welcome back....Had a nice little nap this afternoon. Took the Mrs about 20 minutes to wake me up. Haven't had a nap in awhile.
Almost drove over this guy the other day. He was just chillin in the middle of my road. I stopped got out and he gtfo.Chased another small juvenile rattlesnake out of my back yard yesterday afternoon, second one this spring. This one is about 12" long but the tail markings were different from the mouse killer from my garage, I think the mama I released last year reproduced:
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I guess I need to be careful if I stop there to take a piss...Almost drove over this guy the other day. He was just chillin in the middle of my road. I stopped got out and he gtfo.
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if it was near my house i would have chopped it’s bloody head off.
I guess I need to be careful if I stop there to take a pissssssssssss...
Ok I’m back! What have I missed guys?!
There was this thing, then another, then a sock showed up, then it was gone and people got stoned.Ok I’m back! What have I missed guys?!
Ok I’m back! What have I missed guys?!
Back from a small hiatus too. Lotsa life shit to deal with.