Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Fair point. You know history better than me but I'm not totally ignorant of it. I'm just more narrowly focused. Spent a lot of time looking into the 60's assassinations and the intel organizations.
Yeah, let's not go there. I'm likely to spout out some crazy idea about a former Marine with deep psychological problems, a gun and delusions of grandeur making his way to a sniper's perch intent on making some big impact on the world.

But that sort of thing never happens. Too complicated.
My point is, I doubt if personal gun ownership was very high in 1940 USSR or pre-1964 Vietnam, but they won. Maybe Afghanistan is a better example, but who the hell is looking for that kind of domestic situation?

Maybe we could train... uh, a militia or some sort of national guard or other armed force that could keep the military weapons in a safe place. And maybe we could increase the training and number of trainees as the risk of invasion from a foreign force becomes a more uh, reasonable threat.

Nah, that's crazy.

I get this but we still end up back to how to fix whats already out there. Im sorry i just feel like thats truly an impossibility . To even get half. So based on that I still believe a person has a god given right to self protection. If you have one i have one. Maybe my reasoning is off but thats how i feel. Alot of the militia types feel like it can’t happen without a war and im starting to believe them. Imo nothing is driving the sales like this political division is.
Ya think Ukrainian troops would have waited outside for almost an hour while a Russian murdered school kids? Or do you think they would have risked their lives to save them? Why do we honor those who wear uniforms, could courage have anything to do with it? Perhaps be a job requirement to serve and PROTECT is courage?
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I would point at them as one those uniquely American things we should look at when trying to figure out why we have this issue.

Blaming video games seems like a copout to me. I really don't think you can point to any one factor as a cause, lots of the same components exist elsewhere but they only come together like this here (on a regular basis).

The conversation isn't going to go anywhere and the situation won't get better unless the Republicans are willing to budge at all and even consider looking at it honestly, that won't happen with the NRA fighting to keep themselves relevant.
Nobody blamed video games . But put it all together, bad parenting, depressed children, hyper violent games revolving around killing and guns. What could go wrong.

I dont think NRA members make guns look as sexy as the movies and games that glorify them do. They may push their views but would the AR be as sexy if it wasn't in every Call of Duty type game?
Yeah, let's not go there. I'm likely to spout out some crazy idea about a former Marine with deep psychological problems, a gun and delusions of grandeur making his way to a sniper's perch intent on making some big impact on the world.

But that sort of thing never happens. Too complicated.

It's definitely a convoluted rabbit hole. I spent so much time on it i had to break it off if i wanted a real life.
I get this but we still end up back to how to fix whats already out there. Im sorry i just feel like thats truly an impossibility . To even get half. So based on that I still believe a person has a god given right to self protection. If you have one i have one. Maybe my reasoning is off but thats how i feel. Alot of the militia types feel like it can’t happen without a war and im starting to believe them. Imo nothing is driving the sales like this political division is.
The shooter bought both his guns this month.
Maybe we should pass laws requiring armed heros at every school. We could add it to the list of teacher qualifications too.

I heard that the 2018 shooting at Parkland resulted in a study that said the best way to protect students is to make sure schools have a single point of entry that is well protected.
Are they still saying there were other indicators as well. Enforcement of law. is an issue imo. Lets make a bunch of laws and red flags then ignore them….
Uh, this is Texas we're talking about.

And this is what the guy they elected Governor tweeted:

What laws? He was18.

Amazing - the kind of things that EMBARRASS those Texans, right Ted?
