
Nothing but an Actor dancing in women's clothes
Looks like Vlad should have taken up dancing instead of becoming a professional asshole, he's not even good at being an asshole and is getting beat up badly by a better lead country a third Russia's size. If Zelenskiy could get on Russian TV uncensored, along with uncensored news, he would defeat Vlad on TV in his own backyard in a month of war and Vlad knows it and had to shut the free media down. Next he will defeat him on the battlefield, you see, Zelenskiy makes new friends everyday and Vlad makes new enemies. Friends gave them long range artillery and many shells, some precision, along with a whole bunch of other goodies that multiplies their combat power to a nation several times it's size and wealth.

BTW, They know all about Zelenskiy the TV star and media company founder and owner in Ukraine, it's one of the reasons he got elected. He's a liberal democrat and Trump tried to blackmail him over military aid, including Javelins and only delivered military aid to Ukraine when forced to.
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Putin’s TV appearances staged with pre-taped footage as cancer rumors swirl: insider

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s televised meetings with officials last week were staged with pre-taped footage and “deepfakes” to cover up his week-long absence after surgery, an anti-Kremlin Telegram account claimed Monday.

The 69-year-old strongman was recovering in almost complete isolation from his inner circle despite being seen on Russian state TV taking meetings, Telegram channel General SVR reported.

Footage showed him last week supposedly sitting down with Sergey Chemezov, CEO of state-owned defense conglomerate Rostec, and separately with Alexey Likhachev, chief of Russia’s nuclear power company Rosatom.
This could be trouble for Vlad, drafting young people in an unpopular war is a bad idea, it shows the attitude of many of the young and internet connected. If you think you might get drafted, you might be curious about what the war is all about and what is going on there, it won't take long for them to see pictures of destroyed Russian tanks.

Social movements often start among youth and they will win in the end, because the old ideas die with those carrying them in their heads. As pensions are cut or not paid, inflation increases and and mass layoffs begin then others will find the war unpopular too. We think it's unpopular, because of gas and fuel prices, but it will be much worse for Russia and in other places that might experience famine because of Vlad's war.

It might be time to consider American or UK flagged ships moving grain out of Ukraine through the Black sea and if Russia wants to sink them, then sink the 20 Russian warships in the Black sea and make it a no fly zone. If they fire missiles, supply Ukraine with better missiles to kill the launchers even inside Russia. The Ukrainians will have to meet every missile attack on shipping with painful retribution, after we sink the Russian Black sea fleet. The warning of consequences should be specific and clear about interfering with grain shipments. The Russians sinking a grain ship could kill millions of people, if they do it, then we are justified in wiping out their black sea fleet to remove the threat.

Concertgoers in Russia chant ‘F**k the war!’
239,362 views May 23, 2022 Audience members at a Кис-Киc (Kis-Kis) concert in St. Petersburg were seen chanting “F**k the war!” according to a video shared online, which was verified by CNN.
Denmark Pledges to Provide Ukraine With Harpoon Anti-Ship Missiles
The government of Denmark has pledged to provide Ukraine with one Harpoon coastal defense missile system, giving defenders in Odesa enough range to hold Russian forces at risk over most of the northwestern Black Sea. Following press reports that the U.S. is seeking ways to provide Ukraine with the Harpoon, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed the news in a statement at the Pentagon on Monday.

Denmark is a former operator of Harpoon Block II coastal defense missile batteries. The venerable Harpoon is a 50-year-old subsonic antiship missile, and though dated, it has been upgraded over the years and is still in service with many navies around the world. It is a subsonic air-breathing cruise missile with a top speed of about 460 knots and a range of about 70 nautical miles. Denmark's version came equipped with inertial guidance and GPS navigation, and it was fitted with the Boeing Advanced Harpoon Weapon Control System (AHWCS). This upgrade gives it land-attack capabilities to supplement its primary anti-ship role.

The shit is accumulating in Ukraine, because of their artillery superiority, associated information systems and tactical doctrine, I don't think they are losing much to battle wastage. Don't underestimate the Ukrainians sophisticated fire control system that they developed themselves. Think of it in terms of the air defense system supported by radar the UK used in the battle of Britain, the radar was important, but the information command and control system that used it and observer corps data was revolutionary and allowed the efficient management of resources.

The international community wants the black sea open and Ukrainian grain flowing to avoid famine and the potential death of millions, not to mention higher food prices for everybody. Millions of lives on the line can justify a lot and that should be made clear to the Russians in no uncertain terms. Action against Russia would have wide international support, in the Islamic world and Africa, since they get most of the Ukrainian harvest, so does Turkey and they control access to the Black sea..
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The shit is accumulating in Ukraine, because of their artillery superiority, associated information systems and tactical doctrine, I don't think they are losing much to battle wastage. Don't underestimate the Ukrainians sophisticated fire control system that they developed themselves. . . . . .
I was impressed they factor in the distance so projectiles coming from different places arrive at the same time. If they keep on being smarter, quicker on their feet, and avoid getting into really big fights, they will bleed Russia dry.
I was impressed they factor in the distance so projectiles coming from different places arrive at the same time. If they keep on being smarter, quicker on their feet, and avoid getting into really big fights, they will bleed Russia dry.
Harder in an artillery battle than popping off a line of Russian vehicles stuck on the road with switchblades, funny we do not hear about them much anymore. The war developed into a standard engagment with no easy victory in a short time. Where the Russians were overstretched trying to take over the whole country now the Ukrainians have to keep a level of military defense throughout the whole country. The Russians want to surround the Ukrainians and cut off the supply line and starve them out as they did to the soldiers in Mariupol. The Russians are not moving fast but they are advancing and as long as they are they will throw more men and equipment into the fight. There is no option for losing the war.

US, Allies 'Intensifying' Effort to Arm Ukraine with New Types of Weapons, Austin Says

A group of 47 nations met Monday and pledged new weapons shipments, including anti-ship missiles, as part of an intensifying effort to arm Ukraine in its nearly three-month-old war with Russia, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said.

The Harpoon missiles from Denmark -- along with attack helicopters, tanks and rocket systems from the Czech Republic -- were among aid announced by 20 nations, Austin said during a Pentagon press briefing. The missiles come as Russian warships are blocking grain exports from Ukraine's Odesa and other ports and threatening a global food crisis.
I have to agree, the world is at a pivotal point and the point is the war in Ukraine, how badly Russia is beaten and how completely it's army is destroyed, especially in equipment. How much they have to pay for post war compensation to Ukraine, not future money from the people, but money that was stolen by Putin and those connected to the régime who benefitted from the system. Almost everybody with money, properties and investments abroad, with a very few exceptions and it probably amounts to well over a trillion dollars.

Not the UN is stopping large scale wars, economic and technological interdependence is and that allows countries to harness global economic and technological power. Things like science, technology, finance and business are global endeavors that harness the brains and effort of the entire world. Take science for instance and the tens of thousands involved in hundreds or thousands of universities and companies in each area of specialty all over the world and all connected as peers by the internet.

So a country like Russia that gets on the wrong side of the Global system (formerly western system, is condemned to poverty and ignorance. It was like that with the old soviet union, but it only involved the western advanced countries, the non aligned and a much larger and less corrupt soviet union. Economic and technological interdependence is the path to peace, not the UN the security council, where Russia makes the UN operate like the republicans do in US senate! :lol:

For hundreds of years the first thing a country at war did was try to cut trade off to it's enemies, it was that important hundreds of years ago in the age of sail. It is also one of the reasons the British empire existed, it controlled the seas and trade, but had a policy of free trade and the rule of law, when at peace, some exceptions concerning Americans in the early 19th century noted!

UN says 6.5 million Ukrainians have become refugees; Zelenskyy tells Davos the world is at a ‘turning point’
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