
Another dumb drone idea from Belarus, made from RC drone parts on what appears to be a welded aluminum frame, FPV through the weapon gun sight. Why lug all the weight on that big heavy aluminum frame to carry such a shitty weapon? Just drop bombs like Ukrainians do! A machine gun on a fucking 50 pound drone is another brain fart, what happens during recoil?

If ya wanna kill someone with cheap commercial drones or planes and drones made from RC plane parts, drop simple cheap DIY modified bombs and grenades on them from above. Or use a cheap disposable one, with plastic explosive and fly it into the target with FPV or autonomously with GPS. Why mount a Javelin on a drone when you can fly over the tank and drop a $50 anti tank bomb on it? For the weight of a Javelin, you could carry many anti tank bombs or grenades and attack from miles away. Besides the Russians sleep at night and park their tanks and equipment and it can be destroyed at night with little risk, using night vision on the drone camera. Likewise you can fly a couple of hundred feet following a trench line at night while pouring dozens of hand grenades along it's length.

So these gimmicks must have the Ukrainian drone guys laughing, they've been fighting using drones for 8 years in the Donbas and have learned a thing or two.
This drone-mounted RPG is terrifying
197,107 views Aug 20, 2018 The Belarusian military shared a video on May 27 showing a drone-mounted anti-tank rocket launcher being showcased for army officials. The rocket launcher appears to be an RPG-26 Aglen, supported by a four-rotor rig. The demonstration took place at the Losvido training ground in the country’s Vitebsk region on May 18, according to Defence Blog.
just trying to make their russian masters happy....if they want to make profoundly stupid shit, who am i to stop them?
this would be a hard "NO", let nato or the eu protect the ships, even countries like Turkey and Egypt protect them, but u......NYET

honestly, i wouldn't lift the sanctions till they not only get every fucking russian soldier out of Ukraine, but pay for ever splinters worth of damage they caused. when they completely rebuild what they destroyed, and pay HEAVY reparations to the families of all the civilians they MURDERED, then we can start talking about lifting a few of the sanctions....but i would never lift the ones on sensitive electronic gear....let them rebuild their army with washing machine parts
Ist off
Shut the fuck up you POS

You cost thousands of Americans to die in Vietnam

For what?

Fucking Nixon?

True story

I worked for the Rockefeller estate in Pocantico Hills in NY when he was living there & I worked in his bedroom where I rubbed his pillow on my ball sack & spit on it & fluffed it back up and put it back.
Yea, that's right
He slept that night sniffing my scent
I hope it gave him nightmares.

Well, if ya want those bridges in Siberia blown over strategic rivers, then these people volunteering in Ukraine are the boys to do it. You only need one group or nationality and supply them with money and some basic supplies, they can buy most of what they need in Russia or bribe the military sentries etc. Blow the rail and road bridges over strategic rivers in Siberia, several, not just one and do it over a day or two at remote locations. Cut Russia off from east to west with a dozen or more republics on the eastern side. Just park cars on the runways to keep out the planes from Russia.

Wait until the Russian army is destroyed in Ukraine and for their civil aviation to deteriorate even more and perhaps a power struggle in the Kremlin or Vlad on the ropes with domestic trouble and the economy is on the rocks, then blow a dozen Siberian road and rail bridges in the middle of nowhere. It would cut Russia off from the east for a very long time and allow a separatist movement to gain momentum and arm itself, with Chinese or American help. Actually all the Americans would have to do is look like they are gonna help and the Chinese will pour aid in to the revolutionaries, trying to gain advantage, if they become independent.
idk, kinda see if/when puting goes, these other areas erupting for they're freedom and self determination.....dunno...time will tell
I figure this is the end of not just Putin, but Russia as we know it may fragment one day and the war in Ukraine could be the catalyst for it all. If Ukraine beats the shit out of Russia and drives them from their country with increasingly supplied western arms, they will be screwed. Ukraine will work over Belarus giving clandestine aid to coup plotters and revolutionaries, Poland will too, probably through Ukraine. Vlad has an empire of conquest and Russian ethnic domination, often by cruel means and there are many possible cracks that can be exploited to keep him busy and broke. For Ukraine dealing with a post war Russia, that is still attacking them, then a good offense is the best defense, keep Vlad busy putting out fires all over his evil empire and in neighboring republics he ripped off territory from or fucked over.
honestly, i wouldn't lift the sanctions till they not only get every fucking russian soldier out of Ukraine, but pay for ever splinters worth of damage they caused. when they completely rebuild what they destroyed, and pay HEAVY reparations to the families of all the civilians they MURDERED, then we can start talking about lifting a few of the sanctions....but i would never lift the ones on sensitive electronic gear....let them rebuild their army with washing machine parts
I hear the UK navy wants to escort grain ships and is quite eager to sink Russians who threaten it. Apparently threatening them with nuclear war had the expected reaction from the Brits, a polite, fuck you.
I figure this is the end of not just Putin, but Russia as we know it may fragment one day and the war in Ukraine could be the catalyst for it all. If Ukraine beats the shit out of Russia and drives them from their country with increasingly supplied western arms, they will be screwed. Ukraine will work over Belarus giving clandestine aid to coup plotters and revolutionaries, Poland will too, probably through Ukraine. Vlad has an empire of conquest and Russian ethnic domination, often by cruel means and there are many possible cracks that can be exploited to keep him busy and broke. For Ukraine dealing with a post war Russia, that is still attacking them, then a good offense is the best defense, keep Vlad busy putting out fires all over his evil empire and in neighboring republics he ripped off territory from or fucked over.

we'll see, from the looks of it, i'm already seeing cracks form......

Putin is 'out of options' and Russian military realizes it 'picked up a fight with NATO in the wrong place': expert

In an interview with The New Yorker published this Wednesday, Russian investigative journalist Andrei Soldatov discussed Russia's setbacks in its invasion of Ukraine, saying that it's clear that the Russian government "now understands that it’s going to be a long, conventional war, not the small military operation they pretended it would be."

According to Soldatov, Russian President Vladimir Putin is "out of options."

"He’s quite limited. He got himself in a big war, and right now the military is finally quite convinced that they are fighting a really big war, not just some limited conflict," Soldatov said. "So what’s he going to do? He needs to vow to keep going in Ukraine. And he understands that he’s fighting a conventional army, not some group of Nazis."

Soldatov went on to say that the Russian army is "on the losing end, because the Ukrainian Army is a completely mobilized army that actually claims it can call on hundreds of thousands more in reserves." There is also a realization within the Russian military that it "picked up a fight with NATO in the wrong place."

At this point, the most interesting thing about Russia's invasion is that no one really knows what Putin's goals are, Soldatov says.

"The thinking is that, look, we are sustaining heavy casualties and suffering a lot, so the goal of occupying the Donbas cannot be the objective of such a war. We need something a bit more ambitious, and some pro-military channels on Telegram have just conducted polls and asked their subscribers, 'What do you think? When will the objective for this war be achieved?' And only six per cent of people said that it would be achieved with the 'liberation' of the Donbas, while thirty-three per cent said it would be when the whole of Ukraine capitulates unconditionally. People in the military and people close to the military want something much more ambitious than what Putin is saying."

Read the full interview at The New Yorker.
never under estimate your opponent rule 1
That's why they must beat them back to the borders and as much of their equipment destroyed as possible, but not let up in other ways, like regime change in Belarus and trouble in other places for Vlad or whatever asshole replaces him. Sanctions stay on until there is meaningful reform, no bullshit that Russia can't change, Ukraine did and it will force change upon Russia by it's example and mere existence, ditto for Belarus. A liberal democratic Ukraine means the death of old imperial Russia and many in Russia know this and it's why they deny even the existence of Ukraine. After the war it will be even more untenable, a post war prosperous Slavic Ukraine rebuilding with Russian money in an image of western Europe would be too much to bear.

Russian language radio and TV would be pouring into European Russia from the borders of Finland to the Baltics, to Belarus as far south as Ukraine and even Georgia. They will be run by Russian dissidents, radio and TV people operating mostly out of Kyiv with networked transmitters on the borders plus satellite TV, YouTube and all social media platforms. They will be supported and financed by the EU, UK, America and others Radio liberty, radio free Europe and voice of America will all be revived and will hire many Russians who look to the west. 80% of Russians live in European Russia many close to the borders.
Poo Poo visits “ wounded “ soldiers ( in Moscow hospital) - far from the real carnage.
Typical Russian PR.

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there is a point where propaganda starts to be humorous, like the rare snl sketch that's actually funny.
i wonder if the average russian who believes this shit will ever have to face the truth, in a way they cannot deny?
heroes, for fighting nazis who don't exist. heroes who rape old women and little girls, heroes who shoot unarmed civilians, heroes who plunder people's jewelry boxes and home electronics...i'd laugh if i didn't feel like vomiting.
Expect to see Chinese propaganda posted here and elsewhere from this source, it is not their intention, but rightwing media will use the material along with Russian disinformation, they are allies and are at war with America. That's why Moscow's and Tucker's material sounded the same, it was written by the same people, just edited up a bit by Foxnews. I mean broadcasting their disinformation and lies is much cheaper than creating your own, they give it away for free! They are in it for the profit and their audience are in it for the war, they know this and since the enemy of my enemy is my friend, the Russians will do just fine, they are white and Christian after all, besides, Trump likes them.

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The Volunteer Movement Enraging China
An informal, online network is translating publicly available articles and social-media posts. That has been enough to rile Beijing.
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The food crises will soon change the situation in Ukraine, if they try to sink the escorted grain ships, the UK (with American AWACS support will sink everything the Russians have in the black sea, all 20 ships and subs will be eliminated, even in their ports. The world food crises could mean tens of millions of people starving, they have the moral high ground and navies are suppose to protect trade, that is their main purpose. I notice the Russian navy isn't cutting transatlantic undersea internet cables, commerce flows through them and our navies would sink them on the fucking spot.

'The only way is to convince Putin he can't win' | Former Four Star General Wes Clark
34,350 views May 26, 2022 "The way this ends successfully is by convincing Putin he can't win." NATO former supreme allied commander former Four Star General Wes Clark says the only way to end the Ukraine war is to support the country with weapons and stop doing business with Russia.