Well-Known Member
Oh look
A perfect example or right wing confirmation bias.
I know it means something to somebody who clings to the false idea that they are safer with a gun. Reality is that there are tens of thousands dead due to gun homicides each year and maybe a handful of times the good guy with a gun prevented anything. Not to mention that when the mass murderer is white and they kill scores of black people, cops buy him a meal at McDonalds.
That said, I'm glad for the lives saved. It reminds me of the time a right wing white terrorist was stopped after he "only killed on person and wounded three others" at a BLM protest rally in Portland this spring. It happens sometimes. The few times the bad guy is stopped is not really worth liberal gun laws.
Your response to this thwarted shooting could have used at least three more random right-wing-white-fear-porn ramblings really make your point.
Why this example of a “good guy with a gun” from just three days ago (posted in response to the msnbc actor’s linked video) elicits a right-wing-white-fear-porn response from you seems way out of left field (no pun intended) even for you.
It’s like youre in this constant state of rage about “prejudice and hate” while full on dishing out prejudice and hate in like four different flavors.
Many of your fellow riu members who align closely with your beliefs, and you regularly converse with, in fact own firearms. I was actually surprised to see some of the members collections as I’d formed assumptions based off their other posts.
Gun ownership, murderers, good people, bad people, and gun laws are not about right wing white people. All sorts of people for all different reasons own guns, use guns, and carry guns. A lot of bad sh*t happens. You’re not going to take away peoples guns, because all sorts of Americans of many different colors and beliefs would refuse to give them up at this point in history. I’m sure the woman who shot the active shooter at the graduation party in the article I linked, was super hung up on right wing talking points and had a NRA poster on her wall

The reality is it’s impossible to ensure 100% of illegal firearms would vanish, or 100% of the bad people who choose to harm people would cease to exist, if you waved your magic internet wand and banned firearms. Little Ms. Mary who is African American, grandpa Eduardo who is latino, business owner Pham who is Asian, and saleswoman Susan who is white…..would all tell you to get bent if you tried to explain away their right to defend themselves with your silly opinions that are not based in reality and offer no plausible solutions
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