What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

Democrats should introduce a "Don't say god" bill. Make it illegal to teach about religion until adulthood, stop indoctrinating children.
Mass delusion is the norm Captain, yer an outlier! :lol: Be smart and harness the power of the LORD to do good and resist evil! It's easier to reprogram them, then to start with fresh firmware, installation is more difficult. Go with what ya got, like any war.
he's losing a lot of popularity, worldwide.
there are still a lot of adherents, but fewer every year, while Islam gains every year...

Don't kid yourself about Islam, secular society and science has had it's effect on them, in many ways too. European or Europeanized Muslims are pretty secular and generally pretty laid back. Even in their own countries where blasphemy and other shit is illegal, it is increasingly becoming form and not substance. Islam never had the divide between civil secular society and the religion like Christianity. The king was a descendant of the prophet, it was like if Jesus had kids, religion and politics were the same thing. There were no princes and bishops, kings and popes, divine law and civil law began to diverge long ago in the west. The process was suppose to be completed by America, NOT! :lol:
Don't kid yourself about Islam, secular society and science has had it's effect on them, in many ways too. European or Europeanized Muslims are pretty secular and generally pretty laid back. Even in their own countries where blasphemy and other shit is illegal, it is increasingly becoming form and not substance. Islam never had the divide between civil secular society and the religion like Christianity. The king was a descendant of the prophet, it was like if Jesus had kids, religion and politics were the same thing. There were no princes and bishops, kings and popes, divine law and civil law began to diverge long ago in the west. The process was suppose to be completed by America, NOT! :lol:
This. Islam is not the enemy. Jihadist Islam is a whole nother thing.
This. Islam is not the enemy. Jihadist Islam is a whole nother thing.
Little point in making a billion people unnecessary enemies, morons don't get it. When some people who've gone tribal, look at the "enemy" the more unxenophobic among us, can't see individuals, they become blind to individuality, all black people look alike and so do all Chinese. When a racist says "they all look alike to me", he ain't lying, their conditioned feelings and subsequent social conditioning have caused their perception to become narrowed, filtered and spun. Feelings distort perception and perception distorts feelings, if you perceive something that frightens you, then your perception changes to another mode of operation, some senses are ignored and some are focused and attended to it closely.

Religion like racism is a manifestation of tribalism and connected to a sense of community. Humans form sharing caring communities of mutual support and you don't do that with an enemy, or someone perceived as one by conditioning. We have many identities and many roles in society and belong to several tribes, professions, trades, unions, churches, free mansions and sports teams, even as fans.
Don't kid yourself about Islam, secular society and science has had it's effect on them, in many ways too. European or Europeanized Muslims are pretty secular and generally pretty laid back. Even in their own countries where blasphemy and other shit is illegal, it is increasingly becoming form and not substance. Islam never had the divide between civil secular society and the religion like Christianity. The king was a descendant of the prophet, it was like if Jesus had kids, religion and politics were the same thing. There were no princes and bishops, kings and popes, divine law and civil law began to diverge long ago in the west. The process was suppose to be completed by America, NOT! :lol:
i didn't mean to imply that the world was going to be run like a taliban state, just pointing out the shifting makeup of the religions in the world
Never have I been so happy to see a "for rent" sign. Thought for sure the owners were going to move into the Jesus house next door. Nope. It was just six months worth of repairs to get it back to rentable status.

It makes me very happy the Jesus jackass owners got screwed by their Jesus jackass tenants. I am super curious if they opted to just stop paying rent during the eviction moratorium to put together a down payment for the house they bought. Jesus gives people their excuse to be terrible and do terrible things with great self righteousness.