
yeah i saw that rail map u put up earlier and in that region especially rail service is dominant, but the best is to hit those rails and bridges on the other side on Donbas, cut them off before they even get in.......
Tanks can only go a few hundred miles while eating fuel, before the tracks are fucked and they need rebuilding from parts made in Ukraine, or so it is said. Vlad doesn't have many tank transporters to do it by road and downed bridges can make the trips a lot longer. Cut the rail bridges in Russia and he will need to use the roads and drive his tanks down them to Ukraine, perhaps wearing some out completely before they get there, if they were poorly maintained. It's the same for all the logistics and fuel hundreds of extra kilometers by road and he has few trucks, fewer since the war started! Hitting fuel depots in the area would complicate things further. When Vlad does start his attack, it will be delayed, much weaker and easier to roll up to the border, where they shell the shit out of the retreating Russians in Russia!

this whole interview sounds like an ass kisser trying to keep his boss happy...'oh, who knows what he'll do if he feels like he's losing"....he'll fucking know what it feels like for the mighty red army to get their fucking asses kicked by a small army and a bunch of irregular troops, fighting with hand me downs. i bet that will be humbling for him, and a little humility seems to be something he needs, a lot.
well well well.......looks like more Nato applications coming ........

this one i can see happening...

these two...i'm on the fence...they gotta a lot of work to do from the 90's
so if they really need membership to keep from getting gobbled up by russia, they aren't desirable, it's only the countries that already have decent militaries and would give russia pause that are acceptable?...NATO should just man the fuck up and put a protective order in placew on every fucking country in Europe, tell putin that ANY more aggression occurs, and he can go ahead and push his fucking button, he has 4 or 5 neighbors with buttons of their own.
I imagine when they steal a civilian's phone to call home and it gets reported, they don't just cut it off, but monitor it and locate him and his unit with it. They control the cell network and the officers took the Russian troops phones, the officers use stolen phones too, because their own don't work in Ukraine.
Russian Soldier in Intercepted Phone Call Told About How He Lives In A Warzone To His Girlfriend!
so if they really need membership to keep from getting gobbled up by russia, they aren't desirable, it's only the countries that already have decent militaries and would give russia pause that are acceptable?...NATO should just man the fuck up and put a protective order in placew on every fucking country in Europe, tell putin that ANY more aggression occurs, and he can go ahead and push his fucking button, he has 4 or 5 neighbors with buttons of their own.

finland and Sweden are pretty capable on they're own, and they're already trading weapons etc. It's Bosnia and Kosovo, i'm on the fence about, i think they are EU members, but they are just a shade away from NATO imo
Don't do it twitter, you know what happened there, keep the censorship up and stand your ground.....

FUCK what russia demands...i think russia is just about done as a world power, at least for a generation or two....i wake up every day and say a small prayer to whatever powers be, that the thyroid cancer is real and aggressive...and painful
so if they really need membership to keep from getting gobbled up by russia, they aren't desirable, it's only the countries that already have decent militaries and would give russia pause that are acceptable?...NATO should just man the fuck up and put a protective order in placew on every fucking country in Europe, tell putin that ANY more aggression occurs, and he can go ahead and push his fucking button, he has 4 or 5 neighbors with buttons of their own.
Finland and Sweden would be a very good catch for NATO, they have good militaries and NATO uses their weapons. Besides Russia has turf Stalin stole that would make then next door neighbors with St Petersburg and sanctions could stay on until that is returned too, after Vlad dies while trying to shit a brick. Finland is pretty close to St pete's anyway and a great location for TV transmitters into Russia. They train with and are already integrated into NATO comm systems. They could join right away, and would be no burden, but a considerable asset and it would box Vlad in completely from Europe.

Since Turkey is 90% dependent on Ukrainian grain and other exports, they might guarantee a peace treaty with Ukraine and after this shit perhaps form a bilateral military alliance. Russia is weak and the asshole running Turkey wants his pet canal, this will both provide financing from the west and traffic for his canal with a shortcut to Europe via the black sea ports. Containers can come from the Suez canal, into the black sea and be unloaded in Ukrainian and EU container ports there, same for middle east oil and LNG tankers. His canal could be quite busy, Ukraine could be one of the richer countries in Europe 5 years after a peace and with lot's of Russian money rebuilding the place and fueling new industry. They are way more educated than the Russians, they never cut education, they increased it. Zelenskiy's character on TV was a high school teacher in a typical school, it was as good as any in North America.
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Oh I agree Kharkov is their northern anchor. Let them attack down roads mined with IEDs and ambushes every mile, through your reserves in hiding, who will be at their backs when the front passes through and busy at night. Get them tied up on the roads in stopped columns and destroy them with drones and long range artillery. Put up a token resistance at the front when they start their drive, pull back to secondary positions when they pound the front ones with artillery, then move back in, melt away and draw them into a series to traps along the highway to perdition. DON'T try and stop their advance in open battle, trade space for time and get them as far as you can from their supply bases, before counter attacking everywhere at one, in the front, the flanks and in the rear, using reserves to block roads in built up areas.
Russians call it that. It’s Kharkhiv.
guess what the Ukrainian farmers caught.....haha

Ukrainian farmers with a captured Russian TOS-1A thermobaric MLRS BM-1 launcher.

They can drive it up to the border and return the missiles at least to a Russian column or train! Most likely will form part of the reception committee for the Russians in the east. NATO allies probably have spare missiles for it.


The original rocket for the TOS-1A had a range of only 2,700 m (8,900 ft), but the improved version extends the range to 6,000 m (20,000 ft). Some sources say its range is 12 km.
Effective firing range: 500–3,500 m (TOS-1); 1...
Produced: TOS-1: 1987–present; TOS-1A: 200...

  • A set of rockets NURS (Russian: неуправляемый реактивный снаряд) MO.1.01.04 and MO.1.01.04M. These are 3.3 m (10 ft 10 in) and 3.7 m (12 ft 2 in) long and weigh 173 kg (381 lb) and 217 kg (478 lb) respectively. The original rocket for the TOS-1A had a range of only 2,700 m (8,900 ft), but the improved version extends the range to 6,000 m (20,000 ft). Some sources say its range is 12 km.[30] The system was modernized in 2016.[31] Modernized systems with active protection, new engine and launchers and other improvements were delivered in early 2018.[32][33] In March 2020, Russia introduced a new rocket for the TOS-1A with a range of 10 km.
Variants: TOS-1A, TOS-2

this whole interview sounds like an ass kisser trying to keep his boss happy...'oh, who knows what he'll do if he feels like he's losing"....he'll fucking know what it feels like for the mighty red army to get their fucking asses kicked by a small army and a bunch of irregular troops, fighting with hand me downs. i bet that will be humbling for him, and a little humility seems to be something he needs, a lot.
Nah he’s (Putin) just sacrificing some pawns in his chess Game, he’s got all the military advantage, expect more
they might, all i know is the Ukrainian farmers are banking it...
If past performance is anything to go by, they won't destroy their equipment without orders to do it, they won't do it on their own like NATO troops, using their own initiative. If they need to walk away from a tank, they might have to go back with an officer and he might not like burned out tanks. So why take the chance, just walk away if it ran out of gas or broke down, their repair units sucked too apparently.

I feel Vlad is in for a thumping in the coming weeks and there is talk about early may when the jig will be up. If this army is destroyed he doesn't have much left to throw in without calling up the reserves and he'd rather eat shit and die than do that apparently. God knows the junk they would be equipped with, nobody ever expected to use it, so if anything was not maintained and stripped for anything of value, it would be that old stuff the Russian reserves are suppose to use. They would probably starve to death before getting to Ukraine FFS and would be a lot easier to kill than the bunch currently there.
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If past performance is anything to go by, they won't destroy their equipment without orders to do it, they won't do it on their own like NATO troops, using their own imitative. If they need to walk away from a tank, they might have to go back with an officer and he might not like burned out tanks. So why take the chance, just walk away if it ran out of gas or broke down, their repair units sucked too apparently.

I feel Vlad is in for a thumping in the coming weeks and there is talk about early may when the jig will be up. If this army is destroyed he doesn't have much left to throw in without calling up the reserves and he's rather eat shit and die than do that apparently. God knows the junk they would be equipped with, nobody ever expected to use it, so if anything was not maintained and stripped for anything of value, it would be that old stuff the Russian reserves are suppose to use. They would probably starve to death before getting to Ukraine FFS and would be a lot easier to kill than the bunch currently there.

i've been hearing chatter of May 9th for some reason.....