Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

The gills are exposed on a couple of the biggest ones. When to pick? I've heard right before the veil tears away is most potent and doesn't drop spores yet. Not looking to get a sporeprint of this batch. When is your guys' favorite time to pick.
Will they get alot bigger? Some veils open some not should I pick the whole thing or cut the big ones off before they spill spores ooor wait until the little ones on that cluster get bigger also and try to harvest right before it tears? Probably should have asked these questions yesterday.
Yeah those are still pins.

the caps will start to get round when they’re almost ready. Those are gonna hit a growth spurt today or tomorrow night that will blow your mind.
Mind blowing growth spurt happened. Lol I'm sure this was everyones 1st time reaction "Holy shit"
Do open vs closed veil effect potency much?
I don't believe so, to an extent maybe a little?
If you're going to be home all day, let em go( keep an eye on them) or pick the open ones. If you have to leave for the day, I would pick just the open ones. You can always very carefully harvest the mature ones and leave the others for a few more hours/day. Usually doesn't take long for the smaller ones to catch up.
And buy a food dehydrator. You can air dry them but it takes a long time for them to dry out completely.
Ok cool ill be home all day. I'll wait for the smaller ones to almost tear open then harvest the whole thing since they're all connected. I was gonna put them on a piece of cardboard with a fan on em. I gotta dry em so I can microdose em. A buddy told me you can lose alot to mold that way though. What's a good easy route to go for drying? Make a desiccant out of baked epsom?

that bottom right one is where I like to pull them. It doesn’t affect potency I just like the round caps cuz they don’t bust into dust in the bag like open ones will.

definitely get a dehydrator that’s crucial.
That was the only cake that made it to fruit. All the other pins seem to stall. Also wondering why they're white.16523589902017808797378038123337.jpg
Or pick the aborts and use them like regular mushrooms. They are usually just as potent, only small.
Yup, will do. I've never Ate fresh ones till now and what a difference. I used to eat handfuls of em now Im Really liking .3g at 7pm, then in bed by midnight, I wake up at around 5 30 feeling great ready for the day.
What’s up ZL!fTeD,

I used to grow lots of cubes back in the day. I skimmed over a lot of this thread but if you have any more questions moving forward I can point you in the right direction.

My first grow was with a shotgun chamber following the Pf tek as well. It was great but I quickly moved into monotubs. At my peak I had 4 monotubs going at a time. Nothing crazy but was pulling a lot of weight. More than I could really handle.

some quick tips I thought might be helpful,

if your cakes are pinning before they are birthed; you either let them get too much fresh air exchange, or they are getting too old (should of birthed earlier), or they came in contact with a competing contaminant and they are trying to spore out before they get over taken.

people really focus too much on light with shrooms. It’s not the light that trigger fruiting. Yes, keep them in the dark but the light doesn’t trigger it.Light tell the fungus what way is up. That is about it. People grow shrooms without ANY light with no problem. They will be growing in all different directions and look funky but will still grow.
Fresh air is what triggers fruiting. In a ideal environment The mycelium will first consume all its food source. Once it has eaten everything, and fresh air has been introduced, it will began fruiting- trying to create spores so it can spread and germinate other mediums.

search for the user Roger rabbit on shroomery. The dude is a god and he really contributed a lot of knowledge. He also made a video series that will blow your mind.
What’s up ZL!fTeD,

I used to grow lots of cubes back in the day. I skimmed over a lot of this thread but if you have any more questions moving forward I can point you in the right direction.

My first grow was with a shotgun chamber following the Pf tek as well. It was great but I quickly moved into monotubs. At my peak I had 4 monotubs going at a time. Nothing crazy but was pulling a lot of weight. More than I could really handle.

some quick tips I thought might be helpful,

if your cakes are pinning before they are birthed; you either let them get too much fresh air exchange, or they are getting too old (should of birthed earlier), or they came in contact with a competing contaminant and they are trying to spore out before they get over taken.

people really focus too much on light with shrooms. It’s not the light that trigger fruiting. Yes, keep them in the dark but the light doesn’t trigger it.Light tell the fungus what way is up. That is about it. People grow shrooms without ANY light with no problem. They will be growing in all different directions and look funky but will still grow.
Fresh air is what triggers fruiting. In a ideal environment The mycelium will first consume all its food source. Once it has eaten everything, and fresh air has been introduced, it will began fruiting- trying to create spores so it can spread and germinate other mediums.

search for the user Roger rabbit on shroomery. The dude is a god and he really contributed a lot of knowledge. He also made a video series that will blow your mind.
Thanks bud. Yeah Roger rabbit knows his s*** for sure. I've been on shroomery reading his threads. Trust me I'm going all in this too. I still got some cakes popping out pins in the fruiting chamber but my six jars I have that are colonizing right now I'm shredding to a shoebox or monotub and bulk substrate. Maybe you guys can help me along the way. For real though I can't even put into words the benefits
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Okay so the Green Crack is doing good. After flushing a couple times as suggested did a mid veg feed and started hitting it with Bk.
Now this is where I may need some help. Bubba?? LOL
My seedlings aren't looking too hot. They're 2 weeks old. This is my first time starting seedlings in #4. For the first week I watered with dr. Root and distilled. Now on week 2 I did two quarter strength seedling feeds. 1/4 tsp/gal of Medusas, Gaia, zues, and slf 100, ph'd to 6.2. They are yellowing from the bottom up.