time I ever felt crowded was boarding.

The buffets I dare say are cleaner than any restaurant held buffet, and I didn't eat there once anyways....There were about a dozen sit down restaurants to choose from. Shows every night, awesome spas, and all kinds of activities, and about 25-30 bars for the drinkers!!

For me, I hate driving, especially in crowded tourist places, so it's great in that aspect.

What's that saying??? Don't knock it until you have tried it. The only way you are going to get "stuck out there with some crazy asshole" is if you bring one with you.