
I didn't know we made parts in NS for the F35 stealth plane. The Panels made here look like they are attached by fasteners, probably some sort of composite, aluminum rivets wouldn't work too well for stealth! Seems they are made from nonconductive carbon fiber and Kevlar, along with some sort of resin.
Nova Scotia shipbuilding town now helping build F-35 fighter jets
The Ukrainians know the name of the officer who gave that order to murder civilians and we will know his name one day soon.

Russian leaders order troops to kill civilians | NewsNation

Audio released by German intelligence appears to contain orders from a Russian military leader to his troops telling them to "slay" civilians in their way. Ret. Army Lt. Col. Daniel Davis believes the next phase of the fight will be fought in eastern Ukraine and resemble World War II.
I didn't know we made parts in NS for the F35 stealth plane. The Panels made here look like they are attached by fasteners, probably some sort of composite, aluminum rivets wouldn't work too well for stealth! Seems they are made from nonconductive carbon fiber and Kevlar, along with some sort of resin.
Nova Scotia shipbuilding town now helping build F-35 fighter jets
By spreading the work around, it keeps everyone happy.
No, just conventional, that's how it will most likely stay, kick them out of Ukraine and break his army so he can't come back. Retaliate in kind if they shoot across the border, straight up retribution, the only justice in war. Vlad will need to sign a peace or Ukraine will become a base of operation for revolution in Belarus and there will be thousands of Ukrainian volunteers in Georgia spoiling for a fight. Sign a peace and Ukraine will try to control the thousands of citizens who will take private vengeance and commit terrorist acts in Russia and attempts on Vlad's life by fanatics with nothing to live for, the war destroyed their past lives. Vlad will have to sign a peace, this war will work both ways before long and after they beat Vlad and break his army, they won't fear him and will torment him.

He is gonna lose Crimea and the eastern regions, they are rich in gas and they could help the EU out a lot and get more cash for reconstruction. Sell the gas ASAP, in a decade it might not have that big a market, if they go green new grid. There will be no peace possible until they are out of all of Ukraine. Uncle Sam just signed lend lease and is in for the long haul, but it won't be that long, unless they throttle the Ukrainians, they won't fuck around, they want it over and him out ASAP.
What is best for everyone except poot-poot and Ukraine is for this thing to drag out. Every week that goes by his army uses or loses billions in ammo and equipment. Not to mention the men killed, wounded, captured or deserted. All of which is going to be very hard if not impossible to replace. We will give the Ukrainians what they need to win. We just won't do it too quickly.

And what we do not want them to do is whip the Russians so bad they think their state is in peril of going under. We want poot-poot back inside his borders but not so beaten down that he will let the big birds fly.
If Uncle Sam and the intelligence community wanted revenge on Vlad, they've got it, he did it to himself, set himself up for a pounding and I figure he will get it. I don't think he will survive the aftermath, Russian regimes who lose wars don't last long, Vlad will be getting it from the liberals and the right wing lunatics who believe this bullshit the most and are pissed he failed and humiliated the country. The fight for liberal democracy has been move from America to his doorstep in one swift move that caught his fascist authoritarian allies and fans flat footed, except Trump and Tucker who had both their feet in their mouths. It has split the republican party wide open like a hot domestic issue and divided Donald from much of his base and CPAC fucked itself, couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Wars can be good for Presidents and especially one like this, no American lives lost, but lot's of Russians dying and getting beaten bad by the underdog. The recent atrocities in the news will be going on for awhile filling America's TV screens with horror and is hardening public support for Ukraine and Vlad is about as popular as a turd in the punch bowl. Not even foxnews was a match for Zelenskiy's PR campaign and other than Tucker, who I haven't heard much from lately, they dare not get on the other side of this one. If they win enough by fall, Zelenskiy will be in America, arm in arm with Joe walking before a joint session, he'd probably campaign with him, if he thought Trump would get back in. MTG, Bobo the clown and Gaetz will probably heckle him as he speaks and Trump will have something stupid to say, hopefully from custody...
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What is best for everyone except poot-poot and Ukraine is for this thing to drag out. Every week that goes by his army uses or loses billions in ammo and equipment. Not to mention the men killed, wounded, captured or deserted. All of which is going to be very hard if not impossible to replace. We will give the Ukrainians what they need to win. We just won't do it too quickly.

And what we do not want them to do is whip the Russians so bad they think their state is in peril of going under. We want poot-poot back inside his borders but not so beaten down that he will let the big birds fly.
True but, but he's gonna throw in the kitchen sink within a month, hopefully piecemeal, reinforcing failure so they can be destroyed in bite sizes, easier to digest. Destroy the remainder of this army and force him to feed troops in, then destroy his second army by the end of May and he should be flat broke and his available forces spent. Remember the first bunch were probably his best equipped and one unit had 90% of it's stored tanks pilfered of vital parts and non ferrous metals. The true strength of the Russian air force is probably a fraction of it's paper strength, pilots only flew 8 hrs a month etc.

If the Russians are interdicting Ukrainian supplies, then they need better AA defense and anti drome equipment. Joe needs to talk to Hungary's Orban about some Russian tanks and make some explicit threats to the bastard, if he doesn't come around and cough up his old soviet tanks. Tell him he will fuck him so bad he'll have to grow a new asshole to take a shit, him and Vlad are finished, get over it.
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They are fitting javelin missiles to the Bayraktar drones and I can understand why, if the can carry a couple and they have enough of them and the Russians can't counter them. Every night a dozen Bayraktar drones could destroy a couple of dozen tanks a night per sortie and might get a couple of sorties in a night, when coupled with other drones that drop bombs they could take out 50 targets a night. However I expect the Russian drone defense in the east to be strong and if the drones can carry anti radiation missiles to take out the Russian radars and counter measures, Uncle Sam of Europe should provide them, I can't see those things crossing some red line, with javelins flowing in by the thousands. The Ukrainians have ten javelins for every Russian tank and 25 anti tank weapons in total per Russian tank now. They need artillery, tanks, APCs and better air defense for this fight, rain in the weather might help too and keep the Russians on the roads.

Turkish drone is so effective, Ukrainian troops are singing about it

Drones are playing a key role in Ukraine's counter offensives against Russia's invasion. One is proving so effective that Ukrainian forces are singing its praises, literally. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh has the exclusive report.
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True but, but he's gonna throw in the kitchen sink within a month, hopefully piecemeal, reinforcing failure so they can be destroyed in bite sizes, easier to digest. Destroy the remainder of this army and force him to feed troops in, then destroy his second army by the end of May and he should be flat broke and his available forces spent. . . . . . . .
The reserves he called up will take a month to report. Then there is three months of boot camp. So they won't get to the fight until mid August. It may be over they then, but it looks like they are gearing up for the log haul.
The reserves he called up will take a month to report. Then there is three months of boot camp. So they won't get to the fight until mid August. It may be over they then, but it looks like they are gearing up for the log haul.
They don't train for nearly as long or as well as NATO troops, they are trained to follow orders, not to think for themselves and are trained in their trade, like artillery and not generally. If NATO troops came upon a drone wiped Russian mortar unit, they would know how to use the weapons against the enemy and would proceed to do so without orders and they were trained on enemy equipment. I figure 3 weeks of training then on the train to the slaughter house, driven like cattle by lot's of officers and sergeants with no real authority or much experience.

Personally I don't know where Vlad will find the warm bodies with the current bunch of conscripts the last of them are usually inducted in June. He would rather eat shit and die, than call up the reserves, he might be afraid to for a variety of reasons, the condition of their equipment being one of them.
Interesting, if it's true he's calling up reserves, we will soon find out, he can't keep that secret, or much else it seems.
Looks like they might be reinforcing failure and feeding units in piecemeal to the meat grinder the Ukrainians have set up. The Russians aren't the only ones training troops and at this point it is estimated Ukrainian combat loses are less than a third of the Russian ones and I figure they are near the high end estimates.

I guess Vlad has little choice but to call up the reserves, it also explains why Uncle Sam signed lend lease the other day. Ukraine is gonna go all out, before Vlad can ready new troops. They won't be just holding them in the east and waiting for assaults, there will be action on other fronts too. They need to clear them from as much of the country as they can and if this is the best that Vlad can do in the east for now, they might go for offensive operations to break them in the south. He's only got the army he came with, that has had loses replaced, or is in the process recovering from a beating.
They are fitting javelin missiles to the Bayraktar drones and I can understand why, if the can carry a couple and they have enough of them and the Russians can't counter them. Every night a dozen Bayraktar drones could destroy a couple of dozen tanks a night per sortie and might get a couple of sorties in a night, when coupled with other drones that drop bombs they could take out 50 targets a night. However I expect the Russian drone defense in the east to be strong and if the drones can carry anti radiation missiles to take out the Russian radars and counter measures, Uncle Sam of Europe should provide them, I can't see those things crossing some red line, with javelins flowing in by the thousands. The Ukrainians have ten javelins for every Russian tank and 25 anti tank weapons in total per Russian tank now. They need artillery, tanks, APCs and better air defense for this fight, rain in the weather might help too and keep the Russians on the roads.

Turkish drone is so effective, Ukrainian troops are singing about it

Drones are playing a key role in Ukraine's counter offensives against Russia's invasion. One is proving so effective that Ukrainian forces are singing its praises, literally. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh has the exclusive report.
Only a few seconds of it but I would like to know more of the unmanned fighter jet.
The reserves he called up will take a month to report. Then there is three months of boot camp. So they won't get to the fight until mid August. It may be over they then, but it looks like they are gearing up for the log haul.
Knowing the Russians and Vlad, the reservists will go to a depot to be equipped, then back on the train to the front! No training and shit equipment. They're just meat after all and when you ain't free, that's about all you are, meat about to be slaughtered.