
What kind of a light are you using?? Also try spraying some water on the inside of the dome walls.

I have a Compact Florescent light rack I made myself. I used it the first successful cloning.

I will be switching to the Marshydro sp3000 by the time you read this. I have other plans for the CFL light rack.
I have a Compact Florescent light rack I made myself. I used it the first successful cloning.

I will be switching to the Marshydro sp3000 by the time you read this. I have other plans for the CFL light rack.
For cloning that 300w LED is going to be way too strong. You want like 18w maybe even 10watts of LED per tray. Too much light will make the plants exert more energy. I am not sure how strong your light rack is but that could be your issue.
Could be.
I used it before and also years ago so I am surprised if it is the light

I'll try again after delivery.
I'm hoping the 100% claim is right. I need clones and I need them now.
I can't call J.G. Wentworth. :)
Okay the Unit is here.

Fancy planter style "square-pot" with custom logo "in-mold" from manufacture.
Easy pump and sprayer. Simple enough and I see how people can make their own.
I'm cool with the ready made at this time.

Tonight I fill the new thing with cuts and hope that one of my clones... The Blue Line which only survived in the flower room under 12-12 already can revert and root.
I think so they are just showing a few pistils as of last night.

It's an all in situation and if it fails I will need to see if any more of the F1s will germinate and find a lady or two.
I'd rather not since I know these two girls rather well.

I'll post pictures later and there will be MANY cuts in the unit but I only need a couple three-ish.
I have worked with feminized seeds years ago so being good at cloning was not necessary.
I actually feminized my own seeds and yet I am afraid of cloning.

I am a organic soil grower but what will be an easy and successful clone station?
I see domed kits online. Is that what I want?

I am doing a seed rescue with ten to twelve year old seeds. I got a few to germinate. Amazing!
I have 5 alive. This is a medical strain that I bred to help me with autism and bipolar.

I welcome your input.
I recommend an aeroponic cloner (many on the market or DIY) simply for ease of use.

I grow organically in soil as well. How did you feminize? I ask bc I recently did a grow just for seeds, and had a few herm, late in flower, due to light(as in photons) stress. I’d like to think I accidentally created feminized seeds through a form of rodelization.
I have worked with feminized seeds years ago so being good at cloning was not necessary.
I actually feminized my own seeds and yet I am afraid of cloning.

I am a organic soil grower but what will be an easy and successful clone station?
I see domed kits online. Is that what I want?

I am doing a seed rescue with ten to twelve year old seeds. I got a few to germinate. Amazing!
I have 5 alive. This is a medical strain that I bred to help me with autism and bipolar.

I welcome your input.
I do this often, but just realized your original post is a bit older. But my other question is still valid :D
Okay the Unit is here.

Fancy planter style "square-pot" with custom logo "in-mold" from manufacture.
Easy pump and sprayer. Simple enough and I see how people can make their own.
I'm cool with the ready made at this time.

Tonight I fill the new thing with cuts and hope that one of my clones... The Blue Line which only survived in the flower room under 12-12 already can revert and root.
I think so they are just showing a few pistils as of last night.

It's an all in situation and if it fails I will need to see if any more of the F1s will germinate and find a lady or two.
I'd rather not since I know these two girls rather well.

I'll post pictures later and there will be MANY cuts in the unit but I only need a couple three-ish.
Don’t use too bright of a light. Also, I’ve had good results using just plain filtered well-water with maybe a small dash of H2O2, and only adding a dash of Clonex on sight of first root.

Gots the Clone King full. True, True.. I only need a couple three but this is the last chance for gas so I filled up.

Wish me luck.

One side of the MarsHydro SP3000 plugged in and on the lowest setting with the light pulled to the top of the tent and the clone king on the floor of the tent.

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Good luck. Looks like a lot of foliage.

As I wrote, I need a few but with the Mega-Death of everything and, the mystery of what went wrong, I would rather pick the best few and have extras to be rid of than to not have all that is required for the project.

Fingers crossed these guys are not too hot, too dry or under too strong of light.
May the Cannabis gods bless my humble tent and the Clone-King.
Well, I am happy so far with the Clone-King.
"This" Morning after is all LIFE and not the total Death twice before.

I think I just can't use the CFL light rack in the "Spring." Colder Wintry weather sure and it's excellent. Now that I think of it I have never used the CFL in the warm weather in small soace. My Bad.
The light rack was too close for as warm as it is now. These plants do not recover from a lack of water and too hot / strong light all that easy.

So I am breathing better this morning. I need these plants to survive.

None of them look to be dying.

Well I hope it works for ya,whats the humidity in the tent?

Uh.. Just Ambient. My desktop display says 35% so 35% ish.
That they recovered from the first droop is exactly what I needed to see this morning.
The rest of the Clone Vegetation now can be composted shortly. Those clones got way too big for a tent and I don't need them for flowering so it's just wait and then if all is well off to the composter with the rest.

I was on the panicked side of life when my first two trays of cuts just died!
So I hope I learned something and that there are clones to breed with, on the way!
Uh.. Just Ambient. My desktop display says 35% so 35% ish.
That they recovered from the first droop is exactly what I needed to see this morning.
The rest of the Clone Vegetation now can be composted shortly. Those clones got way too big for a tent and I don't need them for flowering so it's just wait and then if all is well off to the composter with the rest.

I was on the panicked side of life when my first two trays of cuts just died!
So I hope I learned something and that there are clones to breed with, on the way!
I soak mine in a cup a water for 24-36hrs first. Immediately after cutting.
I soak mine in a cup a water for 24-36hrs first. Immediately after cutting.

I admit that I am just getting back to growing after a long time.
I was thinking that I never have cloned under my CFL light rack in the warm weather. I bet it was too hot for cuts.

I looked in the Tent this morning and they are still looking good.
So then it was me that didn't have his skills going. Better now.

As for soaking in water here. These mother plants were too large. There is plenty of three but the last chance for one color line and that is the Blue Line. It's only mom is flowering now. I wanted to be sure before I flipped but as this thread says I panicked with a dead Blue Mom who dried out and died. I simply didn't water that 2 gallon enough. My bad and she went out real quick.
A hard lesson to learn but another trait to add to the notebook..

I think this will work and so now in the Warm Weather if I need clones I'll run the Clone-King and in the winter I will run either LED or CFL rack.

Fingers still crossed here but feeling better every day.

So it looks like you are perpetual? Making clones and flowering and then making clones and so on.
Ya no room for moms and always trying something new.I end up cutting clones off of clones that have been rooted for about 3 weeks.

It's like riding a bike after ten years. I can do it sort-of

I say this is the last chance because I have no more "Blue Line"
What is in the Clone-King is it.
But I didn't say I didn't have some in waiting. Everyone but the Blue-Line
Like you do they are in water in cups and seem happy under a reading lamp LED. Go figure!

Ladies in waiting.jpg

There are two guys in there as well. Green and Red lines.
It's a project. The goal is to recreate an experimental cross that helped me with emotions. I felt that a cross between my medical strain (MMS) and a Blue Dream West Coast cut helped me feel more empathy. I believed that because I had more empathy to characters in movies.
I only grew a little of that bud. It was all the grow-time I had back then. I hope to evaluate the effects in more detail within this coming year.

If all keeps on going well, I hope to do a couple-three things.
1. Make that cross with two MMS females to both strains of Blue Dream. The Oregon and the Seedsman. So each female MMS will hit each of those two female BDs'
2. Make a Female x Female cross of SeedsMan on Oregon and a separate Female x Female cross with Oregon being pollinator to Seedsman.
3. After this gear is in seeds then at some point in the future hit the S1s of the BDs x MMS with each MMS male I am keeping as clone.
4. Then again with that gear hit each of those BD hybrids with a third regular BD strain. I will call that result Illinois Blue Dream Strain. IBD to make an acronym.

It's fun!
Third day and still looking alive.
A packet of rooting hormone comes with the Clone-King so on advice of posters I have added that to the water on the third day.
I lifted the tray and didn't see much without my glasses on but the rooting powder is in the water.

I'm feeling better everyday they look alive.