• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Yesterday's Mass Shooting.


Well-Known Member
Luckily it worked in this scenario Wednesday:

Oh look

A perfect example or right wing confirmation bias.

I know it means something to somebody who clings to the false idea that they are safer with a gun. Reality is that there are tens of thousands dead due to gun homicides each year and maybe a handful of times the good guy with a gun prevented anything. Not to mention that when the mass murderer is white and they kill scores of black people, cops buy him a meal at McDonalds.

That said, I'm glad for the lives saved. It reminds me of the time a right wing white terrorist was stopped after he "only killed on person and wounded three others" at a BLM protest rally in Portland this spring. It happens sometimes. The few times the bad guy is stopped is not really worth liberal gun laws.


Well-Known Member
You get off on America's tragedies. Sick
Here's your answer, you will vote for republicans and brought this shit on yourselves, so don't whine when people think you are idiots and laugh at your stupidity and callousness. It is not me who is being callus here, but you. You own this, nobody else, black people aren't your problem either, the problem is to be found in the mirror. Think another dozen school shootings before the election will make a difference? Or is it just too much trouble to change a mag after 5 rounds?



Ursus marijanus
Oh look

A perfect example or right wing confirmation bias.

I know it means something to somebody who clings to the false idea that they are safer with a gun. Reality is that there are tens of thousands dead due to gun homicides each year and maybe a handful of times the good guy with a gun prevented anything. Not to mention that when the mass murderer is white and they kill scores of black people, cops buy him a meal at McDonalds.

That said, I'm glad for the lives saved. It reminds me of the time a right wing white terrorist was stopped after he "only killed on person and wounded three others" at a BLM protest rally in Portland this spring. It happens sometimes. The few times the bad guy is stopped is not really worth liberal gun laws.
Someone recently posted some figures. They stunned me. For thirty thousand shootings and a similar number of suicides by gun, there were less than two thousand defensive instances. I had this one completely backward.


Well-Known Member
Someone recently posted some figures. They stunned me. For thirty thousand shootings and a similar number of suicides by gun, there were less than two thousand defensive instances. I had this one completely backward.
How many of those 2000 "defensive actions" were successful? How many defenders killed and wounded?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
there have been about a dozen mass killings in Canada since the 1970s, and half of them didn't involve the use of guns...
there have been over 200 shootings involving 2 or more victims in the U.S. this year alone...and we're not even half way done with the year....https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting?page=4&sort=asc&order=Incident Date

i can understand how people from other countries look at us and have to laugh, have to grasp the absurdity, which is one of the few ways to be able to process our monumental stupidity and remain sane...
get guns off the streets, make them impossible for mentally unstable people or violent offenders to ever get, get some funding for mental health issues, especially in low income areas...it's fucking simple, what is complicated is why republicans are so dead set against sane gun laws

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Just curious about the pistols? What is the reason for purchasing them? Honestly I think it would be rather fun to target shoot with them but I’m ok with the laws here being extremely restrictive as I honestly think that is one of the main reasons we are so different when it comes to gun culture.
one was a curiosity that i just wanted because it looks so strange, the Taurus Curve, designed for conceal carry, with a built in flashlight/laser sight
it's chambered in .380, has a range of about 10 yards, and is just as strange to shoot as it is to look at....
i have a S&W M&P9 shield, which is a damn fine weapon, but just a little too big to tuck in my waistband....
so i got a Ruger EC9S, great gun, very reliable and accurate, and small enough to easily conceal.
they are fun to take to the firing range, which i hope is all i'll ever be called on to use them for.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
one was a curiosity that i just wanted because it looks so strange, the Taurus Curve, designed for conceal carry, with a built in flashlight/laser sight
View attachment 5140548
it's chambered in .380, has a range of about 10 yards, and is just as strange to shoot as it is to look at....
i have a S&W M&P9 shield, which is a damn fine weapon, but just a little too big to tuck in my waistband....
so i got a Ruger EC9S, great gun, very reliable and accurate, and small enough to easily conceal.
they are fun to take to the firing range, which i hope is all i'll ever be called on to use them for.
I’ve shot a few different handguns and yes it was fun and if I was being honest I would have to say I would own one if it was not something that would draw attention to me. As I said I’m ok with the way it is here ….. for the greater good ;).

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I agree with you on the mental illness but i dont think it's that simple to fix. That's why I believe some would rather just ban all the black guns ( which sounds easier) than unraveling the US mental health issue which is going to take years. I'm a believer that our homeless issue derives from mental illness masked by drugs. Self medication in other words.
My point about DIY is he's a member of the RIU community and is being insensitive asf. And I'd rather call him out on it, than put him on ignore.

Absolutely agree. Private sales should end or at least be known about throughout the National database or however they keep track of guns. I could go buy a gun right now, no background check. I might have to show the seller a in state id ( just to show my residency, no other info)but other than that, nothing.

Silencers are legal in my state, for a specific gun and only that gun, with a extensive background check and $1000. Maybe that needs to happen with Ars and similiar guns.
the problem with banning "black guns" is there are no records as to where they are, who owns them now....you can ban them, but you have no way of knowing who is ignoring your ban and still has their's.
i find it kind of crazy you can go to 25 of the 50 states and buy a gun at a gun show, with no checks at all. even though the law says you should make sure they live in the same state, no one has ever asked me for any id at any show, for anything....and most people have friends or relatives living in a state with person to person sales, who would be glad to do cousin jimmy a favor and hook him up with an untraceable weapon....
i personally really like shooting my highpoint carbine, but it is honestly not really designed for anything other than killing things that are relatively close to you as fast as possible...you can hunt with it, but you better be able to get within 60 yards or so if you want to be able to hit accurately. you can hit shit with it from 100 yards, but not very accurately...so in reality, no civilian has the least need for a weapon like a carbine, they aren't good hunting weapons, and while they're fun to fire at a range, they have no real purpose besides making living things into dead things...but you could say the same thing about most firearms...


Well-Known Member
I agree with you on the mental illness but i dont think it's that simple to fix. That's why I believe some would rather just ban all the black guns ( which sounds easier) than unraveling the US mental health issue which is going to take years. I'm a believer that our homeless issue derives from mental illness masked by drugs. Self medication in other words.
My point about DIY is he's a member of the RIU community and is being insensitive asf. And I'd rather call him out on it, than put him on ignore.

Absolutely agree. Private sales should end or at least be known about throughout the National database or however they keep track of guns. I could go buy a gun right now, no background check. I might have to show the seller a in state id ( just to show my residency, no other info)but other than that, nothing.

Silencers are legal in my state, for a specific gun and only that gun, with a extensive background check and $1000. Maybe that needs to happen with Ars and similiar guns.
Maybe my posts make you think and that makes you mad?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I’ve shot a few different handguns and yes it was fun and if I was being honest I would have to say I would own one if it was not something that would draw attention to me. As I said I’m ok with the way it is here ….. for the greater good ;).
i would be willing to give up a couple of my guns if it would help get the situation under control. i really only need one, if i actually NEED any...my shotgun would probably be the best choice to keep, they're very versatile, with different ammo and different chokes you can both feed and protect yourself, slugs to self protect and take down larger game, birdshot for smaller game....


Well-Known Member
i would be willing to give up a couple of my guns if it would help get the situation under control. i really only need one, if i actually NEED any...my shotgun would probably be the best choice to keep, they're very versatile, with different ammo and different chokes you can both feed and protect yourself, slugs to self protect and take down larger game, birdshot for smaller game....
The longer this shit goes on, the more radical the solution will be one day and will come down to drones dropping small bombs on their bunkers, just like in ukraine, except the bombs will be better and bigger. No one will waste time on them, drop a 50 pound delayed action bomb straight through the house to the basement bunker, where Cletus is holed up with his arsenal, next.

Hey according to the 2nd, bombs and rockets are arms too and ya gotta use the right arms for the job.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

oh my motherfucking god....why are these two fucks still democrats? can't we just finish out their terms with cardboard cut outs of them, set up to automatically vote no on everything democrats want to vote yes on? i really doubt anyone would notice.....there is nothing in this world that i hate more than a hypocrite, and those two are the biggest fucking hypocrites in the entire fucking party. at the very fucking least get manchin off of the energy board....what a motherfucking conflict of interest that whole deal is....a coal money whore making energy policy....what could go wrong?


Well-Known Member
trump and the republicans say "ARM TEACHERS!"...did they ever ask the teachers what they thought about that?


Cops with body armor were afraid to go up against a kid with an AR15 and waited while children were slaughtered rather than face it. So teachers will be similarly armed and have body armor on at all times! I mean failure for a teacher to have their body armor on will be the reason the next shooting happened. Remember, republicans know all these things, most aren't really hoodwinked as much as people think, they are at war and in war sacrifices have to me made. Sacrifices to one's dignity, self respect and sense of integrity are the first causalities of war, along with the truth. It was like that with covid, but they were on the losing side of the civil war over that one, but still managed to take a million Americans with them and wound many millions more over masks, vaccines and horse de wormer. Kids and others are more victims of the civil war being waged in America than anything else.

The metaphor of cold civil war is perfect for America and tribalism explains so much of what is happening in the country. Remove system racism and it collapses into the pile of bullshit it always was. It is civil war 2 and it's roots are to be found in civil war 1, it's base is the solid south, but that is cracking as the south becomes less racist and the country as a whole is becoming about the same as the south. Now the political parties are polarized and blacks and minorities are the backbone of the democratic party and are politically strong. Bigotry used to be divided between both parties in America and compromise was possible, as long as black people were thrown under the bus. Make no mistake though this shit is not new and the GI bill after ww2 would have never passed unless blacks were largely excluded and when the army integrated back in the late forties there was almost a revolution from southern democrats.

When schools were integrated it lead to the destruction of the education system and a balkanization with large differences between local schools, neighborhood property values followed school district lines. Eisenhower had a big program for science education that put American on the moon and brought us the world of technology we live in, Reagan and the racist bible thumpers killed it.

The cold civil war continues and it in some ways resembles the fight for liberal democracy in Ukraine, different kind of fight, but the enemy is the same and supported by the same kinds of people in Russia, who supported Trump in America. Biden only got about 7 or 8 million more votes than Trump FFS, how distorted does your perception of reality have be warped by racism, bigotry and tribalism for that to happen? What else could jerk their chain until their heads popped clean off like the turret on a T72 tank?


Well-Known Member

oh my motherfucking god....why are these two fucks still democrats? can't we just finish out their terms with cardboard cut outs of them, set up to automatically vote no on everything democrats want to vote yes on? i really doubt anyone would notice.....there is nothing in this world that i hate more than a hypocrite, and those two are the biggest fucking hypocrites in the entire fucking party. at the very fucking least get manchin off of the energy board....what a motherfucking conflict of interest that whole deal is....a coal money whore making energy policy....what could go wrong?
They make money by being a bottle neck for change, it's that simple I'm afraid and they are working to keep it that way and themselves at the profitable pivot point of change, the balance of power must be maintained for them to hold their power. If the democrats were to do something and then win the election big enough, they would be just two corrupt senators with their hands out like the rest. Imagine how much money is being dumped on these two assholes for blocking change and keeping taxes low for their true masters? I mean both just won their elections and in 5 years time this will all be forgotten.


Well-Known Member
It's 2031 and America had enough of guns and a radical leftist democratic government effectively banned all guns, while staying inside the constitution in a closely divided SCOTUS. The vast majority of people have already turned in their guns (no compensation just a huge fine) to authorities for destruction. However there are holdouts, even though most were swept up and put on the domestic terrorist watch list and their guns were taken then. These people have been largely identified, thanks to the federal $10,000 reward program for squealing on them, just like with abortion in Texas, thanks for that Texas!

Robocop walks up to the front door of Cletus Johnson and demands to inspect the house for weapons, with a warrant of course! A rapid succession of shotgun blasts come through the front door knocking ole robocop down and damaging his circuitry so he shut himself down. Next a drone lifts off from the back of an ATF half ton and hovers with it's 50 pound bomb over the house, before dropping it from just the right height.

It's all over inside an hour and the technician took about 15 minutes to replace the circuit board and modular body armor is great. Time to move on to the next lunatic and let technology do the job of controlling the animals, why waste a life on that shit?