January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
That's just elected officials, there were other unelected republicans involved too. There was as much law breaking going on in the statehouses, as in the capitol on 1/6

'Nearly 300' GOP state legislators may be implicated in Trump's coup attempt
This shouldn’t surprise *anyone at all*: overthrow strategists have been aggressively radicalizing the grass roots since desegregation became the law of the land. YES, that *is* a scary fucking thought.

At the same time, they aggressively radicalized *ME* 60+ years ago: I’ve fairly well broken myself fighting this bullshit since BEFORE desegregation (yes, I *am* that old…but I got a REAL early start, having been witness to truly horrific white-on-black violence (and *racism-motivated* white-on-*white* violence) as a child growing up *surrounded* by black citizens I knew and trusted - and seeing the fear in my own heart reflected in their faces around me…).

I’ve always known which side I’m on, and I WILL NEVER GIVE UP. When I run into one of these yahoos telling me to ‘stop watching CNN’ and ‘do some research’ it reminds me all over again that these ignorant opportunists must not win…and rouses the part of me that will never suffer these fools - gladly or otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
This shouldn’t surprise *anyone at all*: overthrow strategists have been aggressively radicalizing the grass roots since desegregation became the law of the land. YES, that *is* a scary fucking thought.

At the same time, they aggressively radicalized *ME* 60+ years ago: I’ve fairly well broken myself fighting this bullshit since BEFORE desegregation (yes, I *am* that old…but I got a REAL early start, having been witness to truly horrific white-on-black violence (and *racism-motivated* white-on-*white* violence) as a child growing up *surrounded* by black citizens - and seeing the fear in my own heart reflected in the faces around me…).

I’ve always known which side I’m on, and I WILL NEVER GIVE UP. When I run into one of these yahoos telling me to ‘stop watching CNN’ and ‘do some research’ it reminds me all over again that these ignorant opportunists must not win…and rouses the part of me that will never suffer these fools - gladly or otherwise.
If they win it would be the end of liberal democracy and you'd need a coup or a civil war to get it back. The assholes would be soon setting up extermination camps for blacks , browns and eventually anybody smarter than them, which includes most people. Hopefully what is going on in Ukraine will have a positive effect in America. However I have faith in Donald, he is gonna rip the GOP to pieces like a bull in the China shop, before ya cage him!


Well-Known Member
If they win it would be the end of liberal democracy and you'd need a coup or a civil war to get it back. The assholes would be soon setting up extermination camps for blacks , browns and eventually anybody smarter than them, which includes most people. Hopefully what is going on in Ukraine will have a positive effect in America. However I have faith in Donald, he is gonna rip the GOP to pieces like a bull in the China shop, before ya cage him!

Mission accomplished on the ripping the Insurrectionists to pieces: the pieces are still falling, so the crushing of the guilty will happen as they land. The Ukrainian invasion has further crystallized things; scales are falling from the eyes of the willfully blind; revulsion and rejection are setting in. Don’t breathe a sigh of relief…it ain’t over ‘til it’s over…and it ain’t over


Ursus marijanus
If they win it would be the end of liberal democracy and you'd need a coup or a civil war to get it back. The assholes would be soon setting up extermination camps for blacks , browns and eventually anybody smarter than them, which includes most people. Hopefully what is going on in Ukraine will have a positive effect in America. However I have faith in Donald, he is gonna rip the GOP to pieces like a bull in the China shop, before ya cage him!
Don’t forget sex sinners.


Well-Known Member
The scary thing is their check down list. The whole rapist mentality that we are taught to 'shoot for the moon, so even if you miss...' mindset of these insurrectionist hate mongers.

They won't get their Euro-White nationalist dream, so they settle for still beating anyone up (and getting away with it) who dares to talk truth about things like their mega-church systems that are actively working to politicize and destabilize our public education systems and fund tax free dark money groups.


Well-Known Member
The scary thing is their check down list. The whole rapist mentality that we are taught to 'shoot for the moon, so even if you miss...' mindset of these insurrectionist hate mongers.

They won't get their Euro-White nationalist dream, so they settle for still beating anyone up (and getting away with it) who dares to talk truth about things like their mega-church systems that are actively working to politicize and destabilize our public education systems and fund tax free dark money groups.
Tax churches, not charities, it's constitutional too, their social preference is unconstitutional and secular organizations should have the same rights. Believe bullshit and get a tax break for it, believe the evidence and science and get none. So Americas have a financial incentive, put in place by the government, to believe lies. Is it a stretch that you could get a tax break if you believe the big lie too? How about Santa Claus?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Defying subpoenas is the least of their worries, from what I can see, when the 1/6 committee is done, the DOJ can put a significant part of the republican party in prison for seditious conspiracy and other things related to overthrowing the government. All those false republican electors from the states who signed off on those documents and those who helped or enabled them too. Then there is the bunch in the WH with Trump. I think the theory is you can only jail Trump once and for so long anyway, before nature takes care of the problem.

I suspect that Trump will be on trial in Fulton Co Georgia by summer for election cheating. Trials in Georgia unlike many other places are on TV and it will be wall to wall national coverage. Top republican officials will be testifying against him in public and it could mean a criminal record and time in custody of some sort. The republicans will have to challenge the big lie directly under oath and Donald might lose control, we hope...

If this happens, Donald will go insane, there will be riots on the courthouse steps in Georgia, but Fulton Co is heavily democratic and half black. I don't think this prosecutor will give Donald a pass. He would have a very hard time screaming political witch hunt with republicans testifying against him in a southern red state. It will destroy or damage his hold over the republican party and if Donald can't control it, he will try to destroy it and keep his base home in November out of spite and retribution.

I figure with the war in Ukraine and Donald freaking out like Chuckie with a knife inside the GOP, it's the best hope the Americans have in November. Of course Joe doing an excellent job helps too, but facts don't matter to nearly half the population, perhaps this will though.
I’ll bet you a lobster dinner (I eat like 5 at a setting lol) that he never spends a day in jail. I may be heading out east in August ;).


Well-Known Member
I’ll bet you a lobster dinner (I eat like 5 at a setting lol) that he never spends a day in jail. I may be heading out east in August ;).
I read he won't go to jail and can't because of the secret service detail, they will have to keep him in custody, house arrest, whatever that means. I think that the supermax in Colorado could cut secret service costs significantly with one guy shoving his food try through the grub hole in his cell door.

The main thing about the trial in Georgia that concerns us, is it will very likely be on TV as all trials there are. Republican officials will be testifying against him and refuting the big lie to his face in public. He might not be able to restrain himself.... Entertainment aside, Donald should freak out, the divisions in the GOP are widening since the war and Donald just asked Vlad for help on TV again! Many of the republicans have been seduced by the fight for liberty with citizens using guns and guts fighting for freedom! It's yer average republican incel's wet dream FFS and the issue is cracking them wide open, along with other things. If Donald tells the base to stay home out of spite, the republicans are fucked if just 10% of them stay home in November.


Well-Known Member
I’ll bet you a lobster dinner (I eat like 5 at a setting lol) that he never spends a day in jail. I may be heading out east in August ;).
Lobster is cheap here, or was, come in season and check when it is in the area yer going, they sell them just down the road from my place. I don't eat them myself, never cared for them or seafood much, everybody in my family and all my friends eat them. Actually a box of live lobster on ice ain't to expensive if a few fiends chip in for a feed, friends used to fly them in by the box or several for a party every now and again. I went with a group of about 80 guys to Winnipeg from Moncton in 89, when the main shop closed down, technology. There are places on the east coast, lobster pounds, that do it, but I dunno what prices are like these days after the 2008 financial fiasco the market collapsed for a few years and prices were dirt cheap.


Well-Known Member
Russia if you are listening, CAN I HAVE ASYLUM? :lol:

A rare leak from Joe's WH. Federal cases look like political revenge and federal trials aren't on TV, Trials in Georgia are and republicans have to testify and refute the big lie, on TV with wall to wall coverage, this spring or summer. Georgia is the only place they can have a TV trial, not NY and not a federal trial, no cameras. It could be the reason for dropping charges in NY and slow walking federal indictments as much as possible. Dunno the reason, but if the feds don't indict him, Georgia will and when the feds charge him it will be as part of a conspiracy involving many others, big time for conspiracy. Garland cannot let it slide, he will go down in legal infamy as a fucking unfit idiot and accessory after the fact. There will come a point when the entire top leadership of the DOJ will resign or threaten to, then it will be too late, Joe must remove him and it will label him a failure, because he would be. So I figure the feds will indict Donald after Georgia makes the news and TV history, holding off until after the election would be a serious mistake IMHO and the democrats in congress will lose their minds. Though ya never know what might happen with a TV Trump trial in Georgia, it could end up looking like 1/6!
NYT: President Biden says Trump is "a Danger to Democracy" and "Should be Prosecuted"

We've had some important developments on the justice front in recent days, including:

Federal Judge David Carter finds Trump "likely committed crimes to stay in power"

The Department of Justice widens its criminal probe to include funders and organizers of the pre-insurrection rally, as well as the fake electors

For past two months, DOJ as been issuing grand jury subpoenas, involving "officials in former President Trump's orbit"

Now comes new reporting from the New York Times that President Biden, as recently as late last year, was telling those close to him that Trump is "a danger to democracy" and "should be prosecuted." The reporting also indicates that President Biden wants Attorney General Merrick Garland to act more like a prosecutor and "less like a ponderous judge."

Given that the DOJ is supposed to be independent from the White House on matters of who to prosecute, when to prosecute and if to prosecute, will this latest revelation impact AG Garland's approach to the course of the investigation into Trump and company?
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Well-Known Member
Judge rules Bannon cannot argue he was relying on legal advice in defying Jan. 6 subpoena
A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that Stephen Bannon cannot argue that he was relying on his lawyer’s advice in defying a congressional subpoena when the former Trump adviser goes to trial on contempt charges this summer.

In a four-page decision, U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols rejected Bannon’s argument that he should be allowed to raise the legal defense despite court precedent that holds that it is invalid in the context of criminal contempt of Congress charges.

The ruling is a blow to Bannon’s legal defense, as his lawyers had been hoping to argue at trial that he was relying on their good-faith advice when he defied the subpoena from the House Jan. 6 select committee.

Bannon was indicted in November on the misdemeanor contempt charges after Congress issued a criminal referral to the Justice Department in response to his stonewalling.

Congress later voted to hold former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows in contempt over his own defiance of a select committee subpoena. But Democrats have grown increasingly frustrated, as federal prosecutors have yet to bring charges nearly four months after the House issued its criminal referral.

On Wednesday, the select committee is set to vote on whether to refer two more former Trump aides — Dan Scavino and Peter Navarro — to the full House for a contempt vote.

The ruling by Nichols, a Trump appointee, could make it harder for the select committee’s targets to justify defiance of congressional subpoenas if the Justice Department continues to bring charges on the House referrals.

An attorney for Bannon did not immediately respond when asked for comment.

Bannon’s trial is set to begin on July 18.


Well-Known Member
Lawsuit just filed, on behalf of a group of Arizona voters, new 14.3 challenges to the eligibility of Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, and Mark Finchem to appear on the 2022 ballot. The mandate of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment must be followed.


Well-Known Member
That's just elected officials, there were other unelected republicans involved too. There was as much law breaking going on in the statehouses, as in the capitol on 1/6

'Nearly 300' GOP state legislators may be implicated in Trump's coup attempt
Now we have to have them accountable.


Well-Known Member
New Evidence Jan. 6 Included ‘Coordinated Assault’ By Far-Right Groups

The Guardian reports that the January 6th committee has obtained new, private evidence leading them to believe the Capitol attack included a “coordinated assault perpetrated by the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys."