Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I once did some website work for a guy that trained German special forces in some weird martial arts.
I eventually took some digital photos and stuff for his dojo. (shows how long back that was).
The people in the class were shit scared of haveing top demonstrate anything with him, as he would beat the fuck out of them....
the funny thing was, he only had one arm.
I remember it looked really cool it was kinda like fighting the branches of a tree everything you did would end up being redirected on yuourself
Yeah, I just kept thinking... this isn't fair, this isn't fair, as a tiny little man in a robe tossed me over his hip and shoulder in ever increasingly more painful ways and I paid him for it. I had about 160 pounds of muscle on him but it just didn't seem to help. It was a great way to learn practical physics though. My HS physics teacher would have been so proud that I finally got it:bigjoint:, oh so that's what a fulcrum does.. ow.
I learned how to box from a Connecticut state champion Golden Gloves boxer. He taught me the proper stance, how to cover up, and how to step into a punch to make more power. He kicked my ass for a long time because I looked at his eyes for a tell when we sparred, there was none. I finally started looking at his chin and I could see his shoulders start to move before his arms. I ended up not quite pulling my punch enough when I put together a combination and finally got what he taught me. Once he caught his breath and got back up off the lawn he said the lessons were over...lol.
I am officially the world's worst boxer. I make Lurch from the Adams Family look lighting fast and coordinated. Not my cup of tea. Sorry for the thread derail guys but the Asian kick ass lady was just too close to home. The wife is still laughing :bigjoint:. Moving on now and thanks for the chuckles as always.
Meh, even a derailed train can be put back on the tracks.