New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Vietnamese fried spring rolls, cajun seasoned fried chicken strips, and frozen french fries cooked in the air fryer. Dipping sauces not in the photo. Made an asian style cabbage slaw as well. It's not the healthiest meal but it tasted good so I ate it. This was for 2.

Fish fingers with pan-fried potatoes and tomato-cucumber-onion salad for dinner today. Nothing photo-worthy but not bad.

Tomorrow should be better, Surinamese Nasi Goreng (indonesian for fried rice) with Roast Pork Paramaribo. Pork tenderloin already swimming in marinade with squashed garlic, fresh ginger, honey and a bit of sugar. I’m probably going to put it in my outdoor mini oven with some wood.

“Roast pork Paramaribo”


I made the pork using a Surinamese recipe so I figured I should do a sort of surinamese version of Nasi Goreng too. Like in the original Indonesian version, ketjap manis and trassi is essential, but in Suriname it’s common to just use what you have, usually more local-ish spices. In this case, in addition to the garlic, ginger, onions, I’m adding some piment/allspice and loas. Pan fried the rice in it adding spiced ketjap, salty soya, ketjap manis. Normally, I‘d add some chunks or shredded chicken separately cooked but the pork is a lot already so skipped it. Should have some peas but w/e, nasi goreng is what you make of it :D


Served with atjar tjoempoer, tomato+cucumber+red onion salad, and krupuk… added some for pic but I tend to eat the whole bag. 3 bags Conimex Krupuk for the price of 2 today so we’ll be eating nasi again tomorrow. :lol:
English “curry” is from Tamil (indian) “khari” which basically means sauce.

I present to you “sauce sauce”

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It’s like a spicy ketchup, almost as common as mayo and ketchup and mustard in NL. People be like “pass me the curry sauce”.

We also have kerrie (pronounced carry), which is a mix of spices to create a yellow Dutchified curry. Very common, many people think it’s just another spice not knowing its origin. During my recent visits to tokos I found “Hindoestaanse Kerrie”, as in Indo-Surinamese kerrie, and me and the wife got very excited when we smelled it cause it smells “exactly” like the roti chicken we get at the roti shop. We tried to recreate it a few times, using various chicken masala “roti” mixes. Roti is from origin Indian, but in NL it’s surely the most popular Surinamese dish. It’s my wife’s favorite dish and you know what they say, happy wife...

Specifically, it’s a mix of
  • Cumin seed
  • Cucurma/turmeric
  • koriander
  • black cumin
  • mustard seed
  • black pepper
  • Fenugreek
Only difference with last time (older post) is I used some maggi boulion to prevent the spices from burning early on. I swear Surinamese love maggi cubes. Pan-fry some ginger and onions in oil, add chicken, remove chicken a few minutes later, add two tbsp curry powder, fry a little, add water (or maggi bouillion), stir a little, add chicken back.

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Simmered for a long time with lid on, adding water and stirring now and then. Added boiled potatoes and green beans et voila: Surinamese chicken roti without the roti, which is the bread that is supposed to go with it. It’s also missing boiled eggs fried a little at the start but meh.
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Roti from supermarket / grocery store sucks, and shop is closed. Could eat as is but I’m going to make pie… cause, why not :)

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Comfort food would be an understatement.
Oh I love the little pies, looks delicious.
Wish I could.. I grew tomatoes @ 2015..outdoor , they had purplish flesh. They split in the sides because I didn't know about watering as I did. They were probably the best tasting ones I've had .
Me too! I'm trying tomatoes again. I have a black thumb (weed survives me because, well, WEED), But check this! I have my first tomato! This is usually how it goes though. I'll get a few then the heat hits and goodbye tomatoes.
Fish fingers with pan-fried potatoes and tomato-cucumber-onion salad for dinner today. Nothing photo-worthy but not bad.

Tomorrow should be better, Surinamese Nasi Goreng (indonesian for fried rice) with Roast Pork Paramaribo. Pork tenderloin already swimming in marinade with squashed garlic, fresh ginger, honey and a bit of sugar. I’m probably going to put it in my outdoor mini oven with some wood.
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Pics of the mini oven too please. I'd love to see it.
The word curry appears in the Hobson Jobson dictionary of Anglo Indian words. While it generally means a dish with a spiced sauce, it is derived from the Tamil word Kari, referring to a tree leaf commonly used as an ingredient in cooking such dishes. I keep some in the freezer but they are better fresh.



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