possible K deficient or Magnesium deficiency?

i checked my tap water quick at lunch and the cheapie vivosun tds pen read 438 ppm and the ph was 6.8. tds was higher today than i remember it being before, so....
Holy shit. If that's correct that's super high. Does it go through a water softener or something?
wouldn't the softener remove the minerals? i dont know whats up. test time, i guess
Water softeners add shit. I want to say salts, but don't quote me on that, because I'm not really sure about them. I just know they'll fuck shit up. I'm pretty sure it's salt. That would explain why your plants look like that.
Do You have a water softener?
i have a water softener, but not on my "weed faucet".
water softeners use resin to remove calcium and magnesium from the water. the ca and mg ions bond with the resin. then they flush the minerals from the resin with salt water.
Hey Enki, did you ever figure out the cause of this issue & did the plant survive? What was your fix if so. Thanks!
Hey Enki, did you ever figure out the cause of this issue & did the plant survive? What was your fix if so. Thanks!
Unfortunately, both plants perished. I had covid through May and it was me or the plants, I guess.
I've not pinpointed my issues as of yet, but it's probably my tap water. I tried bottled spring water, distilled and am about to try RO.
I've switched to SIPs so they're all adequately watered now. Fed properly. I keep my tent at 25° and 64% RH.
I'm just plugging along, trying different things as I go.