
The people need to turn on him. I really don't see an end to it other than that, he will continue to send the young people to die, their educated people will continue to leave, leaving nothing but the equivalent of the boomers that cheer on the state propaganda. He needs to be gadaffi'ed, I don't think the country is there yet.

So the cross dressing actor will continue to kick the shit out of them and demonstrate leadership that leaves the rest of the world in the dust.
The people need to turn on him. I really don't see an end to it other than that, he will continue to send the young people to die, their educated people will continue to leave, leaving nothing but the equivalent of the boomers that cheer on the state propaganda. He needs to be gadaffi'ed, I don't think the country is there yet.

So the cross dressing actor will continue to kick the shit out of them and demonstrate leadership that leaves the rest of the world in the dust.

it's slowly getting there....rumor mill says Pooty won't last, then again it's a rumor nothing more.....

He named checked Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who he said started as an intellectual held in high esteem, but who was now “a good illustration of the degradation of this system.” He blames Lavrov—not Putin—for many of Russia’s recent choices, condemning him for “threaten[ing] the world (that is, Russia too!) with nuclear weapons!”

He said Russia’s foreign ministry—which he has helped shape for two decades—is no longer a diplomatic mission. “It is all about warmongering, lies and hatred,” he wrote in his resignation letter. “It serves interests of few, the very few people thus contributing to further isolation and degradation of my country. Russia no longer has allies, and there is no one to blame but its reckless and ill-conceived policy.”

He said the war was conceived by people who are willing to sacrifice as many Russian and Ukrainian lives to achieve one thing: “to remain in power forever, live in pompous tasteless palaces, sail on yachts comparable in tonnage and cost to the entire Russian Navy, enjoying unlimited power and complete impunity.”

Bondarev is the first high-level foreign diplomat to bail over the war, and said that despite his 20 years in Russia’s service, he “simply cannot any longer share in this bloody, witless, and absolutely needless ignominy.”
The people need to turn on him. I really don't see an end to it other than that, he will continue to send the young people to die, their educated people will continue to leave, leaving nothing but the equivalent of the boomers that cheer on the state propaganda. He needs to be gadaffi'ed, I don't think the country is there yet.

So the cross dressing actor will continue to kick the shit out of them and demonstrate leadership that leaves the rest of the world in the dust.
i don't see the country turning on him any time soon. there are too many that are the same as magats in America, deluded, ignorant, poorly educated, bigoted, hateful fucks...listen to the captured communications from soldiers to their families, with the families telling them to rape, kill, steal, murder... i think the only solution to this will be to beat the russians so badly they have to limp home, with howitzer rounds and munitions chasing them every step of the way.
NATO should have stepped in months ago, and this shit would be over, and russia would be through as a future threat to Europe and the world
Yep, the people with brains and consciences are leaving Russia, just like the republican party... I see lot's of parallels between between these two groups of fascists, both of them are an elite controlling a great mass of idiots, using lies, bigotry and fear, but there are many more similarities. Cut from the same cloth I'd say, Putin's rubber stamp parliament would be no different than Trump's GOP congress, both are governed by greed and fear. At least the Russians have the excuse of a censored and controlled media, America has no such excuses, they want to be lied to and will change channels if their lie of choice is not spoken. They weren't even loyal to foxnews, when it briefly spoke the truth, but left in droves rather than face reality.
i don't see the country turning on him any time soon. there are too many that are the same as magats in America, deluded, ignorant, poorly educated, bigoted, hateful fucks...listen to the captured communications from soldiers to their families, with the families telling them to rape, kill, steal, murder... i think the only solution to this will be to beat the russians so badly they have to limp home, with howitzer rounds and munitions chasing them every step of the way.
NATO should have stepped in months ago, and this shit would be over, and russia would be through as a future threat to Europe and the world
Not NATO, America, the UK, Canada and others like Poland could have said that the Ukrainian government invited us in to defend them, nobody invited the Russians. However, like the capitol insurrection, it will turn out for the best, if Ukraine defeats the Russians on their own, it will do a lot for their future confidence. Vlad will have a very strong next door neighbor who will tell him to go fuck himself and might intervene if he invades neighboring countries, many in Ukraine will still want a piece of the Russians after the war is over and they will travel to get their pound of flesh.

If Ukraine beats him alone it will look very bad for Putin and his regime and humiliate Russia. If the Ukrainians do it on their own, destroy Vlad's entire army in Ukraine, imagine what it will do for their future confidence in dealing with them and the inspiration to others. They won't be reluctant to ally with other countries and will have no problem dealing with Lukashenko and perhaps helping with revolution in Belarus. Vlad should not just lose Ukraine over this bullshit, he should lose Belarus too, they had their elections stolen and the people will decide, once they get Vlad and his lackey off their backs. Ditto for Georgia, but that might come later after they have free passage over the black sea. F15s fighters would open up the black sea for the Ukrainians faster than anything else and unless Ukrainian grain starts flowing, something will be done about it. How about an American flagged ship picking up grain in Ukraine, go ahead Vlad, sink it...

and it only took them 4 months to do the right thing....fuck starbucks...
Well coffee ain't too hard for the Russians to get and other than sugar and cream, it's all they sell, so supply chain issues weren't great. One of Vlad's buddies will take it over and sell shitty coffee and tea. Besides not too many Russians will be able to afford their over hyped and priced coffee. Most of their customers probably left the country with the great brain drain, same types drink it there as here. As far as I'm concerned McDonald's and Tim's make coffee that's good enough, I just want a cup of Joe, not some fucking taste organism, it's coffee, not wine.
way to give up your location numb nut.....now you lose a heavy motar.....

buh bye
They are extra special targets and I figure some are tracked all the way from Russia to their present location, same for their electronic shit and other high value targets. Between spy and commercial satellite imagery they can track it all and know where it is stored. The private outfit have hundreds of small satellites that can see good enough for this shit and they run several larger ones that can see much more. Uncle Sam passes over frequently, but these guys are almost constant, saw a news story on it the other day.
i find it humorous that "an actor dancing in women's clothes" is kicking the fucking shit out of the russian army...just goes to show how pathetic and ineffective the russians are, and how irrelevant some people's opinions are.
He is also founder of two media companies and got rich doing it, one in Russia where he was a celebrity who speaks perfect Russian and the other in Ukraine where his portrayal of a Ukrainian high school teacher pissed off at corruption turned into a political party and then the presidency. He is not just president, he has an entire government, political party and prime minister at his back. He is head of state and deals with foreign affairs mostly, normally the heavy legislative lifting and day to day operation are done by the prime minister and his cabinet. Now, he deals with strategy and they deal in tactics, in these forms of government the role of the president is often limited to a ceremonial head of state with the prime minister the real power behind the throne, but this can vary quite a bit and presidents can have additional responsibilities.
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They are extra special targets and I figure some are tracked all the way from Russia to their present location, same for their electronic shit and other high value targets. Between spy and commercial satellite imagery they can track it all and know where it is stored. The private outfit have hundreds of small satellites that can see good enough for this shit and they run several larger ones that can see much more. Uncle Sam passes over frequently, but these guys are almost constant, saw a news story on it the other day.

actually a Russian reported is the one who gave the location up, the rest was done by recon and other elements

Does Ukraine now have better weapons than Russia? | General Sir Richard Shirreff
15,948 views May 23, 2022 “The more effective weaponry we provide, the better Ukraine will be defended and the more they can take to fight the Russians.” Have Western weapons made Ukraine stronger than Russia? John Pienaar asks retired senior British army officer General Sir Richard Shirreff