Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Florida Republican: Abortion ban can help human-trafficking victims escape captors
During an episode of CBS’s Miami affiliate show “Facing South Florida with Jim DeFede,” host Jim DeFede highlighted recent remarks made by Florida state Sen. Illena Garcia (R) at a town hall meeting in Miami Beach.

In the short clip, Garcia is seen answering a question on why she didn’t support an exception to the state’s new 15-week abortion ban for women who are victims of rape, incest, or human trafficking.

“So what we would like as a matter of fact we would like to see in the future is more of these entities like Planned Parenthood reporting these human traffickers because it’s a copy, paste repeat,” Garcia said at the town hall meeting.

Do some of these people just talk without thinking?
Collins: Draft Roe decision ‘completely inconsistent’ with what Gorsuch, Kavanaugh said
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on Tuesday that a leaked draft ruling by the Supreme Court was “completely inconsistent” with what Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch told her during their private conversations as Supreme Court nominees.

“If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office,” Collins said in a statement.

“Obviously, we won’t know each Justice’s decision and reasoning until the Supreme Court officially announces its opinion in this case,” she added.

Heads exploding because of a brave person showing what was hiding under a rock.

Dershowitz: 'There's Never Been a Leak Like This'
Monday night's leaked Supreme Court draft to unravel the landmark Roe v. Wade decision on abortion appears not only to be authentic, but a deliberate attempt to "pressure" the justices, constitutional law expert Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax.

"This has the sign of authenticity," Dershowitz told Monday's "Rob Schmitt Tonight." "It also to me, and this is just a theory, but I think it's maybe correct: The leak was very deliberately – perhaps by a law clerk who was very strongly opposed to reversing Roe v. Wade – seeking to make it public now so that pressure could be put on the Supreme Court, either by an act of Congress to pack the court, or an act of Congress making a federal legislative right of every woman to have an abortion based on the Commerce Clause."

Dershowitz, who has 57 years' experience with the Supreme Court, having been a clerk and a Harvard Law professor, added that "in all the years I've been following the Supreme Court, there's never been a leak like this."

Like the Bible, the constitution doesn't mention abortion at all, Jesus was silent on the subject.

Bible? I seem to remember something about not spilling your seed.

As far as abortion goes, my preference is that people shouldn't do it, but I don't think in most instances I have any right to force a woman to continue to be pregnant if she prefers not to. Although I am appalled that people would abort a being that can feel pain etc.

I like to differentiate between what my preferences are and what my rights are. For instance, it might be your preference that everyone respond to the fake pandemic like you have, but it's not your right to make people engage in the mass hysteria, wear masks, get gene therapy etc.
Oh shit, the inlaw family whatsapp confirms my suspicions. If the Supreme Court makes this decision how long until they nullify people's gay marriages.

Government should not be involved in licensing marriages or abortion for that matter, those are private matters.

Since government is alleged to be "just people", it can't have any more right than any of us nongovernment people have. I don't have a right to tell gay people what the nature of their relationship is or isn't, that's their business.

If I don't have that right, no other "equal person" does. Therefore, none of us could possibly delegate a nonexistent right to government for those douches to control.
Aye, Susan Collins is the new John McCain. She acts as an independent once every 10-15 years so we suck her dick and forget she is trash the rest of the time.
I concur with both your posts Rob, see...its so clear even a caveman/bigfoot sees it.
Bible? I seem to remember something about not spilling your seed.

As far as abortion goes, my preference is that people shouldn't do it, but I don't think in most instances I have any right to force a woman to continue to be pregnant if she prefers not to. Although I am appalled that people would abort a being that can feel pain etc.

I like to differentiate between what my preferences are and what my rights are. For instance, it might be your preference that everyone respond to the fake pandemic like you have, but it's not your right to make people engage in the mass hysteria, wear masks, get gene therapy etc.

Actually, you have the right to make people wear whatever you want in your domain.
As far as abortion goes, my preference is that people shouldn't do it,
Who gives a fuck about your preference?

but I don't think in most instances I have any right to force a woman to continue to be pregnant if she prefers not to.
“In most instances”?

Please name an instance where you do have a right to force a woman to continue with a pregnancy.

Looking forward to your answer.
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Lol, welp, sounds great. I am a pretty big fan of conservatives being right there in your face with their shit. Don't let them hide behind some low tax small government excuse. I hope they culture war hard on this and their anti gay and trans stances. Make people take a hard look at themselves and their views.
As much as I personally dislike it in practice, I find the bare-faced power grabs and occasional blurting of scabrous truths to be refreshing, compared to the daily mental sheep-dipping they give their voters / parishioners / employees.

Sanity requires that I remember that ALL the noise is coming from the OVERTHROW party and its operatives (who amount to ~27% of eligible citizens): the relentless, blatant fabulation & history-erasure employed by the Overthrow party chips away at every ‘conservative’ voter…and a lot of principled older people - the long-term core of the republican party, the ones who learned civics in school - find themselves hard-pressed to ignore that, more and more, the people and policies they’re expected to vote for are diametrically opposed to everything they grew up believing about the USA.

Commentators & analysts consistently ignore the fundamental rift in a base of support that only deepens and widens under the continued assault on American values being pushed daily by the domestic enemies of the Overthrow party, which now rules the Republican Party(tm) lock, stock, and barrel. The public display of naked avarice for power and control put on daily by the usual quislings constitutes the most outrageous barrage *against* ANY sort of honest feeling of national pride ever applied to any population in the ‘free world’…and the danger that poses to the rickety shack we call the GOP voter base is ignored - the very great danger to the public waved away as wishful thinking in a Trump-dominated world…which is, frankly, bullshit.

One thing we can be sure of is that ~70% of the legendarily loyal GOP voter is in turmoil as the J6 investigation moves toward public hearings, and as the lunatics wrest control of state after state away from saner, steadier hands & women face the clear and present danger of their personal autonomy being reversed….

I’ve gone on at some length about GOP voter reaction to the Watergate hearings, so I won’t repeat; I will tell a short story about my dad.

He was a staunch conservative, a proudly white southern man of the sort who came back alive from WW2 battlefields, a man of education, of training, of what they used to call ‘good moral character’. We never saw things the same, and the fights started when I was 7 or 8, but we can skip those; he never backed down, he never doubted himself…so mostly we agreed to stay away from things that would start fights.

Cue the Watergate. Spent a lot of time watching the hearings, sometimes with my dad, mostly not. one day, I was watching Sam Rayburn dig into one of the White House staff about the outrageous cover story of the moment - the hearings were knee-deep in investigating the coverup at that point. Dad came in sat down, listened for a while - in silence, as we’d never talked about any of it up to that point.

Following one particular effective stab, “I don’t believe it!” Came tumbling out of his mouth. I was astonished - how could he POSSIBLY believe, at this point, that Nixon knew nothing about any of it???

”I just can’t believe Nixon knew nothing. It’s just not possible, he couldn’t have avoided knowing, its bullshit!” The first time I ever heard him cuss. Now I was even more astonished: the hearings and their revelations battered away his ability to pretend he wasn’t seeing and hearing what he was seeing and hearing.

GOP lost BIG in the next 2-3 elections. Because of people like my dad. He didn’t change his politics, or most of his views, but he changed what he was willing to put up with from his own party.

Note - news cycles are distorted by polls. Political polls are designed to get the answers desired by those burying the poll. If you’ve ever taken any, you’ll know just how little they care about the actual views or opinions of those they poll.

Don’t be distracted.
@Bagginski Dude I like your posts and views.
I appreciate hearing that. I grew up around and during a lot of shit, and I’ve tried my best to dig deep & keep up…’cause I feared that something like our current situation would develop (right down to the weird link-up between GOP/RUS).

So, I kinda have to talk about it; nice to know when folks listen
Another leak says Texas will ban/nullify gay marriage within weeks of these religious nuts striking down Roe v Wade and 13 states have laws that will kick in banning abortion when it happens, it's all theater as usual and was planned long ago.
Begun, the culture wars have.
Florida Republican: Abortion ban can help human-trafficking victims escape captors
During an episode of CBS’s Miami affiliate show “Facing South Florida with Jim DeFede,” host Jim DeFede highlighted recent remarks made by Florida state Sen. Illena Garcia (R) at a town hall meeting in Miami Beach.

In the short clip, Garcia is seen answering a question on why she didn’t support an exception to the state’s new 15-week abortion ban for women who are victims of rape, incest, or human trafficking.

“So what we would like as a matter of fact we would like to see in the future is more of these entities like Planned Parenthood reporting these human traffickers because it’s a copy, paste repeat,” Garcia said at the town hall meeting.

Do some of these people just talk without thinking?
Why, yes…yes, they do