Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Im not against restrictions. I m perfectly happy in my highly regulated state other than honestly i wish I could own a surpressor here cause im getting tinnitis i think. I just believe those that pass should be able to have one
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An armed population is not a trivial matter. It has major advantages and disadvantages. Remember Vietnam ? It showed that it is very difficult to defeat a native population fighting on their own land even when their enemy has vastly superior weapons.
That's a poor analogy; the effective Vietnamese resistance had nothing to do with personal gun rights.
Before Covid I hadn't paid as much attention to what was up in the USA compared to at this point. I was pretty surprised at the news cycles displaying lines at gun stores as long s the one I remember standing around an entire block waiting to get into the original Star Wars as an 8 year old. (Slight exaggeration ;)) We've been watching part of the result ever since.
Is it really Covid related or could it be the massive increase in political polarization? Covid IS a big part of the latter. It is a public health issue that was used by a lot of people to cause alarm and division for their own end.

Don't blame the poor virus though.
Not a member could care less

I would point at them as one those uniquely American things we should look at when trying to figure out why we have this issue.

Blaming video games seems like a copout to me. I really don't think you can point to any one factor as a cause, lots of the same components exist elsewhere but they only come together like this here (on a regular basis).

The conversation isn't going to go anywhere and the situation won't get better unless the Republicans are willing to budge at all and even consider looking at it honestly, that won't happen with the NRA fighting to keep themselves relevant.
Is it really Covid related or could it be the massive increase in political polarization? Covid IS a big part of the latter. It is a public health issue that was used by a lot of people to cause alarm and division for their own end.

Don't blame the poor virus though.

Wasn't blaming the virus at all. Just using it as a time reference. I noticed it at the beginning of the conjunction with the ass wipe shortage and all the other BS going down with people buying up all the medical equipment and sanitizer and selling it for quadruple the price on Amazon and Ebay. Some of the folks lined up and interviewed were mentioning that they were loading up to protect themselves from the "bad guys", so I'll assume you're right on point with the political polarization. I didn't realize it was that bad at the time.
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I agree and im not blaming video games in their entirety. I am saying that it does seem that our entertainment as a whole, games music, tv etc seem to glorify violence. Its what sells here sex and violence are always a hit. I also understand that its a slippery slope with free speech and expression and all but i don’t think we can or should overlook it as a contributing factor
The root meaning of the word soldier, is one who is willing to be slain.

Let's talk about cops waiting outside, Rule 303, and the way....
There are a ton of lessons to be learned from Vietnam. Whats the relevance of Germanys eastern front? I'm not saying there is no relevance. Just wondering about what point you were making.
My point is, I doubt if personal gun ownership was very high in 1940 USSR or pre-1964 Vietnam, but they won. Maybe Afghanistan is a better example, but who the hell is looking for that kind of domestic situation?

Maybe we could train... uh, a militia or some sort of national guard or other armed force that could keep the military weapons in a safe place. And maybe we could increase the training and number of trainees as the risk of invasion from a foreign force becomes a more uh, reasonable threat.

Nah, that's crazy.

My point is, I doubt if personal gun ownership was very high in 1940 USSR or pre-1964 Vietnam, but they won. Maybe Afghanistan is a better example, but who the hell is looking for that kind of domestic situation?

Maybe we could train... uh, a militia or some sort of national guard or other armed force that could keep the military weapons in a safe place. And maybe we could increase the training and number of trainees as the risk of invasion from a foreign force becomes a more uh, reasonable threat.

Nah, that's crazy.


Fair point. You know history better than me but I'm not totally ignorant of it. I'm just more narrowly focused. Spent a lot of time looking into the 60's assassinations and the intel organizations.
My point is, I doubt if personal gun ownership was very high in 1940 USSR or pre-1964 Vietnam, but they won. Maybe Afghanistan is a better example, but who the hell is looking for that kind of domestic situation?

Maybe we could train... uh, a militia or some sort of national guard or other armed force that could keep the military weapons in a safe place. And maybe we could increase the training and number of trainees as the risk of invasion from a foreign force becomes a more uh, reasonable threat.

Nah, that's crazy.

There's nothing you can do so forget it, until it happens again in another week, thoughts and prayers. Nothing will change until the balance of power changes in Washington and perhaps on the supreme court too. So don't waste your time and tears, vote and work for the democrats and hope the republicans fuck up enough to lose. People who vote republican support this shit despite what they say. Love of a gun ain't enough, hate and fear are though, all the rest is simply bullshit, freedumb, big guberment and personal protection too. The first thing they do in prison is to arm themselves with a shive, cause everybody else has a sharpened toothbrush.

Hey, blue lives matter, more than those they are sworn to protect I guess, including 10 year old kids.