Examples of GOP Leadership

I would have gone with this picture. A kid bringing cans of food to the grave of his mother who starved to death. War, she is a bitch.


Where/when is this picture from?
yes there is something wrong with his image, he polls almost as bad as trump, and he's a MUCH better person and president, he should be polling a lot higher...he has to appear decisive and in control, to counter the absentminded doddering old man propaganda the republicans are pushing...politics is selling yourself, and no one wants to buy the wrinkled, rubbery carrot in the bottom of the produce cooler
I think the poll is accurate. 100% of Republicans and Independents who can't admit they are Republicans don't like Biden. They didn't in the fall of 2020 either. About 42% of this country voted for Trump and 42% disapprove of Biden today. Everybody else is horrified by Trump and his Republican Party. They will show up to vote for Democrats this fall.

In the past, 42% unfavorable rating meant Democrats might be in trouble come the fall elections. But I don't think these times can be called average. In the past, turnout is low during mid term elections. But these aren't normal times and the majority are not going to let the party of Trump take power. Republican leaders know this and so the are pushing through measures that in the past would discourage people from voting. But these aren't normal times. There will be a high turnout, which favors Democrats.

The only poll that matters is an election poll. Opinion polls taken this far away from an election are terrible at predicting what the electorate will do in November. But they do show that Republicans are standing firm as are Democrats and Independents who voted for Biden in 2020.

This is what I'm gleaning from the news today. It's just a guess but I'm not worried when a right wing troll comes by to tout the latest propaganda from the right wing echo chamber. They reek of desperation. They are still talking about Hunter's laptop as if it's news. Benghazi too. But Trump lost by a wide margin. Most people recognize who he and his party are. Nothing has changed.
Well he either didn't ask for one or they refused to give him one, most likely he didn't ask for one, he was busy trying to destroy the country and constitution. They didn't offer one, perhaps the guy who gave it to him quit that day and Donald never noticed.
Hey, Donald could run in 2024 while on probation! A slap on the wrist, some house arrest and he's good to go! :lol: What's a federal felony to a man like Trump?

Shit Garland might even give him a pass. The Lady justice statue in the DOJ lobby, must weep every time Garland walks by, the tears run out from under the stone blindfold and fall upon the marble floor like rain...
Hey, Donald could run in 2024 while on probation! A slap on the wrist, some house arrest and he's good to go! :lol: What's a federal felony to a man like Trump?

Shit Garland might even give him a pass. The Lady justice statue in the DOJ lobby, must weep every time Garland walks by, the tears run out from under the stone blindfold and fall upon the marble floor like rain...
All i can say in Garland's defense is he isn't doing the job he should be doing. He should have been placed on the supreme court, where i have no doubt he would have been an impartial, fair voice. he just does not seem to have it in him to go on the offensive.
I usually hate eating crow, but this is one situation where i'll eat the last feather happily, if he surprises me and prosecutes...well, fucking anyone involved with Jan 6th.
All i can say in Garland's defense is he isn't doing the job he should be doing. He should have been placed on the supreme court, where i have no doubt he would have been an impartial, fair voice. he just does not seem to have it in him to go on the offensive.
I usually hate eating crow, but this is one situation where i'll eat the last feather happily, if he surprises me and prosecutes...well, fucking anyone involved with Jan 6th.
I think the recent news about premeditation and teamwork regarding Jan 6 will have consequences.
All i can say in Garland's defense is he isn't doing the job he should be doing. He should have been placed on the supreme court, where i have no doubt he would have been an impartial, fair voice. he just does not seem to have it in him to go on the offensive.
I usually hate eating crow, but this is one situation where i'll eat the last feather happily, if he surprises me and prosecutes...well, fucking anyone involved with Jan 6th.
He'd better be saving it up for something big, like the biggest conspiracy trial in world history involving over a thousand defendants! Or waiting for them to nail his ass at a strategic time and place like Georgia with a trial on TV that will rip the guts out of the GOP this summer. He might wait until after the election this fall to get down to serious work, he's not a judge, he's suppose to be a general, fighting domestic enemies of the constitution. He is it's sword and shield, the only one, the military deals with foreign threats, he deals with domestic ones. If someone invaded America and the army sat on it's ass, what would happen to the general? Especially if he sat on his ass for a year while they raped, murdered and pillaged!
Hey, Donald could run in 2024 while on probation! A slap on the wrist, some house arrest and he's good to go! :lol: What's a federal felony to a man like Trump?

Shit Garland might even give him a pass. The Lady justice statue in the DOJ lobby, must weep every time Garland walks by, the tears run out from under the stone blindfold and fall upon the marble floor like rain...

What is our go-to if Garland doesn't come up with something? Since being there, what are Garland accomplishments?
What is our go-to if Garland doesn't come up with something? Since being there, what are Garland accomplishments?
He has a good rep and his style is tight lipped about investigations. He was the DOJ lead in the Oklahoma bombing and eventual execution of McVey
There are a lot of eyeballs on him, especially his peers in the legal community, this is history and he knows and cares about it! He appears to have given the mere idiots and dupes a walk, except for those who did violence or were inside the building. The teams of assholes leading the assault are as good as nailed and gone for good, as are those associated with them in the "plan". Next level up the food chain I'd say, then the next, until he reaches the top. I'm interested to see what he does with those 300 fake electors and those in the state houses who enabled them, probably 500 assholes involved in that conspiracy. Busting a few thousand of these assholes including Stone (Julien is coming to America, Russia if you are listening), Bannon Rudy and the rest of the cocksuckers, will give the American politic and real good enema. The effects of the cleansing will be felt for years. :lol:

I still think Merrick might have Georgia on his mind, we will see how long it takes him to indict Donald for the top secret documents he took home, while a private citizen. Usually it's a case of instant justice for everybody else who fucks with secret documents, people get fired and jailed all the time, right away too, often with little delay. This one is hard for Garland to duck, the fruit ain't just hanging low, it fell off the fucking tree and is rotting on the ground.
He'd better be saving it up for something big, like the biggest conspiracy trial in world history involving over a thousand defendants! Or waiting for them to nail his ass at a strategic time and place like Georgia with a trial on TV that will rip the guts out of the GOP this summer. He might wait until after the election this fall to get down to serious work, he's not a judge, he's suppose to be a general, fighting domestic enemies of the constitution. He is it's sword and shield, the only one, the military deals with foreign threats, he deals with domestic ones. If someone invaded America and the army sat on it's ass, what would happen to the general? Especially if he sat on his ass for a year while they raped, murdered and pillaged!
My thinking is they don't think they can get twelve folks without a trumpfster sneaking in. Look what happened with the guys trying to kill the Michigan governor. All it takes is one person and your case is screwed.
My thinking is they don't think they can get twelve folks without a trumpfster sneaking in. Look what happened with the guys trying to kill the Michigan governor. All it takes is one person and your case is screwed.
The great thing about a TV trial in Georgia this summer with republicans testifying against him and refuting the big lie, is they don't really need a conviction to rip the guts out of the GOP. Besides it will be wall to wall TV coverage in heavily democratic, half black Fulton county Georgia, the nation will be the real jury. I hope Donald freaks out in court while they are testifying and they have a 1/6 riot on the courthouse steps, along with a three ring circus. If Donald can't own the republican party he will try to destroy it, right now he's using it for toilet paper to wipe his ass. If he walks 10% of their base out of the party or tells them to stay home they are screwed in November. The war in Ukraine ain't helping Donald's cause either and that too is splitting the republicans.
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There are a lot of eyeballs on him, especially his peers in the legal community, this is history and he knows and cares about it! He appears to have given the mere idiots and dupes a walk, except for those who did violence or were inside the building. The teams of assholes leading the assault are as good as nailed and gone for good, as are those associated with them in the "plan". Next level up the food chain I'd say, then the next, until he reaches the top. I'm interested to see what he does with those 300 fake electors and those in the state houses who enabled them, probably 500 assholes involved in that conspiracy. Busting a few thousand of these assholes including Stone (Julien is coming to America, Russia if you are listening), Bannon Rudy and the rest of the cocksuckers, will give the American politic and real good enema. The effects of the cleansing will be felt for years. :lol:

I still think Merrick might have Georgia on his mind, we will see how long it takes him to indict Donald for the top secret documents he took home, while a private citizen. Usually it's a case of instant justice for everybody else who fucks with secret documents, people get fired and jailed all the time, right away too, often with little delay. This one is hard for Garland to duck, the fruit ain't just hanging low, it fell off the fucking tree and is rotting on the ground.
hope you're right, but i'll believe that when i see it
hope you're right, but i'll believe that when i see it
The delay in justice is driving cynicism to new heights, most are reserving judgement. IMHO the most important thing to save the republic is for the democrats to win in November and that the stupid spell has been broken a bit. It is legal and his discretion when these things happen, to a point and his time ain't up yet. If he wants to restore the integrity of the DOJ, he knows how to do it. But busting Donald federally will have little meaning if the republicans win in 2022 and win it all in 2024, they will pardon Donald and the whole works of them, officially, it never happened. So Merrick had better play smart, if he wants to preserve the rule of law and democracy in America, the republicans have proven themselves undemocratic, illiberal and lawless repeatedly, treasonous too IMHO.