I wanted to save money too, and work my away around even buying 2 bags, looking at the one parts instead, etc.. but 3-2-1 (2 part jacks) hydro for the win. Glad I got a limited lifetime supply while it was somewhat cheaper, like 2-3 years ago.
My good buddy worked at the local hydro shop back before then, his boss and the owner were family friends. Kinda spoiled me. I went shopping like a kid in a candy store, once a month or more in the overstock (smoke-out) room, for years, haha.
I got liter after liter of every nutrient line on the market. Pallet worth of green planet and NFTG sample boxes, etc. Gallons of Aqua flakes (worked fine in coco vs cocos A&b).. nova bloom, Every additive you could think of. A fresh mini sample jug of hydro gaurd every week. Lol, Some outdoor grows back then (soil and soilless, organic vs salts, etc) I used 20+ different products/brands throughout the season. My grow room cupboards are stocked with so much still that I haven't already gave away.
I was able to learn first hand that its all snake oil BS just like most products. All you need is solid minimal nute line, and nothing more really. I find it best to get the idea of anything being special out of your head, and supply only the essentials.
Jacks hydro fits that bill for me perfectly. Same batch can feed everything, even the veggies. I don't even care about adding silicates or anything else anymore either. Sucks the RO isn't working out for you.