Examples of GOP Leadership

I was just reading some of your quotes in signature..the one about deleted posts? If only life were that simple..your only concern is a possible deleted post which he probably had on another thread. I've done that, but we're stoners don't always remember and can get paranoid about. Then I realize it's just on another thread I mis-posted to.
There is more history there that I’m glad to ignore.
It is as a crusade, and as God is my witness, (cool stuff) ( thanks white people god) something.
There's nothing wrong with Biden's image. Polls are not shows. What's wrong is they can't stuff that fat ass Genie back in the bottle; they're privy to his behind the scenes and they don't want that crazy on their door steps; they have family, children.

And now Michigan has disgusted me; that's why my above sentence is true..they're letting the crazy go.

Our accountability @cannabineer. Attempted kidnapping, planned murder Governor of the State of Michigan.
yes there is something wrong with his image, he polls almost as bad as trump, and he's a MUCH better person and president, he should be polling a lot higher...he has to appear decisive and in control, to counter the absentminded doddering old man propaganda the republicans are pushing...politics is selling yourself, and no one wants to buy the wrinkled, rubbery carrot in the bottom of the produce cooler
Is this really any surprise? Donald won't say anything about that Saudi money! The feds will have to execute a search warrant and haul another ton or two out of Mar logo. Yep, best president America ever had and at least 60 million would vote for him again. After he got out of jail for election cheating and while he was on trial for conspiracy to overthrow the government of the USA by attacking the capitol and destroying the constitution. Russia if you're listening... You'll have to speak louder Donald, the sound of gun fire and explosions is drowning out your voice, Vlad can't hear you over the noise of battle.
The propaganda war as Ukraine puts the heat on some Europeans, they are right and these people are worms. One thing about Ukrainian PR, they don't lie very much, it's too easy to check up on them and they depend on western media support, so lying ain't smart. If they do need to lie, they can get away with it easier with a reputation for honesty.

They have a POV that is real easy to understand, they also don't need to lie about how bad the Russians and Putin are, we can see that for ourselves, everybody can.

"Peace talks" in a language that russians understand. Ukraine receives military help

It will be interesting to see who votes against lend lease in the US congress. Will Donald speak on the subject? It would sure be worth Vlad's time to give his old buddy a call and see if he can use his considerable influence to help out... Maybe someone should spoof a call from Putin to Trump, with Vlad asking Donald for his help in a thick Russian voice, while dropping some hints... Record it of course and use it after he shoots of this mouth about it and half the republicans in the house vote against it! :lol:

Hey don't laugh, if ya could get his number and spoof the call, he's plenty stupid enough to fall for it and to follow through.
I did a quick search on "tucker carlson" on YouTube and these were the results, wanna know what's wrong with America, scroll down the search results for one minute and look at the faces and titles. Wanna know why your relatives and friends went nuts and tried to kill themselves with covid and you with Trump?

Kill and regulate them or die as a country, it's that simple. Social division for profit on top of the existing social issues in America is a formula for disaster. America barely averted one already and had mass death of over a half million because of it, no other nation on earth suffered from covid as much, even the poor countries. You might own a Cadillac, but if you drive it in the ditch, it won't last long and will look like shit pretty quick.
This could spread to other places, if the judge rules against her, there are plenty of traitors in the GOP who would be vulnerable to this challenge, if they were successful. Should someone who supports the overthrow of the constitution be allowed to serve in a government where they are sworn to protect and uphold it? Can someone who openly advocates and works for the destruction of the nation and constitution be barred from office, or is the constitution a suicide pact?

Josh will git the brown folks and trigger the libs, that's all that matters to Josh's voters, they will overlook 1/6 and the Nazi salutes, at least the base who vote in primaries will. Others will go along too for the ride, but they ain't that radical, but will vote for it none the less and will willingly believe the most transparent of lies and distortions, even if their noses are rubbed in reality daily.

I'm surprised there aren't more on Putin's side, he is what they stand for after all, might over right, lie cheat and steal They is good Christian folks, who just happen to hate some Americans more than they love their country, like many of their ancestors before them did. They remember and endlessly honor the ancestors who betrayed their nation and forget about their grand dad who fought against the NAZIs. Even in the second world war, many joined the marines, so they didn't have to serve in the army, they wanted to kill Japs more than blond haired Germans. German prisoners of war were honored in the American south, invited to officer clubs, that black American officers were deigned.
Sen. Schatz Blasts Sen. Hawley In Fiery Senate Floor Speech
I did a quick search on "tucker carlson" on YouTube and these were the results, wanna know what's wrong with America, scroll down the search results for one minute and look at the faces and titles. Wanna know why your relatives and friends went nuts and tried to kill themselves with covid and you with Trump?

Kill and regulate them or die as a country, it's that simple. Social division for profit on top of the existing social issues in America is a formula for disaster. America barely averted one already and had mass death of over a half million because of it, no other nation on earth suffered from covid as much, even the poor countries. You might own a Cadillac, but if you drive it in the ditch, it won't last long and will look like shit pretty quick.
i'm alright with anyone who doesn't want the vaccine...more chance for them to die and not have a chance to fuck anything else up.
i was of the mind that they would breed more variants, possibly worse variants, but it has become apparent that there are fucking wingnut insane people all over the world, and they're all breeders...so fuck em, just let them run around unvaccinated and more of them will die, and i'm alright with that
This could spread to other places, if the judge rules against her, there are plenty of traitors in the GOP who would be vulnerable to this challenge, if they were successful. Should someone who supports the overthrow of the constitution be allowed to serve in a government where they are sworn to protect and uphold it? Can someone who openly advocates and works for the destruction of the nation and constitution be barred from office, or is the constitution a suicide pact?

don't get excited, a judge just shot down exactly the same kind of case against cawthorn, i see little chance of this succeeding, but stranger things have happened.
. . . . . . . . . They keep talking about 'all this happening and not one shot fired' they want Civil War.

I'd be careful what I'd wish for.
I would have gone with this picture. A kid bringing cans of food to the grave of his mother who starved to death. War, she is a bitch.

don't get excited, a judge just shot down exactly the same kind of case against cawthorn, i see little chance of this succeeding, but stranger things have happened.
Maybe ya need some minimum standards of conduct before serving in elected office? I mean the Devil himself could just blow the dog whistle in some places and get elected by a large margin of pseudo Christians! I mean oaths mean something and when some people break them like military people and civil servants they are held to account. Break a national security or military oath and suffer consequences, attempt to overthrow the government and attack the capitol and you get to run again?

Character does not count to their voters, imagine if someone like Trump was running Ukraine when it got invaded and not some liberal pussy like Zelenskiy?
Maybe Donald will go down first on mishandling National security secrets, with his hoard of classified documents at Mar logo. Everybody in the military and national security community, including FBI and DOJ officials are subject to these laws and many have been severely punished for even the most minor transgression. Garland has to act on this one for sure, it is an open and closed case, low hanging fruit, down to the ground and rotting there.

If he doesn't, he is no better than Trump himself and will be remembered that way. What he did rates years in federal prison for anybody else.