What Would an Evangelical Christian Country Be Like

it's probably a good thing i'm not very wealthy. if i saw that truck on the road and had cash to burn, i'd go to a car lot, buy a piece of shit truck, the heaviest they had, and just ram it into the side of that truck, and then i'd drive it to that family get together and ram it into that fat fuck, but his stomach would probably just absorb the impact....
He has legit Kung Fu Panda moves, especially at a buffet.
it's probably a good thing i'm not very wealthy. if i saw that truck on the road and had cash to burn, i'd go to a car lot, buy a piece of shit truck, the heaviest they had, and just ram it into the side of that truck, and then i'd drive it to that family get together and ram it into that fat fuck, but his stomach would probably just absorb the impact....
You will burn with the devil. lol.
Vaccines are bullshit fauci wutang clan nonsense....and so is fetal alcohol syndrome!

*scrolls to next picture

See, bullshit spread by libs, drink em if you got em pregnant ladies. Menthol keeps babies lungs clean, that's why it smells so fresh.
Reagan as Governor was before my time and I was just a kid during his POTUS run, but my dad was a huge supporter. . ..i always found it odd that my dad was an ex hippie "pothead" type but was always a stout Republican supporter up until 2016. Anyways. . .. ALL taxes are burdensome, some more than others. Check California's gas price average vs the rest of the country, and I mean prices last year or even pre-Pandemic. We've always paid more, less than HI and I think that's it. We're taxed harder for road maintenance than anywhere else. And don't even get me started on stack of taxes non-medical customers pay at dispo's, it's crazy!
So your dad was one of the “Reagan democrats”, eh? At least he turned around when he caught whiff of Trump…but that’s not saying much for him (still, credit where it’s due). Honestly, it’s kind o’ funny, the way you carry on about weed taxes: *every* “legalization” scheme has been a straight-up money gouge, CA no exception - the ENTIRE POINT of the exercise is to shift taxes AWAY from the folks with the money, and settle the burden on working people - *and* plump up the state coffers to enable pork/pet projects for the entrenched and well-connected.

You may not know where that “taxation is theft” line came from, so I’ll tell you: it was part of the Jim Crow reaction to ending segregated schools. Crow had NO interest in educating the descendants of slaves, and the idea that THEIR TAX MONEY would be used IN ANY AMOUNT to desegregate schools, and have little black boys and girls go to school with their precious aryan youth, just lit them right the fuck up.

Interestingly, Virginia decided it would be better to CLOSE THE SCHOOLS, and use TAX MONEY to hand out school vouchers for *private* (and exclusively *christian*) schools, so their precious angels wouldn’t have their precious bodily fluids assaulted by the presence of Negros. Would you consider that use of taxes to be “burdensome”?

And i in no way favor the disproportionate use of education money, WTF tangent are you on??? :-|Just because i generally disagree with taxation as a whole doesn't mean I'm indirectly quoting Jim Crow policies, lol wow guy
The utter moral bankruptcy of Christianity today, following in the footsteps of Christian rulership/domination for the last 2000 years…and they are JUST AS DANGEROUS *NOW* AS THEY WERE THEN

And i in no way favor the disproportionate use of education money, WTF tangent are you on??? :-|Just because i generally disagree with taxation as a whole doesn't mean I'm indirectly quoting Jim Crow policies, lol wow guy
Well, you know what they say - ignorance is no excuse…and those who won’t learn from history repeat the mistakes of history? Now you know.